Adobe Photoshop Express Artistic Collages Photoshop Express Collage gives you flexibility and control – including border size, color, and pan and zoom – to edit your collage Create professional-quality collages easily with a host of ready-to-use options like backgrounds, gradients, and layouts.Pop-Color Tool: Pops out selective colors from all the images powered by Adobe intelligence that picks the color to give your image the most impact.Intelligent layout and Style Transfer automatically creates gorgeous, share-worthy collages in a single tap. Advanced Options Various save options are manageable and configurable through preferences. Sharing: Enhanced sharing experience allows one-click sharing to multiple destinations.Image Resize: Use this option to resize an image before saving.Watermark images: Easily add custom text or graphical watermarks to images.JPEG Quality output: Customize the quality and size of your output image. Quick sharing Configure one tap sharing to multiple destinations and save time.
Sample WebM, Ogg, and MP4 Video Files for HTML5 If you are playing around with the HTML5 Video tag you might need some sample video files and these video files have to be in different web formats. The problem is that different browsers support different types of video files, so to provide proper cross-browser support, you need to convert your video into many different formats. I plan on writing more about HTML5 Video and some cool things that it allows you to do but as a start, I wanted to convert one small video file into a lot of different formats and provide these files as a sample video for anyone to use in their tests and projects. For web browsers, you are basically going to need MP4, WebM and Ogg formats(Ogg format is specified as type=video/ogg but the video extension is .ogv) while mobile browsers will use MP4 and 3GP formats. And HTML5 is obviously about eliminating the need for Flash but I will include flv format as well. The original mp4 is really small, just 385Kb and the video lasts 5 seconds. Sample MP4 Video File
Colorful CSS Gradient Background Generator Add this code to your CSS file and set the class colorful to the element you want to have the background. This works withFirefox 16+ Safari 5.1+ Chrome 10+ Internet Explorer 10+ Opera 12.1+iOS 5+ Android 4+ Blackberry 10+ IE Mobile 10+ Codrops | Useful resources and inspiration for creative minds Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc About "Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers. The site was built and is maintained by Alexis Deveria, with occasional updates provided by the web development community. The design used as of 2014 was largely created by Lennart Schoors. May I use your data in my presentation/article/site, etc? Yes, the support data on this site is free to use under the CC BY 4.0 license. Is there a way to see the support data in colors other than red/green? Yes, you can enable accessible colors from this link or from the option under Settings. Do you have the data available in a raw format? Yes, the raw support data is available on GitHub and is updated regularly. Could you add feature X to the site? Adding features takes quite some time and there are many requests for additions. If you've done the research yourself already, you can also submit a feature on GitHub. Which features do you choose to add to this list?
LESS « The Dynamic Stylesheet language 50 banques d’images gratuites (et légales)… Si vous aimez le design et que vous pratiquez votre passion dans le plus strict respect des lois, alors les banques d’images gratuites, ça doit vous connaitre. Histoire de bien faire les choses, je vous propose donc de découvrir 50 adresses de sites qui risquent de s’avérer plutôt utiles. Alors la liste n’est pas exhaustive, c’est sûr, mais c’est déjà pas mal. MAJ : Cet article datant de quelques années, la plupart des ces banques d’images sont passées à un modèle payant. Donc si vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez, vous pouvez également aller lire ce billet où vous trouverez trois méthodes pour trouver et pour télécharger des images gratuites et libres de droit. TextureWarehouse : les textures y sont reines.FreeStockPhotos : ne vous fiez pas à son interface…MajesticImagery : de nombreuses galeries…BurningWell : euh… pareil :)DesignPack : images et thèmes à volonté…ZurbPhotos : des photos de Bryan Zmijewski à télécharger.AmazingTextures : lui aussi il porte bien son nom !
How to Use HTML5 localStorage and sessionStorage - Tutorial Republic The HTML5 web storage is used to store data on user's browser. What is Web Storage The HTML5's web storage feature lets you store some information locally on the user's computer, similar to cookies but it is more secure and faster. The information stored in the web storage isn't sent to the web server as opposed to the cookies where data sent to the server with every request. Also, where cookies lets you store a small amount of data (nearly 4KB), the web storage allows you to store up to 5MB of data. There are two types of web storage, which differ in scope and lifetime: Local storage — The local storage uses the localStorage object to store data for your entire website, permanently. Tip:The HTML5's web storage feature is supported in all major modern browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer 8+. The localStorage Object As stated earlier, the localStorage object stores the data with no expiration date. Example explained: The sessionStorage Object
Imagebase: Free Stock Photography HTML5 Web Workers lorempixel - placeholder images for every case