MAX — The Creativity Conference
Maira Kalman was born in Tel Aviv and moved to New York with her family at the age of four. She was raised in bucolic Riverdale, the Bronx. She now lives in Manhattan. Maira has written and illustrated Eighteen children’s books, including Ooh-‐la-‐la-‐Max in Love, What Pete Ate, Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. She is a frequent contributor to The New Yorker Magazine, and is well known for her collaboration with Rick Meyerowitz on the “New Yorkistan” cover in 2001 and “The New York City Sub-‐Culinary Map.” Recent projects include illustrating Strunk and White’s classic The Elements of Style. Maira Kalman has had eight exhibitions at the Julie Saul Gallery since 2003. She has collaborated with Michael Pollan to illustrate his acclaimed Food Rules, just published Girls on Lawns, with text by Daniel Handler.
Ressources en ligne : langue et littérature françaises
Ressources en ligne :langue et littérature françaises Articles scientifiques (et autres publications de recherche) Base de données bibliographiques Brepolis Medieval Bibliographies Thèses, mémoires Catalogue SCD université François-Rabelais DUMAS - Dépôt universitaire de mémoires après soutenance Dictionnaires, encyclopédies Grand corpus des dictionnaires Classiques Garnier numérique Database of latin dictionaries (DLD) Encyclopaedia Universalis Cairn - Encyclopédies de poche Images et ressources multimédias Agence photographique de la RMN Articles de presse Oeuvres en texte intégral, livres numériques Bibliothèques virtuelles humanistes Classiques Garnier numérique - corpus de littérature médiévale Classiques Garnier Numérique - Editions en ligne Portails et sites fiables Clé des procédés littéraires Lexique des termes littéraires Français langue étrangère Délégation générale à la langue française Bibliotheca classica selecta Catalogues de bibliothèques SCD Université François-Rabelais
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Ressources en ligne : langues et littératures étrangères
Ressources en ligne :langues et littératures étrangères Articles scientifiques (et autres publications de recherche) Revues accessibles par l'université Thèses, mémoires Catalogue SCD université François-Rabelais DUMAS - Dépôt universitaire de mémoires après soutenance Dictionnaires, encyclopédies Encyclopaedia Universalis Cairn - Encyclopédies de poche Dictionnaires bilingues WordReference Dictionnaires bilingues Reverso Grand corpus des dictionnaires Classiques Garnier numérique Images et ressources multimédias Agence photographique de la RMN Articles de presse Oeuvres en texte intégral, livres numériques Early English Books Online - EEBO Eighteenth-Century Collections Online - ECCO Portails et sites fiables Toutes langues et littératures Clé des procédés littéraires Lexique des termes littéraires Staatbibliothek zu Berlin Biblioteca Miguel de Cervantes Biblioteca nacional de Espana Apprentissage langues étrangères Catalogues de bibliothèques SCD Université François-Rabelais Bibliothèque municipale de Tours
How to Do Stop Motion Videos on iPads
The Popularity of Stop Motion Effects Stop motion movies date back to the early 20th century, but they have seen a resurgence of late with popular releases like Wallace and Gromit, Chicken Run, Coraline and Frankenweenie topping box offices around the world. So, how do they do that? The premise is simple. You take a series of still photographs, each one just slightly different from the last, and you play them back to back to simulate a motion picture video. All it really takes is patience, creativity and the right equipment. Planning All movies need a story. Some people like to script out what they will do for each scene, while others like to create storyboards that give a more visual idea of what will happen at each stage of your movie. Materials & Backgrounds As we saw in the Angry Birds video above, clay animation, or claymation, is a popular form of stop motion animation, but it is not the only option for budding film makers. Equipment Stop Motion Apps Lights, Camera, Action! Editing
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