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Our mission: To further the establishment and growth of permanent, autonomous ocean communities, enabling innovation with new political and social systems.

Our mission: To further the establishment and growth of permanent, autonomous ocean communities, enabling innovation with new political and social systems.
The Seasteading Institute is a nonprofit 501(c)(3), working to enable seasteading communities - floating cities - which will allow the next generation of pioneers to test new ideas for government. The most successful can then inspire change in governments around the world. Your support goes toward creating opportunities for experimentation and innovation in the political sphere, and for unprecedented personal freedom.

Olam haba Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le monde à venir (olam haba) est l'une des croyances fondamentales du judaïsme, étroitement liée à l'eschatologie et au messianisme juif. Il renvoie en réalité à deux concepts différents : Le monde des âmes (olam haneshamot עולם הנשמות), où se trouve l'âme de l'homme, séparée de son corps après la mort, recevant la rétribution pour ses actes dans le monde des vivants ;Ce monde, une fois arrivé dans sa plénitude après la venue du Messie, à la Fin des Jours (gr. eschaton)

Distopía - Alt64-wiki De Alt64-wiki, la enciclopedia libre. Así, si según el DRAE, utopía significa "Plan, proyecto, doctrina o sistema optimista que aparece como irrealizable en el momento de su formulación", y coloquialmente se entiende como aquello que es ideal e irrealizable, su antónimo, "distopia" viene a significar algo no sólo "no ideal", sino indeseable. Obviamente, cualquier catastrofe (la caída de un asteroide, una guerra nuclear, una plaga que asola a la humanidad...) es un escenario distópico, en el sentido de que es indeseable, pero no es esto lo que en ciencia ficción se entiende como distopía.

Everyday Rebellion “Everyday Rebellion” -Cinema Release in Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Italy and Malta: 11th September 2014! Information and links for the german cinema release/ Infos und Links zum deutschen Kinostart: Kontakt Verleih Cinema Dates: Peter Diamandis Peter H. Diamandis (pronounced /diːʌˈmændɪs/) (born May 20, 1961) is an American engineer, physician, and entrepreneur best known for being the founder and chairman of the X PRIZE Foundation, the co-founder and chairman of Singularity University and the co-author of the New York Times bestseller Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think. He is also the former CEO and co-founder of the Zero-Gravity Corporation, the co-founder and vice chairman of Space Adventures Ltd., the founder and chairman of the Rocket Racing League, the co-founder of the International Space University, the co-founder of Planetary Resources, founder of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, and vice-chairman & co-founder of Human Longevity, Inc.[1] Early life[edit]

Manual of Architectural Possibilities As many people who attended my book launch this past weekend in New York will already know, I had on hand a fantastic new publication by architect David Garcia: the Manual of Architectural Possibilities, or M.A.P. [Images: M.A.P. by David Garcia]. I had the pleasure of meeting David back in Sweden earlier this month at the ASAE conference; David's presentation and our subsequent conversation – ranging from the architecture of déjà vu and haunted house novels to the possibility of sonic archives and the work of David Gissen – were more than enough to show that he is pushing forward through some incredibly interesting ideas and is already someone worth keeping an eye on now, not just in the future. He's even just completed a cool children's playground in suburban Denmark. Issue One of M.A.P. – or poster #1, really, as it all unfolds into a double-sided A1 sheet – is about Antarctica. [Image: M.A.P. by David Garcia].

Organización Iberoamericana por la Defensa de Todos los Animales Apoyanos --> Ponte en acción Más actualidad La Junta de Castilla y León defiende la tortura en Medinaceli “por tradición” | 15.11.2014. Este fin de semana, Medinaceli repetirá un rito pagano de la Edad Media y acabará con la vida del toro “Islero” JEAN-MICHEL TRUONG Pouvez-vous brosser un rapide portrait de votre carrière et de vos activités pour les lecteurs de La Spirale qui ne vous connaissent pas ? Pour ne pas m’appesantir, disons simplement que ma vie a oscillé entre des périodes de réflexion et d’écriture, axées sur l’étude des technologies du dépassement de l’homme – clonage, neurosciences, intelligence artificielle, vie artificielle – et des périodes d’intense implication dans le développement des technologies avancées : informatique, intelligence artificielle, télécommunications. Pour les détails, vous pouvez visitez mon site à la page : Dans Le Successeur de pierre, votre précédent roman, vous exposiez déjà l’idée d’une possible évolution de l’intelligence vers un support non-organique et donc, d’un futur qui se ferait sans l’humanité. Dans Totalement inhumaine le lecteur retrouve les principaux protagonistes de cette étonnante saga (les agents intelligents, un réseau de communication mondial tout support, etc).

The tensioned fabric roof biólogo advierte de las primeras etapas de la sexta extinción masiva de la Tierra July 24, 2014 Stanford Biology Professor Rodolfo Dirzo and his colleagues warn that this "defaunation" could have harmful downstream effects on human health. By Bjorn Carey Elephants and other large animals face an increased risk of extinction in what Stanford Biology Professor Rodolfo Dirzo terms "defaunation."

Jean-Michel Truong Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Jean-Michel Truong Jean-Michel Truong, né Jean-Michel Charles Xuân Truong Ngoc[1],[2], est né le [1],[3] à Wasselonne[1] en Alsace. Creativity and innovation: the ... 2015 Gates Annual Letter There is overwhelming evidence that people care about others who are suffering—when they can see the suffering. Just think of the global outpouring of support whenever a devastating tsunami or earthquake makes the news. The problem is that ongoing tragedies like deadly diseases and poverty don’t make the news. They’re invisible to many of us. And so the caring of millions of people goes untapped.

Vernor Vinge Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Vernor Vinge Vernor Vinge en 2006 Œuvres principales Vernor Steffen Vinge, né le à Waukesha au Wisconsin, est un écrivain de science-fiction américain, surtout connu pour son roman Un feu sur l'abîme et son essai de 1993 sur la singularité technologique (ou singularité vingienne).
