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Dewey Decimal Classification / Linked Data

Dewey Decimal Classification / Linked Data

Bibliographie nationale française La Bibliographie nationale française rassemble les notices bibliographiques des documents édités ou diffusés en France, et reçus par la BnF au titre du dépôt légal. La Bibliographie nationale française n'est pas un catalogue : elle ne signale pas l'ensemble des documents qui entrent à la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Pour effectuer une recherche sur l'ensemble de ces documents, il est nécessaire d'utiliser les catalogues de la BnF. La Bibliographie nationale française est une bibliographie courante prévue par la loi sur le dépôt légal, dont l'article 2 commande "la constitution et la diffusion de bibliographies nationales". Elle donne une vue d'ensemble de la production éditoriale française. Le rythme de publication de la Bibliographie nationale française varie selon les types de documents qui y sont recensés. L'utilisation de caractères spéciaux pour le catalogage de certains documents peut entraîner des défauts dans l'affichage.

The 8 Skills Students Must Have For The Future Editor’s note: This is a revised version of an article written by Katie Lepi that originally appeared on June 7th, 2014. We believe this information is still highly relevant, but we wanted to update it with the latest thinking. To do that, we invited writer Michael Sledd to take the reins. Education has traditionally focused on the basic “3Rs” of reading, writing and arithmetic. This naturally leads to the question of what those skills are or will be, and while there are other excellent suggestions out there, Pearson’s 2014 edition of “The Learning Curve” report lists the 8 skills below as those most necessary to succeed in the 21st century. Understanding and Teaching These Skills In order to incorporate these skills into their lessons and to develop student ability in each area, teachers must first understand what these things truly mean. Leadership People have discussed leadership for centuries, and generated a wide array of different definitions and theories about what it means. Takeaway

Books by ISBN - search books by ISBN The Home-Based Bookstore Start Your Own Business Selling Used Books on ... - Steve Weber Dewey Web Services For a long time, the Dewey team at OCLC has wanted to do something with Linked Data. That is, apply Linked Data principles to parts of the Dewey Decimal Classification and present the data as a small “terminology service.” The service should respond to regular HTTP requests with either a machine- or a human-readable presentation of Dewey classes. There should be a URI (and, even better, a Web page that delivers a useful description) for every Dewey concept, not just single classes. The data should be presented in a format that is capable of handling rich semantic information and in a way that allows users or user agents to just “follow their nose” to explore the data. For more complex stuff, the service should offer an API-like query access. Along comes Tim Berners-Lee's new-ish Linked Data meme “Raw Data Now!” For now, the latter approach seemed a more effective driving force that prompted us to confront several different issues that are relevant for either one.

ID Base • À propos Base d'analyses de séquences pédagogiques en Information-Documentation par Pascal Duplessis Le projet ID Base Le projet ID Base est né de la volonté de contribuer à la didactique de l’information-documentation en mettant en lumière un axe peu sollicité, celui des séquences pédagogiques expérimentées sur le terrain par les professeurs documentalistes. La construction des savoirs scolaires de l’information-documentation résulte de l’articulation d’une triple transposition didactique : les savoirs scientifiques (SIC et sciences de l’éducation), les savoirs de référence (documentation, journalisme) et les savoirs professionnels (enseignement). Il semble que les chercheurs et les institutionnels s’intéressent peu à cette dernière dimension. Pourquoi ID Base ? Du point de vue des professeurs documentalistes, ID Base peut être perçu comme un complément ou une alternative à Edu’Base Documentation que gèrent différents IATICE Documentation. L’enjeu didactique L’enjeu pédagogique La méthodologie

More libraries switch to KOHA catalogue system This month, two European public libraries announced their move to KOHA, the open source library system. First, on 16 January, the Oslo Public Library - Norway's largest public library - stated that it will make the open source catalogue system the core of its new library building, to be opened in 2017. The library of the Swedish Institute of Rome, in the Italian capital, made an announcement on 20 January. The institute - funded by the Swedish Ministry of Education - will switch to KOHA in the next few months. The Oslo Library's Digital Services team explains on its website that it selected KOHA after having considered purchasing proprietary alternatives and developing one of their own. "By choosing KOHA, we will have an integrated library system that can be tailored to our needs, without limitations on the number of concurrent users/licenses, as well as a system where we truly own all the data ourselves. Archeology More information:

