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Teaching Resources, Classroom Resources & Lesson Plans - TES Resources

Teaching Resources, Classroom Resources & Lesson Plans - TES Resources

Math Worksheets | Dynamically Created Math Worksheets Welcome to TechMatrix | TechMatrix Journal Surf - Catalogue of the School Journal Art Lesson Plans Art Lesson Plans, Drawing Lesson Plans, Painting Lesson Plans, Sculpture Lesson Plans Drawing Lesson Plans A MONSTER'S WORLD Using texture, the student will create imaginary monsters. A UNIQUE DRAWING EXPERIENCE Students (and teacher) will see how with just one set of directions, everyone in the classroom will come up with very unique works of abstract art. BEAUTIFUL NUMBERS This art activity focuses on the shape of numbers. BLIND CONTOUR DRAWING Contour drawing is an excellent way to train the eye to draw what it really sees rather than what it thinks it sees. CHALK AND GLUE A great lesson submitted by Leon Ruder - Artist and Teacher, St. CHALK AND STRING DESIGNS Create wonderful works of art using string and, well chalk of course. CRAYON ETCHING Younger students will enjoy exploring this activity while older students should be encouraged to investigate detailed images and patterns. CRAYON RESIST A paint and crayon lesson plan for all ages. FILL A JAR Making the ordinary - extraodinary. Africa

XtraMath Skill Set Needed for Drawing WHAT SKILLS ARE NEEDED TO DRAW EVERYTHING? edges | cross contour | size angle proportion perspective | shading | negative space | holistic gesture seeing and drawing | color | pattern texture Once students learn these skills, they can draw anything that they can observe. I recently ran across and old tape and enjoyed listening to a talk by Betty Edwards at Calvin College in the 1980's. Among other things, she lists some skills that are needed to be able to draw. This list of observation skills is inspired by hearing her ideas about things that students need to learn to see in order to observe and draw better. Below: When the rabbit moves they are encouraged to keep drawing. Below: Students learn to measure and compare lengths, proportions, angles, and so on by sighting. how to see negative spaces - negative shapes To draw well, students need to learn to see negative shapes and spaces. By changing their habits of work students can learn how to acquire new skills. how to see color

Great Little Readers - Home Ocean View Resources - Ocean View Learning Centre Ubuntu Code of Conduct v2.0 Ubuntu is about showing humanity to one another: the word itself captures the spirit of being human. We want a productive, happy and agile community that can welcome new ideas in a complex field, improve every process every year, and foster collaboration between groups with very different needs, interests and skills. We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who enhance it. The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the project will be judged by our actions. We strive to: Be considerate Our work will be used by other people, and we in turn will depend on the work of others. Leadership, authority and responsibility We all lead by example, in debate and in action. Delegation from the top Responsibility for the project starts with the "benevolent dictator", who delegates specific responsibilities and the corresponding authority to a series of teams, councils and individuals, starting with the Community Council ("CC"). Teamwork

Math Games - HOODA MATH - Over 500 Math Games Examples of Activities that Promote Higher Order Thinking | The Center for Teaching and Learning Examples of Activities: Science Apply a Rule: The student could be asked to explain why a shotgun "kicks" when fired. His response would include a statement to the effect that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (Newton's Law of Motion), and that the "kick" of the shotgun is equal to the force propelling the shot toward its target. The faster the shot travels and the greater the weight of the shot, the greater the "kick" of the gun. Classify: Given several examples of each, the student could be asked to classify materials according to their physical properties as gas, liquid, or solid. Construct: The student could be asked to construct a model of a carbon atom. Define: Given several types of plant leaves, the student could be asked to define at least three categories for classifying them. Describe: The student could be asked to describe the conditions essential for a balanced aquarium that includes four goldfish. Examples of Activities: Mathematics
