RenderPartial vs RenderAction vs Partial vs Action in MVC Razor Posted By : Shailendra Chauhan, 13 Jan 2013 Updated On : 02 Apr 2015 Total Views : 154,318 Version Support : MVC4 & MVC3 Keywords : difference between renderpartial and renderaction, difference between renderpartial and partial,difference between renderaction and action There are different ways for rendering a partial view in MVC Razor. Html.RenderPartial This method result will be directly written to the HTTP response stream means it used the same TextWriter object as used in the current webpage/template.This method returns void.Simple to use and no need to create any action.RenderPartial method is useful when the displaying data in the partial view is already in the corresponding view model.For example : In a blog to show comments of an article, we would like to use RenderPartial method since an article information with comments are already populated in the view model. Html.RenderAction Html.Partial Html.Action What do you think?
Creating a Connection String and Working with SQL Server LocalDB This tutorial series will teach you the basics of building an ASP.NET MVC 5 Web application using Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Basic. A Visual Studio Express For Web project with VB source code is available to accompany this series which you can download. The tutorial series comprises 11 sections in total. They cover the basics of web development using the ASP.NET MVC framework and the Entity Framework for data access. They are intended to be followed sequentially as each section builds on the knowledge imparted in the previous sections. 5. The MovieDBContext class you created in the previous section handles the task of connecting to the database and mapping Movie objects to database records. SQL Server Express LocalDB LocalDB is a lightweight version of the SQL Server Express Database Engine that starts on demand and runs in user mode. SQL Server Express is not recommended for use in production web applications. Open the application root Web.config file shown below.
When to use Html.RenderPartial and Html.RenderAction in ASP.NET MVC Razor Views - Arrange Act Assert In this blog post I want to show examples when to use Html.RenderPartial and Html.RenderAction when creating web sites in ASP.NET MVC using the Razor view engine. Some background information on Html.RenderAction and Html.RenderPartial Html.RenderAction is a somewhat contentious feature because it invokes a controller action. This means each time it’s called a new request (which has to go through the ASP.NET MVC pipeline) is made. As shown below ASP.NET MVC requests are routed to a controller. A view has one responsibility and that’s to render HTML. The thing MVC traditionalists frown upon is the fact that Html.RenderAction can execute child actions in ASP.NET MVC views. However given that Html.RenderAction just like an AJAX request is a form of sub request, the case against seems somewhat outdated and doesn’t take into the account using Html.RenderAction will allow you to separate concerns of models and controllers as we will see later in this post.
Advanced Entity Framework 6 Scenarios for an MVC 5 Web Application (12 of 12) The Contoso University sample web application demonstrates how to create ASP.NET MVC 5 applications using the Entity Framework 6 Code First and Visual Studio 2013. For information about the tutorial series, see the first tutorial in the series. In the previous tutorial you implemented table-per-hierarchy inheritance. This tutorial includes introduces several topics that are useful to be aware of when you go beyond the basics of developing ASP.NET web applications that use Entity Framework Code First. Step-by-step instructions walk you through the code and using Visual Studio for the following topics: The tutorial introduces several topics with brief introductions followed by links to resources for more information: The tutorial also includes the following sections: For most of these topics, you'll work with pages that you already created. Performing Raw SQL Queries The Entity Framework Code First API includes methods that enable you to pass SQL commands directly to the database. Summary
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET MVC 4 using Unity IoC Container Posted By : Shailendra Chauhan, 14 Apr 2013 Updated On : 07 Nov 2013 Total Views : 60,312 Version Support : MVC 4 & 3 Keywords : DI in mvc 4, Unity container with mvc 4, Unity.Mvc4 Container in mvc4 In previous articles, I have explained the IoC, DI pattern and DI containers. As you know, in MVC, Controller depends on Model for data processing or you can say for executing business logic. Step 1 - Create a new Asp.Net MVC4 Project First step is to create a new Asp.Net MVC4 Project using Visual Studio 2012 or 2010SP1 as shown below: Step 2- Install Unity Container Now install Unity.Mvc4 Container using NuGet Package Manager Console tool as shown below: You can also do online search for Unity.Mvc4 Container by navigating to Tools=>Extension and Update.. When it will be installed successfully, you will be find the following two references add to your project and a Bootstrapper.cs class file at project level, as shown below: Step 3- Add a New Service Layer What do you think?
