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10 Free Tools For Creating Your Own Maps

10 Free Tools For Creating Your Own Maps
Maps are handy for a lot of reasons. Not only do they help us navigate through certain areas, they also enable us to learn more about the world and what it has to offer. What if you’re someone who wants to create a map instead? Sure, there’s Google Map and Google Earth to help you out but there are actually other tools to choose from as well. Recommended Reading: 40 Creative Remakes Of The World Map 1. If you’re looking to create and view beautifully informative animated maps then this is the tool for you. If you send an Animap to your friends then it will display like a video which they can play, pause, slow and speed up. 2. UMapper is a useful map creation tool used by publications like National Geographic, Star Tribune, USA Today and other well-known organizations. You can use any one of the top map providers such as Bing Maps, Google Maps, and Open Street Map to get your map out there. 3. You can also send maps to your friends or embed them on your website. 4.Click2Map 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Related:  Educational Technology

Twelve Things You Were Not Taught in School About Creative Thinking 2382 516Share Synopsis Aspects of creative thinking that are not usually taught. 1. You are creative. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. And, finally, Creativity is paradoxical. Tags: adversity, contemporaries, creative education, creative geniuses, creative life, creative thinker, creative thinking, education, lighting systems, masterpieces, minor poets, motions, picasso, practicality, profitability, rembrandt, self-help, shakespeare, sonnets, special person, symphonies, thomas edison, wolfgang amadeus mozart Cinco aplicaciones para hacer mind maps Aunque nosotros estamos acostumbrados a trabajar con el texto, las ideas muchas veces pueden ser mejor plasmadas de una forma gráfica. Ya sea desde los comienzos de un proyecto hasta diagramas organizacionales, este método es efectivo y conocido. Como tal, hay muchas aplicaciones que nos pueden ayudar a resolver nuestra organización a través del mind mapping, que definiremos en unas líneas. Hoy, vamos a ver cuáles son las mejores aplicaciones para hacer mind maps, y cuál nos conviene de acuerdo con nuestras necesidades. Para quienes no lo sepan, un mind map o mapa mental es una forma gráfica de representar ideas y conceptos. El mind map se opone a la anotación normal que, en nuestro caso, podemos tomar con aplicaciones como Evernote o la reciente Google Keep, dado que no se trata de un texto lineal, sino de una estructuración que se asemeja a la forma en que funciona realmente nuestro cerebro. FreeMind MindMeister XMind Freeplane Map Myself

LapTeacher Toolbox In der folgenden Übersicht finden Sie eine Auswahl an einfachen, spontan und sofort im Unterricht einsetzbaren Web2.0 Tools. Für alle diese Tools ist weder eine Registrierung noch ein Login nötig. Diese Tools sind sofort einsetzbar im Unterricht, viele der Angebote sind auch geeignet für Lehrkräfte, die neu in Laptop- oder Tabletklassen unterrichten.Viel Spass beim Erkunden! Dieses Interface wurde mit Symbaloo erstellt. Legende Eine weiterführende Liste mit solchen Webtools finden Sie hier: Webtools: No Registration Needed for Students PearltreesRebelmouse im UnterrichtTextanalyse mit linguistischen Tools, Teil1Textanalyse mit linguistischen Tools, Teil 2Textanalyse mit linguistischen Tools, Teil 3

Mr. DeMaio A fun filled science lesson for kids all about earthquakes. Learn what causes an earthquake as well as a bunch of helpful information about them. Safe for children and a lot of laughs! Please consider contributing to my Patreon. Patreon: Song at the end remixed by: Joe DizzaCheck out Joe's SoundCloud at MR. MR. Written by Michael DeMaioEdited by Michael DeMaioFilmed by Aaron Santoro & Dennis DuartePuppetry by Dennis Duarte Show less Crear mapas interactivos con ChartsBin ChartsBin es una nueva herramienta web para crear mapas interactivos con estadísticas personalizables, al estilo de los que aparecen en los Atlas Mundiales. La aplicación es muy fácil de usar y permite tanto crear nuestros propios mapas como recurrir a la biblioteca de proyectos ya creados. Los pasos son muy simples y rápidos: basta con seleccionar el tipo de mapa que querramos (mundial, continental, nacional, etc.) y cargar las estadísticas deseadas. Como mencionamos, aparte de crear nuestros mapas interactivos podemos navegar por toda una serie de proyectos ya cargados en el sitio, todos obtenidos de fuentes confiables como libros, publicaciones, documentos oficiales, etc.

28 Free Social Bookmarking Tools for educators Update: Based on Alex's and Diana's comments two more tools were added at the top of the list! How to - Social Bookmarking in Plain English eLearning TagseLearning Tags is the 1st Free social bookmarking site where you can discover, share, vote and discuss interesting and remarkable eLearning and Educational Technology content! eLearning Tags offers helpful information on a number of topics concerning distance education including eLearning, Instructional Design, Gamification, Social Learning, MOOCs, mLearning and more.SymbalooeduOrganize and Share the best of the web with your students. Organize teaching resources all in one place. Encourage student to student communications. You may also find the following lists of tools useful: Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox.

How One School Creatively Boosted Student Achievement Mr. DeMaio and other teachers star in a video about times tables. It’s not only at Halloween time that the Memorial School students in Union Beach, New Jersey, see their teachers in costumes. This faculty gets dressed up year-round to perform in instructional videos for kids to access online. Elementary teacher Mike DeMaio leads the team of educators to produce customized videos to help children learn concepts in math, science, and social studies. They use music, animation, voice-overs, puppets, and other entertaining approaches to create appealing and memorable content to support their learners. Mr. An animated mountain range from DeMaio’s video “Learning About Landforms” In the debut video “Learning About Landforms,” DeMaio created an animated version of himself that “talked” to different landforms about their features. Soon after his initial success with the videos, Union Beach was devastated by Superstorm Sandy. The videos that Mr. Virtual Mr. Mr.

Crear Mapas Interactivos - Tutorial Acceso con Ticket El acceso con Ticket de Educaplay, es una opción muy interesante para todo aquel que quiera invitar a nuevos usuarios a participar, pero no desea que estos tengan que hacer un registro completo en Educaplay. Estos códigos se generarán ligados a un grupo, y cuando el usuario introduzca uno de estos códigos, accederá directamente al grupo correspondiente. 10 Excellent Social Bookmarking Tools for Teachers February, 2014 Social bookmarking is a new concept that has seen the light with the emergence of bookmarking services like the ones I cited below.Semantically speaking, ' social bookmarking' is made up of the the term " social " which is related to society and general interactions between people, and the verb " to bookmark " (used here as a gerund ending in ing) which has to do with recording and/or saving content for both later use and quick access. Weaving the semantic reference of the two words results in social bookmarking as we know it today : a collaborative and collective saving and sharing of web content.' Below are some of the best social bookmarking websites I would recommend to teachers and students. Have a look and let us know what you think of them on our Facebook page. 1- Diigo This is my favourite tool for socialbookmarking. 2- Livebinders This is another powerful tool for saving and organizing your bookmarks. 3- 4- Pinterest 5- Edshelf 7- Educlipper
