2 nouveaux guides pratiques pour gérer les risques sur la vie privée (CNIL) La CNIL (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés) publie 2 nouveaux guides sécurité pour gérer les risques sur la vie privée. Ils se composent d’une méthode et d’un catalogue de mesures pour aider les organismes à gérer les risques sur la vie privée. Ces outils opérationnels doivent faciliter l’intégration de la protection de la vie privée dans les traitements à l’aide d’une approche pragmatique, rationnelle et systématique : le Guide : gérer les risques sur les libertés et la vie privée (29 pages, en pdf) et le Guide : mesures pour traiter les risques sur la liberté et la vie privée : Catalogue de bonnes pratiques « Informatique et libertés » – édition 2012 (93 pages, en pdf). Guide : gérer les risques sur les libertés et la vie privée Guide : mesures pour traiter les risques sur la liberté et la vie privée : Catalogue de bonnes pratiques « Informatique et libertés », édition 2012 Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : France
The History of the Internet Project Super-Intelligent Machines: 7 Robotic Futures | The Singularity & Artificial Intelligence by Tia Ghose, Senior Writer | May 07, 2013 12:29pm ET Credit: photobank.kiev.ua | Shutterstock It's been the fodder for countless dystopian movies: a singularity in which artificial intelligence rivals human smarts. But though it sounds like science fiction, many computer scientists say the singularity will arrive some time in the 21st century. Still, few people agree on what that future will look like. From mass extinction to life extension, here are six potential implications of super-smart robots. Author Bio Tia Ghose Tia has interned at Science News, Wired.com, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and has written for the Center for Investigative Reporting, Scientific American, and ScienceNow. Tia Ghose on
"Méthodologies de recherche efficaces sur Internet" Manifestation du groupe sectoriel Veille et recherche sur Internet, 8 mars 2012 publié le 2 avril 2012 Cinq professionnels de l'infodoc ont présenté les trucs et astuces qu'ils ont expérimentés pour optimiser leurs recherches sur le Net, dans des domaines très différents. COMMENT RETROUVER L'ORIGINE D'UNE CITATIONAsuncion Valderrama, Directeur de la documentation, IIPE - Unesco TRUCS ET ASTUCES POUR EN SAVOIR PLUS SUR UNE PERSONNEMagali Guibert, Responsable de l'information, Eric Salmon & Partners QUELQUES PISTES POUR IDENTIFIER DES DONNEES DE MARCHEBéatrice Foenix-Riou, auteure de "Recherche éveillée sur Internet : mode d'emploi", Animatrice du secteur Veille RECHERCHE D'INFORMATIONS ET VEILLE EN PME INDUSTRIELLEJacques Loigerot, Responsable de Projets de Veille, Cetim OUTILS ET METHODES POUR UNE VEILLE E-REPUTATIONMarie Paniez, Consultante e-réputation, AtnetPlanet Rédigé par Claire LABORDE mise à jour le 3 avril 2012 L'ADBS sur les réseaux sociaux
A Brief History of the Internet An anecdotal history of the people and communities that brought about the Internet and the Web (Last updated 28 May 2014) A Brief History of the Internet by Walt Howe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.Based on a work at www.walthowe.com. You can also read this history in a Belorussion translation by Bohdan Zograf and a Brazilian Portuguese translation by Valério Faras. The Internet was the result of some visionary thinking by people in the early 1960s who saw great potential value in allowing computers to share information on research and development in scientific and military fields. When the late Senator Ted Kennedy heard in 1968 that the pioneering Massachusetts company BBN had won the ARPA contract for an "interface message processor (IMP)," he sent a congratulatory telegram to BBN for their ecumenical spirit in winning the "interfaith message processor" contract. Who was the first to use the Internet?
Yapay Zekanın Zaman Tüneli - Gatmer Yapay zeka geçmişten geleceği teknolojinin hayatı değiştirdiği dönemler boyunca tartışılmış ve tartışılacak olan bir ürün olarak çağın belirleyicileri arasında her zaman bulunmuştur ve bulunacaktır. Günümüze kadar neredeyse her dönem bilim kurgu sinema filmlerinin konusu olan yapay zeka artık teknolojinin ilerlemesinden dolayı geliştirilip geliştirilmemesi yönündeki tartışmaların temeline oturdu. Eskiden ütopik bir dünyanın ürünü olan yapay zeka günümüze nasıl geldi önemli uğrak noktaları nelerdir aslında hangi filmler ve teknolojik gelişmeler yapay zekanın gelişiminde ki önemli noktalar bu galerimizde bunları araştırdık.1-Isaac Asimov 1950 yılında yazdığı I Robot kitabıyla yapay zekayı düşünce yapımıza entegre eden kişi yine aynı dönemde Alan Turing tarafından bilgisayar ve makinalar için kağıt üstünde uygulanmaya başlayan Turing Testi. 2-Yapay zekanın araştırılması ve geliştirlmesi için ilk karar Dartmouth Konferansı’nda alındı IBM 702 bilgisayarlarla başladı.
untitled Utilisation du Web pour la recherche documentaire : Vous utilisez énormément Internet pour faire vos recherches. C'est souvent la solution de facilité, non ? Tâchez alors de le faire correctement ! Pensez d'abord qu'il existe des livres (bibliothèque, CDI). Dans le domaine artistique, plusieurs collections proposent des biographies d'artistes à des prix inférieurs à dix euros. Soyez également persuadés qu'il est impossible d'utiliser internet avec intelligence si l'on se refuse à acquérir une culture générale permettant de trier l'information. Sinon, voilà les conseils de base (d'après le journal Le Monde.fr) bien choisir ses mots clés, sans article, sans ponctuation. Croiser les sources d'information. Si je fais un faux article Wikipédia expliquant qu’au lycée Mangin l’uniforme obligatoire est un short rose pour les garçons à partir du 1er avril, il y a des chances pour que « l’information » reste en ligne quelques semaines… Privilégiez les sites universitaires, les sites de musées.
Internet History I. What is the Internet A. From U.S. Word "Internet" refers to a global information system GII that: 1. 2. 3. B. C. D. 1. 2. II. A. 1. 2. B. 1. a. b. c. 2. C. III. A. B. 1. 4. C. D. Computer chatbot 'Eugene Goostman' passes the Turing test A computer program that pretends to be a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy called Eugene Goostman passed a Turing test at the Royal Society in London yesterday (Saturday 6 June) by convincing 33 percent of the judges that it was human during a five-minute typed conversation. The test was suggested by computer scientist Alan Turing in 1950, and the competition was held on the 60th anniversary of his death. The judges included Robert Llewellyn, who played the android Kryten in Red Dwarf, and Lord Sharkey, who led the campaign for Turing's posthumous pardon last year. Llewellyn tweeted: "Turing test was amazing. Eugene Goostman's success was not a surprise. Kevin Warwick, a visiting professor at the University of Reading, which organised both tests, said it was the first time a chatbot had passed an open-ended test, rather than one where topics or questions were set in advance. The fictional Eugene has a father who is a gynaecologist, and has a pet guinea pig. Further reading