Part 1: Overview and File->New Project The MVC Music Store is a tutorial application that introduces and explains step-by-step how to use ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio for web development. The MVC Music Store is a lightweight sample store implementation which sells music albums online, and implements basic site administration, user sign-in, and shopping cart functionality. This tutorial series details all of the steps taken to build the ASP.NET MVC Music Store sample application. Part 1 covers Overview and File->New Project. Overview The MVC Music Store is a tutorial application that introduces and explains step-by-step how to use ASP.NET MVC and Visual Web Developer for web development. The application we’ll be building is a simple music store. Visitors can browse Albums by Genre: They can view a single album and add it to their cart: They can review their cart, removing any items they no longer want: Proceeding to Checkout will prompt them to login or register for a user account. 1. Installing the software Author Information
Learn MVC (Model View Controller) step by step in 7 days – Day 1 Contents About the Authors Just a quick word on both the author’s. You can visit their video learning site for MVC i.e. and for offline training contact them at here So, what’s the agenda? As the article name says, learn MVC; so the agenda is simple, we are going to learn ASP.NET MVC in 7 days. For the first day we will start with a a simple Hello World,passing data between controllers and views , HTML helper classes , MVC models and we will also create a simple customer data entry page. MVC vs Webforms vs ASP.NET vocabulary Lot of developers think that ASP.NET is different and MVC is different. ASP.NET is a web framework of Microsoft and MVC is a visual studio code template to write code using MVC architecture style. So let us this straight ASP.NET is a framework while MVC and Webform are coding styles. So why MVC and why is better than Webforms? As a ASP.NET Webform developer you will miss lot of your favorites in MVC. Pre-requisite for MVC
Getting Started with Entity Framework 6 Code First using MVC 5 The Contoso University sample web application demonstrates how to create ASP.NET MVC 5 applications using the Entity Framework 6 and Visual Studio 2013. This tutorial uses the Code First workflow. For information about how to choose between Code First, Database First, and Model First, see Entity Framework Development Workflows. The sample application is a web site for a fictional Contoso University. A Visual Basic version translated by Mike Brind is available: MVC 5 with EF 6 in Visual Basic on the Mikesdotnetting site. Software versions used in the tutorial The tutorial should also work with Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web or Visual Studio 2012. Tutorial versions For previous versions of this tutorial, see the EF 4.1 / MVC 3 e-book and Getting Started with EF 5 using MVC 4. Questions and comments Please leave feedback on how you liked this tutorial and what we could improve in the comments at the bottom of the page. The Contoso University Web Application Prerequisites <! The Student Entity
Using Web API 2 with Entity Framework 6 This tutorial will teach you the basics of creating a web application with an ASP.NET Web API back end. The tutorial uses Entity Framework 6 for the data layer, and Knockout.js for the client-side JavaScript application. The tutorial also shows how to deploy the app to Azure App Service Web Apps. Software versions used in the tutorial Web API 2.1Visual Studio 2013 Update 2Entity Framework 6.NET 4.5Knockout.js 3.1 This tutorial uses ASP.NET Web API 2 with Entity Framework 6 to create a web application that manipulates a back-end database. The app uses a single-page application (SPA) design. AJAX isn't new, but today there are JavaScript frameworks that make it easier to build and maintain a large sophisticated SPA application. Here are the main building blocks for this app: ASP.NET MVC creates the HTML page. See Site Running on Azure Would you like to see the finished site running as a live web app? You need an Azure account to deploy this solution to Azure: Create the Project
How to: Build an EntityConnection Connection String To run the code in this example Example // Specify the provider name, server and database.string providerName = "System.Data.SqlClient"; string serverName = " See Also Build Date: