來用 Sketch 畫你的 UI 吧 | VISIONCAN 在之前就聽說過這個黃黃的鑽石 Sketch 來畫 UI 相當好用,就趁當時 Sketch 3 推出時入手了,再親身體驗過後,我推薦用 Sketch 來畫你的 UI,以下跟大家簡單分享幾個我回不去 Photoshop 的特點: 超方便的圖片匯出 因應 Retina 的螢幕,Sketch 可以很方便的一次輸出多個倍數匯出,傳統用 Photoshop 可能得先輸出 2x 再去縮 1x,另一個好處是 Sketch 是向量的,可以先畫 1x 再輸出 2x 甚至更大 3x,若要支援甫推出的 iPhone 6 Plus 可說是無痛升級 3x!註: 其實 Photoshop 也是可以向量,只是用起來不那麼方便! 我之前的作法給大家參考一下,由於我是使用 Macbook Retina 螢幕,所以我是先畫 2x,再去縮放 0.5 倍及 1.5 倍: 另一個亮點就是不用特地隱藏其它圖層可以直接輸出我要的圖層,過往使用 Photoshop 得先隱藏某些圖層才能再輸出(Save to Web),但若是用 Sketch 的 slice 切片功能還是得隱藏部份圖層就是。 輸出還有一個很方便的功能,就是在預覽區裡就可以直接使用拖拉輸出圖片了,一個動作就將檔案加到寄件附件裡! 相對間距顯示 按下 option 再移動可以方便的知道物件間距是多少,透過不同物件中移動可以很快速的知道相對的座標及間距或是否有置中。 多層的填色、外框、陰影 元素可以有很多層的填色、外框等,效果可以疊加,另一方面在單一元素的 A/B test 很好用啊~ 建立可重用 symbols、text styles 這也是我覺得 Sketch 很大的一個亮點,把元素轉成 symbols,像是一個模組一樣可以重複使用,要修改是同步的,假如以一個 iOS App 來說,我有個畫面都各有一個褐色的 Navigation Bar,萬一要改成白色底、字體,在 Photoshop 要怎麼作? 背景模糊 我覺得這是針對 iOS7 來的吧!! Artboard 也算是一個 Sketch 的特色,一個檔裡可分很多 Page,而 Page 裡可以放很多 Artboard,可以想像 Artboard 是 App 中某個 Tab 裡每個流程畫面,而用 Page 來區分不同 Tab,另一個也是不錯用法就是利用不同的 Artboard 來作 app 的各種 size 的 icon。 結論:
IDE GitHub Pages | Websites for you and your projects, hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live. Merrick Christensen - Grunt.js Workflow In this article I'm going to show you how to leverage Grunt.js to completely refactor your workflow. Follow in the footsteps of some of the most prolific open source projects in the world and leave the grunt work to Grunt.js. What is Grunt.js? Grunt.js is a fantastic task-based command line tool written in JavaScript on top of the wonderful Node.js platform. You can leverage Grunt.js to script away all of your grunt work. Tools and procedures that you historically ran and configured yourself, you can now abstract behind a convention based command line interface with a consistent means of configuration. What are these tasks I keep referencing? Why should I use Grunt.js? Consistency Grunt.js provides a consistent interface for configuring and using any task. Utility Grunt.js allows you to run your tasks when monitored files change or manually using the command line. Community Grunt.js has a strong and rapidly growing community. Power & Flexibility Who is using it? A Grunt.js Workflow Installation
Baseline - a designer framework by Stephanecurzi.me “Real” baseline grid on the web When I first started to design Baseline, I wanted to base the grid on the work of Josef Müller-Brockmann, unfortunately some missing CSS attributes — like type leading — kept me from implementing a true grid based approach. I then decided to another look at the basic grid used in print: the baseline grid. Most frameworks and examples of baseline grids simply put the type on a regular line-height, but one problem with this approach is that the text rarely lines up correctly between columns and headlines — H1 through H6. How to use Baseline Baseline can be used in many different ways. Download The .zip file includes the full set of CSS files both for development and deployment, a Photoshop base document and a full set of HTML templates and examples. Going from 0.2 to 0.5 I’ve jumped the version from 0.2 to 0.5 because Baseline is getting closer to be feature complete than what I had anticipated. Known problems and limitations Version history Version 0.5.1
Tutorials Premiers pas avec l'API Google Fonts | Google Fonts | Google for Developers This guide explains how to use the Google Fonts API to add fonts to your web pages. You don't need to do any programming; all you have to do is add a special stylesheet link to your HTML document, then refer to the font in a CSS style. A quick example Here's an example. Then open the file in a modern web browser. Making the Web Beautiful! That sentence is ordinary text, so you can change how it looks by using CSS. You should now see a drop shadow under the text: And that's only the beginning of what you can do with the Fonts API and CSS. Overview You can start using the Google Fonts API in just two steps: Add a stylesheet link to request the desired web font(s): Style an element with the requested web font, either in a stylesheet: or with an inline style on the element itself: For a list of fonts you can use, see Google Fonts. Specifying font families and styles in a stylesheet URL To determine what URL to use in your stylesheet link, start with the Google Fonts API base URL: For example:
nodemon 960 Grid System s'interface bien avec Github , Moka Babeljs, plugins, que les développeurs peuvent également écrire et publier. Babel's code transformations are enabled by applying plugins (or presets) to your configuration file. If the plugin is on npm, you can pass in the name of the plugin and Babel will check that it's installed in node_modules. This is added to the plugins config option, which takes an array. babel.config.json You can also specify a relative/absolute path to your plugin. See name normalization for more specifics on configuring the path of a plugin or preset. These plugins apply transformations to your code. Transform plugins will enable the corresponding syntax plugin so you don't have to specify both. Most syntax is transformable by Babel. You don't need to specify the syntax plugin if the corresponding transform plugin is used already, since it enables it automatically. Alternatively, you can also provide any plugins option from the Babel parser: Your .babelrc: Ordering matters for each visitor in the plugin. For example: Will run transform-decorators-legacy then transform-class-properties.