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I Haven't Made Any Trash In 2 Years. Here's What My Life Is Like

I Haven't Made Any Trash In 2 Years. Here's What My Life Is Like
My name is Lauren. I'm a 23-year-old girl living in NYC and I don't make trash. For real. No garbage bin, no landfill. Nada. I know what you are thinking. I didn't always live what some call a "zero waste" life. But I started making a shift about three years ago, when I was an Environmental Studies major at NYU, protesting against big oil, and president of a club that hosted weekly talks on environmental topics. Wrong. In one of my classes, there was another student who always brought a plastic bag containing a plastic clamshell full of food, a plastic water bottle, plastic cutlery, and a bag of chips. One day I was particularly upset after class and went home to make dinner and try to forget about it, but when I opened my refrigerator I froze. This was the first time in my life that I felt like I was able to look at myself and say, "YOU HYPOCRITE." Quitting plastic meant learning to make all of my packaged products myself. How did I go from zero plastic to zero waste? 1. 2. 3.

This Guy's Built the World’s Coolest Home: A Treehouse with a Skate Bowl, a Hot Tub and an Incredible View Foster Huntington is the photographer and blogger behind two of the raddest projects we’ve seen in recent years. The Burning House asked people which of their possessions they’d rescue if their home burned down. He followed it up with #VanLife and the resulting photo book, Home Is Where You Park It, which focuses on the van-dwellers that Foster met during three years he spent on the road. Both became online sensations and have helped pave the way for Foster’s latest project – building what looks like the world’s most epic treehouse. “We started this in February and hopefully we’ll be finished in a couple of weeks,” he tells Mpora over the phone from up in the trees outside Portland, Oregon. “I’ve been travelling for the last three years and I wanted to set up a home base. “My family’s owned the property that the treehouses are on for 20 years. “It’s been totally wild just kind of actually doing what I dreamed up. “There’s two treehouses, each one’s about 220 square feet.

Social Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down To 2 Basic Traits In her article, “Master of Love” author Emily Smith states that of all the couples that get married, only 3 in 10 remain in healthy, happy marriages, as psychologist Ty Tashiro points out in his book “The Science of Happily Ever After.” Every day in June, the most popular wedding month of the year, about 13,000 American couples will say “I do,” committing to a lifelong relationship that will be full of friendship, joy and love that will carry them forward to their final days on this earth. The Study Of Marriage Social scientists first started studying marriages by observing them in action in the 1970’s in response to a crisis: married couples were divorcing at unprecedented rates. Worried about the impact these divorces would have on the children of the broken marriages, psychologists decided to cast their scientific net on couples, bringing them into the lab to observe them and determine what the ingredients of a healthy, lasting relationship were. The Clear Signs Resource Try them Here!

Blog do AXEL GRAEL: Bairro na Coreia fecha ruas para carros por um mês para testar "cidade do futuro". Festival Ecomobility: um bairro, um mês, e nenhum carro! Setembro de 2013 será um marco na vida dos moradores da cidade de Suwon, na Coreia do Sul. É que eles viverão, até o fim do mês, hábitos de mobilidade urbana sustentável – sem carro. A transformação faz parte de um grande evento que promete revolucionar o olhar sobre a mobilidade das cidades: é o EcoMobility World Festival. O grande objetivo é fazer com que o bairro Haenggungdong, com 4300 habitantes, vire a vitrine global da “ecomobilidade”, provando que, sim, é possível inspirar uma comunidade inteira, quiçá o mundo, a adotar a cultura da mobilidade sustentável. E já foi dada a largada para a mudança. - Já senti uma mudança no ambiente, que está mais limpo e agradável. Yong Hee Lee, 62 anos, aposentada - Me sinto muito mais seguro agora, porque não há carros na rua. Jae Hwan Han, de 33 anos, trabalhador em uma fábrica de silício Mas quem pensa que mobilidade sustentável é só andar bicicleta está enganado.

Scientists Discovered ‘Second Brain’ in the Human Body We have one mind, one brain and one collective center of thought, right? Wrong! Guess what? Human beings not only have a brain to make decisions for them, they also have another organ that helps govern what they do. No guys, it’s not the penis, so stop laughing. You know, when you get that gut wrenching feeling in the pit of your stomach, yeah that one? Why? One reason for this phenomenon is that your stomach and your brain originate from the same material. Starting from the same tissues, the brain and the stomach originate and basically decide to take two separate roads of development, or the great creator programs this move. How does this all come together? The ENS (Enteric nervous system) is the reason why you can sense danger. Proven So, it seems that a test was the very thing to prove these theories about the mind/stomach connection, and so a test was indeed conducted. With all this being said, one thing is very obvious. The following two tabs change content below.

