La population mondiale
Charlie Chaplin The Immigrant le film complet français
Etude des problemes demographiques - surpopulation - et des liens ecologie demographie
The History of Civilization Mapped in 13 Minutes: 5000 BC to 2014 AD
Above, watch “a geopolitical history of all empires, nations, kingdoms, armies and republics” unfold in 13 minutes. Created by a YouTuber who simply goes by the name “kardboardking,” the video stitches together “more than 500 world maps spanning all historical events.” We start in Sumer, somewhere around 5500-4000 BC. And end in 2014, with the world as we know it today. Kardboardking is careful to point out that the clip features civilizations with a writing system and urban centers. Follow Open Culture on Facebook and Twitter and share intelligent media with your friends. Related Content: Free: National Geographic Lets You Download Thousands of Maps from the United States Geological Survey
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2. Choisir l'aniation sur la tra,sition démographique by hgdarnet Sep 2