Knock Hardy KNOCKHARDY PUBLISHING produces notes and other resources for AS and A2 Level Chemistry. The module references are for the AQA and OCR examinations but the material applies equally well to other specifications. The pages are saved as PDF files and may be freely read and printed for personal use but they may not be revised or circulated in any other form without the consent of Knockhardy Publishing. JONATHAN HOPTON Selected Pre-2008 specifications Last amended 23/08/2017 Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 5 Module numbers refer to the latest OCR specification. These, and other, animated gifs are to be found inside my Powerpoint presentations. Complete topics summarised on one sheet Single page help sheets © 2001, 2008, 2015 Knockhardy Publishing and Jonathan Hopton FORMATION OF SODIUM CHLORIDE GCSE Chemistry resources: F321 F322 F323 F324 F325 Unit numbers refer to the OCR specification. NOTES FOR 2015 SPECIFICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE - see below Mod 6
AQA – GCSE Additional Science GCSE Additional Science offers students a broad, coherent course of study that adds to their knowledge and understanding of the living, material and physical worlds. For Key Stage 4 (KS4) learners it is a good follow on from GCSE Science A or B. The three core Sciences of Biology, Chemistry and Physics are taught separately using Unit 2 modules from the individual subject GCSEs. This specification allows subject specialists to teach the appropriate units focussing on their area of expertise, or it can be taught by an integrated Science teacher. Teachers can choose between two routes: three separate exams in Biology, Chemistry and Physics together with a controlled assessment, ortwo combined exams plus the controlled assessment. It is suitable for students of all abilities and helps students to understand theoretical concepts alongside developing practical science skills. Specification Amended due to Changes to GCSEs.
BUILDING BIG: Home Page Explore large structures and what it takes to build them with BUILDING BIG™, a five-part PBS television series and Web site from WGBH Boston. Here are the main features of the site: Bridges, Domes, Skyscrapers, Dams, and Tunnels. The Labs Try your hand at our interactive engineering labs. The Challenges Take on the challenges of building big. Wonders of the World Databank Explore our databank of big structures. Local Wonders Investigate big structures near you. Who Builds Big? About the Series Learn more about the shows, and see a chat with David Macaulay. Educators' Guide How to use the Web site, with hands-on activities. Shop Building Big DVDs and books from David Macaulay available at Site Tour Learn more about the features in this site. Site Map The whole site at a glance. Web Credits Feedback Help
Doc Brown's (chemistry teacher) GCSE Science Biology Physics HOMEPAGE Revision Notes Quizzes e-learning website free to use online Practice Problems Here are some additional practice problems for this lesson. You can check the answers by clicking on the Answer link to the right. (Use atomic weights that are precise to the hundredths place.) (Modified from Exercise 8) - Gram-mole Practice Problems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (Modified from Exercise 13) - Practice Calculating Formula Weights 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 8. (Modified from Exercise 14) - Gram-mole Practice Problems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (Modified from Exercise 17) - Practice Calculating Composition From Formula 2. 3. 5. 6. (Modified from Exercise 19) - Practice Determining Empirical Formulas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (Modified from Exercise 21) - Practice Determining Molecular Formulas 1. 2. 3. 4. Top of Page Back to Course Homepage E-mail instructor: Sue Eggling
REACTIONS What is a chemical reaction? Examples of chemical changes, physical changes, and some gray areas. Chemical equations of chemical reactions.Balancing equations. Balancing ionic equations with polyatomic ions. Balancing combustion (burning) equations. A chemical reaction is material changing from a beginning mass to a resulting substance. A chemical equation is a way to describe what goes on in a chemical reaction, the actual change in a material. Back to the top of Reactions. Chemical reactions, also called chemical changes, are not limited to happening in a chemistry lab. A silver spoon tarnishes. Ag2S An iron bar rusts. 2 Fe2O3 Methane burns. An antacid (calcium hydroxide) neutralizes stomach acid (hydrochloric acid). CaCl2 + 2 H2O Glucose (simple sugar) ferments to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. 2 C2H5OH (ethyl alcohol) + 2 CO2 Alcohol plus oxygen becomes vinegar and a molecule of water. Here are some examples of changes that are NOT chemical reactions. _ Ag+ (NO3)- + _ Ca2+ Cl-2 Easy.
Biology For Kids - The Biology Corner Science Science Clips Definitely one not to be missed! Fabulous interactive Flash science activities for primary-aged children matched to curriculum requirements throughout the UK. Brilliant for use on interactive whiteboards too. Planet Under Pressure BBC News Online explores our planet's most pressing environmental issues. ReThink Super Flash games and animations which can help you with the 3 R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Energy Home Do you know what energy is and what uses energy? Practical Chemistry A growing site for chemistry teachers and technicians. Super Science A fantastic, free resource which comprises of 12 online science experiments. Free Absorb Content on Yenka 800 free interactive classroom resources aimed at 14+ age group and perfect for use on interactive whiteboards. Cool Creations All about Autumn Find out about autumn in simple, illustrated text for children by Topmarks. ExpeRimental - Simple Science Experiments
HyperPhysics Concepts About HyperPhysics Rationale for Development HyperPhysics is an exploration environment for concepts in physics which employs concept maps and other linking strategies to facilitate smooth navigation. For the most part, it is laid out in small segments or "cards", true to its original development in HyperCard. The entire environment is interconnected with thousands of links, reminiscent of a neural network. Part of the intent for this exploration environment is to provide many opportunities for numerical exploration in the form of active formuli and standard problems implemented in Javascript. New content for HyperPhysics will be posted as it is developed. A resource that was initiated as a resource for local high school physics teachers whom I had taught has expanded into an intensively used website worldwide. CD or DVD versions have been sent to 86 countries to date, and translations into German, Italian, Chinese, and Español have been licensed and are underway. HyperPhysics (©C.R.
The Virtual Lab Series BioInteractive’s virtual labs have won several awards, including top honors in the Pirelli INTERNETional Award competition, which recognizes the best multimedia products designed to use the Internet to educate about science and technology. Designed in close consultation with educators and scientists, these virtual labs are fully interactive biomedical laboratory simulations and provide students with skills and techniques used in scientific research. BioInteractive’s series of virtual labs allows students to examine heart patients, analyze DNA sequences, probe the nervous system of a leech, use human antibodies to diagnose disease, and measure physical traits of stickleback fish and anole lizards to examine key concepts in evolution. Each lab provides an interactive environment in which students perform experiments and collect their data, and answer questions to assess their understanding. The labs can be accessed by clicking the icons on the right-hand side of the page.