Knock Hardy KNOCKHARDY PUBLISHING produces notes and other resources for AS and A2 Level Chemistry. The module references are for the AQA and OCR examinations but the material applies equally well to other specifications. The pages are saved as PDF files and may be freely read and printed for personal use but they may not be revised or circulated in any other form without the consent of Knockhardy Publishing. JONATHAN HOPTON Selected Pre-2008 specifications Last amended 23/08/2017 Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3 Mod 4 Mod 5 Module numbers refer to the latest OCR specification. These, and other, animated gifs are to be found inside my Powerpoint presentations. Complete topics summarised on one sheet Single page help sheets © 2001, 2008, 2015 Knockhardy Publishing and Jonathan Hopton FORMATION OF SODIUM CHLORIDE GCSE Chemistry resources: F321 F322 F323 F324 F325 Unit numbers refer to the OCR specification. NOTES FOR 2015 SPECIFICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE - see below Mod 6
General Chemistry Online Common Compound Library A searchable database of over 800 common compound names, formulas, structures, and properties. Companion Notes Hyperlinked notes and guides for first semester general chemistry. Construction Kits Flash-based kits for building chemical formulas, names, equations, and problem solutions. Articles Featured articles, books, and tutorials. Toolbox Interactive graphing, popup tables, and calculators. Tutorials Index of self-guided tutorials, quizzes, and drills on specific topics. Origin of the Periodic Table I know what the periodic table looks like, but where did it come from? Whose idea was it to arrange the elements this way? He set them out in order of atomic weight, and then grouped them into rows and columns based on their chemical and physical properties. 1869...that's way before the Schrödinger model, or even the Rutherford model. That's right. Based on the gaps in his table, Mendeleev even succeeded in predicting the existence and properties of several new elements. That's pretty impressive. His basic rule was this: the elements in any column, or group, of the table are similar to their column-mates. Click here if you'd like to read more about Mendeleev's methods and the chemistry of his time.
GCSE Psychology Revision: Stereotypes, Prejudice and DiscriminationGetting-in GCSE revision and A level Revision Introduction When we stereotype people we make an assumption about the kind of person someone is based on clichéd or popular thinking. According to the popular image, for example, librarians are quiet, shy, enjoy reading and lead predictable lifestyles. Authoritarian personalities An authoritarian personality is someone who has faith in authority. Adorno (1950) wanted to know if there was a clear link between an authoritarian personality and prejudicial attitudes. Showing obedience to authorityBeing resistance to changeDisliking JewsLooking down on those who were seen to have a lower status. Limitations: The research was done in America and so was focused on one particular culture. More experiments on discrimination and prejudice Sherif (1961) wanted to know if one of the causes of prejudice is a conflict between groups for limited resources. Conclusion and limitations: Sheriff saw this as evidence that competition is the cause of prejudice.
Doc Brown's (chemistry teacher) GCSE Science Biology Physics HOMEPAGE Revision Notes Quizzes e-learning website free to use online Cooking with Chemistry Cooking with Chemistry Cooking with Chemistry was first presented as a one-day hands-on workshop for teachers at ChemEd 97, held at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, August 3-7, 1997. Click on one of the titles below to read some experiments and activities from Cooking with Chemistry, a work in progress, by David A. These are PDF files and require Acrobat Reader Safety with Food Chemistry Experiments Food Additives - What They Do Beef Jerky - A Method to Preserve Food Without Refrigeration Butter: Butter in a Bottle Blender Butter Candy Making: Partial Thermal Degradation of Mixed Saccharides With Protein Inclusions with Teacher Notes Taffy: Partial Thermal Degradation of a Mixed Saccharides Triol Solution with Teacher Notes Lollipops Caramels Recipes for both vanilla and chocolate caramels. Edwards, W. Books for candy making: Gehring, Abigail R., Classic Candy, Skyhorse Publishing, New York, NY, 2013. Cheese Making: Easy Cheese Mozzarella Dry Ice Root Beer Glue from Milk Ice Cream:
WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements Mental Health - Practical Happiness - Emotional Freedom Techniques in - Glossop, Derbyshire Below is a list of different organisations with a special interest in emotional & mental health and well-being, and sources of information on a variety of therapies available in the UK. Online CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) CBT helps to explore the links between our thoughts, feelings and behaviour, and to develop positive coping strategies. CBT is recommended by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), but there is a major shortage of therapists, and long waiting lists on the NHS, so many people seeking help do not get access to CBT when they need it most (and when it could be most effective). Online CBT programmes have been developed recently and have shown to be promising in helping people to help themselves with the aid of modern technology. Living Life to The Full Mood Gym Feel Better Depression Depression Alliance Tel: 0845 123 2320 Phobias, Anxiety & OCD
Biology For Kids - Canoë - Techno-Sciences - Des vêtements intelligents pour détecter les maladies Des chercheurs Américains et en Chinois viennent de faire de sérieux progrès vers la production relativement simple et peu coûteuse de «tissus intelligents», des textiles électroniques capables de détecter les maladies, surveiller le rythme cardiaque ainsi que d'autres signes vitaux. Les résultats de cette recherche digne d’un roman de science-fiction publié dans le magazine scientifique ACS' Nano Letters de décembre. Dans cette étonnante étude, Nicholas A. Les fibres mises au point par les chercheurs sont en coton enduit d'électrolytes et de nanotubes de carbone (CNT). Dans les tests de laboratoire, les chercheurs ont montré que la nouvelle fibre intelligente peut allumer une simple diode électroluminescente lorsqu'elle est connectée à une batterie.
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