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Social Media Monitoring Tools - An Overview

Social Media Monitoring Tools - An Overview

Médias sociaux : de l’écoute à l’évalutation | Etudes en marketi Petit rappel synthétique de l’ordre des démarches à entreprendre dans le cadre d’une présence sur les réseaux sociaux : Chacune de ces démarches est importante et ne doit pas être oubliée. Ci-dessous quelques ressources pouvant vous être utile pour les étapes citées ci-dessus : 1-. 2-. 3-. Pas de ressources, juste deux exemples : 4-. [issuu viewmode=presentation backgroundcolor=2A5083 showflipbtn=true documentid=100403112943-554efb5aa24246dc8071e6ba91b6f359 docname=web_analytic username=vansnick loadinginfotext=web%20analytic width=420 height=595 unit=px] 5-. White papers en français par atinternet

E-réputation : construire. Oui, mais comment ? Nous l »avons dit dans un billet récemment, et dans une publicité, qui est parue aujourd »hui dans Stratégies : une e-réputation, ça ne se nettoie pas, ça se construit. On nous objecte : oui, mais comment ? Sous l »air de dire : c »est bien beau de nous dire ce qu »il ne faut pas faire, mais si on avançait ? Avançons. Construire sa e-réputation, ça peut se faire en quelques étapes. Quelle est la synthèse de votre réputation en ligne ? Faire le bilan, c »est donc explorer d »abord la demande, adopter le point de vue de vos publics, et faire ressortir, puis analyser, ce qui est produit par le web à votre égard. Chez Spintank, on appelle cette étape Imagetank (parce qu »on aime bien les noms qui reprennent un bout de notre propre nom). Une fois qu »on a la vision de synthèse, et l »analyse stratégique qui va avec, il faut comprendre d »où elle provient. L »enjeu, c »est de se donner une intelligence de votre écosystème en ligne. C »est là que ça se complique. Rassurez-vous : ça va vite.

Best Tools to Analyze, Aggregate, and Visualize Twitter Data | T Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Estimates of the number of daily users vary as the company does not release the number of active accounts. In November 2008, Jeremiah Owyang of Forrester Research estimated that Twitter had 4-5 million users. A February 2009 blog entry ranks Twitter as the third largest social network (behind Facebook and MySpace), and puts the number of users at roughly 6 million and the number of monthly visitors at 55 million. Find below a collection of the best tools to analyze, aggregate, and visualize twitter data. Please add a comment if you’d like us to look at additional tools. Twitterholic not only shows top 100 lists by number of friends, followers and updates, but it also shows detailed information for a Twitter user account. Twist Twitter Spectrum TweetVolume Twitt(url)y

Social Media Monitoring 101, How to Get Started | Social Media E You’ve probably heard people talking about social media monitoring. It’s wise to listen to conversations before you participate in them. Social media monitoring allows you to do just that. But many brand and marketing managers responsible for social media don’t quite understand what social media monitoring is and why it’s important. Social Media Monitoring Is Listening Listening to online conversations is technically done without ears. Seeing these results reveal which websites or blogs you should visit to either see what people are saying about you or actually participate in those conversations. Social Media Monitoring Can Be Free The easiest way to start monitoring social media is to sign up for some free tools and services. You can also search for your company or product name on Twitter to see real-time conversations that include mentions or discussions of your brand. Paid Social Media Monitoring Solutions Are Often Worth the Investment Monitoring Is Only the First Step

Appbistro - The best place to find Facebook Page tab application Avoid selective hearing with 20 top social media monitoring tool You hear that? … What about that? … Still can’t hear it? What you’re probably not hearing is the sound of people talking about your brand online. Unconvinced? Chances are that if you work for a big brand, your PR agency is listening to what the media and big bloggers say about you. There are painless and time-efficient social media monitoring tools that you and/or your PR agency can use to learn about what people are saying about you. By one count, I’ve read that there are over 100 social media monitoring tools out there. Free tools: BoardTracker: This search facility allows you to effectively search forums and discussion boards. BlogPulse Conversation Tracker: Run by AC Nielsen, this tool allows you to search for a company name and see a threaded view of the conversational graph that emerges. BlogPulse Trend Search: “BlogPulse Trend Search allows you to create graphs that visually track “buzz” over time for certain key words, phrases or links. Paid apps: Be Sociable, Share!

Twitter monitoring tools list | Liberate Media - social media an Online brand reputation or social media listening software - a r Stratégie web (SEO, SEM) étude de cas Role Model par Mohammed AL 30+ Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed If you've been shirking your social media reading responsibilities this week, here's your chance to make it right. See below for a week's worth of guides, lists, and analysis you need to stay on your social game. This batch includes some great Twitter trend trackers, a peek into the future of the "smart home," and some sound social business strategies. If you need a bird's eye view of all the weekly resources published here on Mashable, head over to the back catalog anytime. No, no, don't thank us. Social Media HOW TO: Rent Anything OnlineOften you can save money by renting instead of taking the purchase plunge. For more social media news and resources, you can follow Mashable's social media channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook. Tech & Mobile For more tech news and resources, you can follow Mashable's tech channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook. Business

Gradual Engagement Boosts Twitter Sign-Ups by 29% Twitter recently redesigned their sign-up process to boost new user engagement. Though the new sign-up process added one more screen, conversions went up 29%. How? Gradual engagement. Gradual engagement is the process of moving a user through an application or service – actually engaging with it, and seeing it's benefits. When done right, gradual engagement communicates the core essence of a service with a few lightweight interactions. Through their user research, Twitter found that while celebrities (and their tweets) were a big reason people came to Twitter, they did not keep them there. Twitter's previous sign-up process didn't hit the mark. In the redesigned sign-up flow on Twitter, the first thing people see after creating an account is a set of topics they may be interested in. In the previous sign-up process, new users were seeing things that were random (most popular), now the first thing they do is curate what they care about. More About Twitter's Sign-Up Redesign

Vitrue: We make brands social Oracle Social Relationship Management delivers the first, unified solution for social monitoring, marketing, applications, engagement and analysis, and it fully integrates products from Vitrue including Publisher, Tabs, Shops, Games, Open Graph Object and Analytics.