Mini documentário mostra porque e como Amsterdã se tornou a cidade dos ciclistas Um documentário de 10 minutos produzido pela Street Films relata como a cidade holandesa se transformou em um dos maiores polos de ciclistas do mundo. Como qualquer cidade grande, Amsterdã já foi um lugar cheio de carros, poluição, barulho e trânsito. Cansados de estresse diário, a população holandesa decidiu se unir para exigir que a cidade fosse reestruturada para que o principal meio de locomoção fosse a bicicleta. E deu certo! Novos projetos foram criados e a cidade foi redesenhada para os ciclistas. Ok que por ser uma cidade plana, facilita bastante a reestruturação privilegiando os ciclistas, mas é hora, há tempos, de reimaginar cidades brasileiras dando valor à bicicleta como alternativa de meio de locomoção, de saúde e de vitalidade.

Solarpunk: a new movement sees the future in a positive light – Features – AB... A new theme is emerging in science fiction literature and art: solarpunk. It imagines the future as bright, green and sustainable. "IMAGINE A SUSTAINABLE world, driven by clean and renewable energy. Now imagine large space sailboats driven by solar radiation, production of biofuels via nanotechnology, the advent of photosynthetic humans, and, as there is no perfect society, even terrorism against corrupt businesses and governments. The past decade has seen a huge rise in post-apocalyptic and dystopian science fiction, particularly aimed at young adults, exploring a variety of unpleasant possible futures, ranging from planet-wide desolation and starvation, to a world in which the uber-rich live in space-borne luxury while the poor languish on a stricken Earth. You may not have heard of solarpunk, and given that this sub-genre and cultural movement has so far largely been discussed only on social media sites such as Tumblr and Twitter, you wouldn't be the only one. So what is solarpunk?

10 ecovilas brasileiras para conhecer em cada região do país Cada vez mais presentes, as ecovilas são parte de um modelo de assentamento humano sustentável. Ou seja, comunidades urbanas ou rurais onde pessoas vivem em harmonia com a natureza e com um estilo de vida o mais sustentável possível. Para que deem certo, é preciso seguir algumas práticas, como a criação de esquemas de apoio familiar e social, utilização de energias renováveis, produção orgânica de alimentos, bioconstrução, economia solidária, preservação do meio ambiente, entre outros. É como se as ecovilas resgatassem o modo de sobrevivência mais primário da humanidade, que por milhares de ano viveu em comunidade, num convívio íntimo com a natureza, utilizando-a de forma inteligente e sempre respeitando o ciclo natural das coisas. Chamadas também de eco aldeia e eco comunidade, o modelo de vida acaba por preservar áreas já degradadas ou que poderiam estar se degradando, além de trazer soluções viáveis para a erradicação da pobreza. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fotos: reprodução

10 Choices You Will Regret in Ten Years “If only…” These two words paired together create one of the saddest phrases in the English language. 1. Wearing a mask to impress others. If the face you always show the world is a mask, someday there will be nothing beneath it. Because when you spend too much time concentrating on everyone else’s perception of you, or who everyone else wants you to be, you eventually forget who you really are. So don’t fear the judgments of others; you know in your heart who you are and what’s true to you. 2. 3. Don’t let someone who has a bad attitude give it to you. 4. A life filled with loving deeds and good character is the best tombstone. 5. 6. 7. Life should be touched, not strangled. 8. Be strong enough to let go and wise enough to wait for what you deserve. 9. – The trouble is, you always think you have more time than you do. 10. – The world doesn’t owe you anything, you owe the world something. Source: Marc and Angel via Why Don’t You Try This

Freeganismo Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. O freeganismo é um estilo de vida alternativo baseado no boicote ao consumo, já que os processos produtivos geram exploração de animais e humanos, além de graves impactos ambientais.[1] [2] [3] A palavra freeganismo surgiu da junção das palavras em inglês vegan e free,[2] pois a ideia freegan surgiu do veganismo, onde evitam-se impactos ambientais, mas expandindo isto com o anarquismo, ao boicotar também tudo o que gera custos humanos.[1] [3] Desta forma, a curto prazo, o freeganismo propõe reaproveitar alimentos e objetos descartados pela sociedade de consumo, reduzindo o desperdício gerado por ele; a longo prazo, propõe que o movimento seja o produtor de seus próprios meios de sobrevivência.[3] Práticas[editar | editar código-fonte] Um freegan realizando o dumpster diving, mergulho na lixeira ou garimpo urbano. Referências ↑ Ir para: a b c Reconsiderando o freeganismo. Ver também[editar | editar código-fonte] Site sobre freeganismo:

Loving Ways To Deal With Toxic Behavior Toxic behavior can zap your positive energy and leave you feeling heartbroken, stressed, angry, drained and even unwell. Knowing how to deal with toxic encounters is the key to peace of mind, good health and happiness. This involves using your heart and soul instead of your head and ego to resolve your emotional injuries. We all live in glass houses No one is perfect. Suggestion: The key to happiness and emotional freedom is knowing how not to take things personally. Take nothing personally Just because a person does something you dislike doesn’t necessarily mean their actions are directed at you. Suggestion: Think of the times when you’ve been under stress, and acted in an unkind manner. If people could do better, they would The majority of people do not intend to cause harm. Suggestion: Instead of being angry with them, use your heart to see things from their perspective. We project our feelings onto others Suggestion: Try to be mindful of your own thoughts and feelings. Comments:

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