Viking Longships - Children's British History Encyclopedia
Many Vikings were good sailors because they lived close to rivers and fjords (sea inlets). They grew up from childhood able to use ships for fishing and travelling. A big Viking longship would be about 30 metres long and were made from overlapping planks of oak wood joined together with iron rivets (bits of metal hammered into holes). Each ship could carry 60 men. Sea-chests were used to sit on when rowing and to store personal belongings.
Where did the Vikings settle? - Danelaw
The areas the Viking settled in were known as Danelaw. It covered an area roughly east of a line on a map joining London and Chester. The Saxons lived south of the line. The Vikings settled in:
Facts About Viking Food, Farming and Feasts
The Vikings are best known as brave and fearsome invaders and warriors, but they were also able farmers and fishermen. Here are some facts about the types of farming and fishing the Vikings relied upon, the foods they would have eaten and their meal time practices and customs. What did the Vikings farm?
History - Vikings Teaching Ideas
Viking Longship Burning - A set of photos showing the burning of a Viking longship on the seafront at Arbroath in 2003. Contributed by a visitor. Vikings - Act out this story about a Viking family feud. Viking Ideas - The Cursed Sword - A collection of History / Literacy ideas which are based on the book 'The Cursed Sword'. Viking Ideas - The Troll's Treasure - A collection of History / Literacy ideas which are based on the book 'The Troll's Treasure'.
* 101 Viking Facts from the History Specialists
1. Vikings were very clean people (at least by comparison to other people at the time!). 2.
Fun Facts on Vikings for kids ***
Fun Facts on Vikings for KidsLooking for help with homework and school? Find out fast, fun facts and interesting information using our useful fact files, fact sheets and funny videos on each of the Viking Subjects. The free Facts Files and Fact sheets provide interesting, amazing, fun facts and information, together with pictures, photos and a fun video. The free fact files and free fact sheets include cool info plus a free video, they are great guide to the Viking Era and include topics about warriors, ships, women, children, history, clothing and daily home life Fun Facts on Vikings Ships for KidsFind out quick, fun facts and interesting information using our useful fact files and fact sheets on Viking Ships. The free Facts Files and Fact sheets provide interesting, amazing, fun facts and information, together with pictures, photos and a fun video about different types of Viking ships including longships.
The Kids Pages; Fun Facts About The Vikings for Children
The Vikings were people who were really good with boats. They had very long and narrow boats that were called longships. These boats were also called “Dragonships” because they had giant wooded carvings of dragonheads on their boats. The wooden dragonheads were lowered down in front of the ships when the Vikings were getting close to land. They put the heads out for everyone to see so they could intimidate, or scare the people that lived on the land.
Middle Ages for Kids: Vikings
Back to Middle Ages for kids The Vikings were people who lived in Northern Europe during the Middle Ages. They originally settled the Scandinavian lands that are today the countries of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. The Vikings played a major role in Northern Europe during the Middle Ages, especially during the Viking Age which was from 800 CE to 1066 CE. Viking Raids The word Viking actually means "to raid" in Old Norse.
Vikings Homework Help
Where did the Vikings settle in Britain? The area eventually settled by Vikings was called the Danelaw. It formed a boundary separating Anglo-Saxon England from Viking England and was defined in a treaty between the English King Alfred and Viking King Guthrum in AD 880. It lay north of Watling Street, a Roman road running from London north-west to Chester and covered northern and eastern England. It included counties north of an imaginary line running from London to Bedford and then up to Chester.
10 Things You May Not Know About the Vikings — HISTORY Lists
Think you’ve got the Vikings pegged? With all the caricatures and stereotypes out there, there’s probably a lot you’ve never heard about the seafaring Scandinavians who raided and settled coastal sites in the British Isles and beyond between the ninth and 11th centuries. Explore 10 surprising facts about the Vikings below. Ted Spiegel/National Geographic/Getty Images 1.
Grim Gruesome Facts and Fun
The character of Grim Gruesome and all the stories about him are imaginary. HOWEVER, all the descriptions of people, places and things in the books have been very carefully researched and are as historically ‘true’ as possible. So reading the Grim Gruesome books will teach you a lot about daily life in the Viking Age. Read on to find out more. Please click here to find out lots of fascinating true facts about Viking Children