200+ Consciousness Raising Documentaries
Do you feel like having a ‘Movie Night’ without having to go anywhere? Here is a list of over 200 consciousness expanding movies and documentaries that will assist you in your evolution – All of which can watched for free online in the links below. How many of them have you seen? Enjoy! Leave a comment below if there are any other videos that you would like to recommend! Also, if there are any broken links, please let us know as well! 1. The First 119 Originally posted on: OpenBoxThinking 120. 169.
Subliminal Motivation
People often do things and can’t say exactly why they did them. While it might seem that “acting without explanation” is the result of poor attention or irrational impulse, it turns out that our brains are wired to do this. It is possible, researchers at INSERM in Paris found, to motivate half the brain without the other half being aware of what’s going on. The INSERM researchers discovered this by measuring how hard subjects could squeeze a grip with each hand. Then, they showed the subjects a picture of a high value (one-euro) or low value (one-cent) coin. Here’s where the experimenters got tricky: they showed the coin image only to one eye, and only for 17 milliseconds. Although the subjects could not correctly guess which coin they had seen – confirming that they were not conscious of what they saw – they squeezed harder when presented with the larger coin if the hand grip was on the same side of the body as the eye that had seen it. effort, inserm, motivation, subliminal
Meditation May Protect Your Brain | Miller-McCune Online
For thousands of years, Buddhist meditators have claimed that the simple act of sitting down and following their breath while letting go of intrusive thoughts can free one from the entanglements of neurotic suffering. Now, scientists are using cutting-edge scanning technology to watch the meditating mind at work. They are finding that regular meditation has a measurable effect on a variety of brain structures related to attention — an example of what is known as neuroplasticity, where the brain physically changes in response to an intentional exercise. A team of Emory University scientists reported in early September that experienced Zen meditators were much better than control subjects at dropping extraneous thoughts and returning to the breath. The same researchers reported last year that longtime meditators don’t lose gray matter in their brains with age the way most people do, suggesting that meditation may have a neuro-protective effect. Where does all this lead?
Ancient Psychoactive Incense and Preparations
For millennia, humankind has lived with nature, utilizing the flora and fauna to survive. Over the centuries, through trial and error, they learned which plants were the most nutritious, healthy and beneficial, and consequently which plants possessed unique healing, spiritual and magical properties. Early in antiquity, humankind discovered the healing properties and magical qualities of plants like Papaver somniferum, Cannabis sativa and fungi like Amanita muscaria. Although psychoactive incenses have been used for thousands of years, there has been very little modern research into their efficacy and historical use. Currently there are three mechanisms that are believed to cause the psychoactive effects of sacred incense blends. 1) The plant material itself contains pharmacologically active compounds that can induce altered states of consciousness. Pheromones are naturally occurring compounds that are closely related to hormones. Bodhanath Incense Thoroughly dry and mix equal parts:
How does anesthesia disturb self-perception?
An Inserm research team in Toulouse, led by Dr Stein Silva (Inserm Unit 825 "Brain imaging and neurological handicaps"), working with the "Modelling tissue and nociceptive stress" Host Team (MATN IFR 150), were interested in studying the illusions described by many patients under regional anaesthetic. In their work, to be published in the journal Anesthesiology, the researchers demonstrated that anaesthetising an arm affects brain activity and rapidly impairs body perception. The ultimate aim of the work is to understand how neuronal circuits are reorganised at this exact moment in time and to take advantage of anaesthesia to reconfigure them correctly following trauma. This would allow anaesthetic techniques to be used in the future to treat pain described by amputated patients in what are known as "phantom limbs." Neuroscience research in recent years has shown that the brain is a dynamic structure. Persons under regional anaesthetic describe these very same false images.
The Myth of Joyful Parenthood
Raising children is hard, and any parent who says differently is lying. Parenting is emotionally and intellectually draining, and it often requires professional sacrifice and serious financial hardship. Kids are needy and demanding from the moment of their birth to… well, forever. Don’t get me wrong. I love my children dearly, and can’t imagine my life without them. How do we square this jarring contradiction? In the jargon of the field, this is called “cognitive dissonance” — the psychological mechanism we all use to justify our choices and beliefs and preserve our self-esteem. They recruited 80 fathers and mothers, each parent with at least one child under age 18. Then the scientists gave the parents a psychological test designed to measure how much they idealized parenting: Did they agree strongly (or not) that there is nothing more rewarding than raising a child? Eibach and Mock were testing a couple ideas. And that’s what they found, with a slight twist. The results were clear.
eski Türk şamanlarının ülgen ile, tengri ile, umay ile görüşmesini sağlayan, mevlanaya mesneviyi yazdıran iksirin tarifini yazıyorum, not alın: 6 gram üzerlik tohumu4-5 parça akasya dalı4-5 parça kargı kamışı bir tencerede su kaynatılır, kaynamış suyun içine bunlar katılır ve 2-3 saat kaynatılır. 2. saatin sonundan itibaren gözleyin bunu, özünü bıraktığı an hazırdır karışım. karışımın işe yarayabilmesi için bir hafta boyunca alkol almıyosunuz ve gece uykusu uyuyorsunuz. ortamın karanlık olması elzemdir. en fazla dolunay ışığı kadar ışık olmalı. bunu içtikten sonra uzanıyorsunuz, başınızda biri olması iyi olur. çünkü ruhunuz bedeninize pamuk ipliğiyle bağlıdır. bir nevi ayık halde rüya görürsünüz, yaşadığınız budur. astral seyahat, lucid dream falan hepsini bu sayede yapmış olurusunuz. bir nevi miraç yaşarsınız. diğer uyuşturucuların aksine bunda ciddi bir ölüm ve diriliş yaşarsınız. Tamamen yasaldır. Eski Türkçede ismi Ruh asmasıdır. Saygılar...
Recommended Intellectual Catholic Book List
by Fr. Gary Coulter These book were chosen to help enhance the faith and belief of Catholic students outside of the classroom. They are not intended to replace the textbooks or curriculum used by Catholic Schools. The books are classified according to topic and appropriate grade level, but choices should be tailored specifically for each student. See all my other book lists, including: New: Children's Books and Catholic Novels; Books on Apologetics and Books for Seminarians and Priests This is a work in progress, so please e-mail your corrections and suggestions or write in the guestbook. Although links to books are provided through Amazon.com, this does not mean to neglect some of the other fine publishers / sellers of Catholic Books: Sophia Institute Press, Ignatius Press, Neri Publications, Tan Books & Publishers See A Guide To Spiritual Reading For Youth Ages 4-17 and A Guide To Spiritual Reading (Adults) by Rev. Fr.