Margaret Kipp - - Classification Classification is the use of symbolic notation to achieve the objectives of subject indexing. Subjects are represented by symbols (combinations of letters and numbers) rather than words and may be combined by combining these symbols. The purposes of classification is to collocate or cluster like items by subject, preserve context (discipline, topics, form) in one "term," and resolve language issues. Classifications tend to be based on a philosophical view of knowledge as something that can be subdivided into a series of disciplinary classes, which can further be subdivided into topics. The basic properties of a good classification are inclusivity and comprehensiveness, systematicity, flexibility and expansibility. The four basic varieties of classifications are: universal, national, subject specific, and homegrown. DDC and LCC Examples DDC Examples How would you classify material on lacrosse?

Adventure - Dixie Dugan's Bag of Tricks CHAPTER 1: Dixie My first clear memory of Dixie was in the 5th grade. We must have been 12 years old because it was towards the end of the school year. I mean, I had known her since kindergarten, but we grew up in a very small town which had a very small school which had relatively small class sizes, but she had flown pretty much under the radar before that day when she popped into my memory and stayed there. Our 5th grade teacher, Mrs. “Well, Dixie?” The answer to that was obvious, no matter what Dixie was playing with in her lap. Then came the inevitable question from the increasingly agitated teacher: “What is that, that you are trying unsuccessfully to hide from me, that is so terribly important that you don’t have time to listen to me?” Dixie just sat there with her red hair mostly covering her mostly red face. “Did you hear me, Dixie? Dixie mumbled something unintelligible. “I’m sorry, Dixie. And then, something seemed to click in Dixie. “It’s my Shutup’r,” she stated clearly. Mrs.

Getting Started - Most webmasters are familiar with HTML tags on their pages. Usually, HTML tags tell the browser how to display the information included in the tag. For example, <h1>Avatar</h1> tells the browser to display the text string "Avatar" in a heading 1 format. provides a collection of shared vocabularies webmasters can use to mark up their pages in ways that can be understood by the major search engines: Google, Microsoft, Yandex and Yahoo! 1. 1a. Your web pages have an underlying meaning that people understand when they read the web pages. 1b. itemscope and itemtype Let's start with a concrete example. <div><h1>Avatar</h1><span>Director: James Cameron (born August 16, 1954)</span><span>Science fiction</span><a href=".. To begin, identify the section of the page that is "about" the movie Avatar. <div itemscope><h1>Avatar</h1><span>Director: James Cameron (born August 16, 1954) </span><span>Science fiction</span><a href=".. Back to top 1c. itemprop 1d. 2. 2b. 2c. 3. 3a. 3b. Enumerations

Thésaurus MOTBIS en ligne par SCÉRÉN - CNDP xTooltipElement Vous êtes ici : Accueil <select name="panier" id="panierLab"><option value="panier">Panier des recherches</option></select><input type="submit" name="boutonPanier" value="valider" class="valider" /> <select name="histo" id="histoLab"><option value="Historique">Historique des recherches</option></select><input type="submit" name="boutonHistorique" value="valider" class="valider" /> Site d'informations Motbis Cette zone est une aide à la recherche. Bienvenue sur l'interface de consultation en ligne de MOTBIS 2019 Liste des microthésaurus Pour plus d'efficacité de recherche, veuillez consulter la rubrique aide ci-dessous : © Réseau Canopé Mentions légales

Creating School Library "Makerspace" Home » Creating School Library "Makerspace" School Library Monthly;Feb2013, Vol. 29 Issue 5, p41 The article discusses the creation of so-called makerspaces in school libraries, where students and staff can create, do problem solving, and develop thinking. The adaptation of the original makerspace concept to primary, intermediate and middle grade school libraries is mentioned. Fostering Thoughtful Self-Direction in Students.

'Game Of Thrones' Sex Scenes And Nudity: The Complete NSFW Collection The sex on “Game of Thrones” has been the topic of much discussion throughout the first two seasons of the hit HBO series. It has sparked debate about gender roles and sexism on TV, inspired critic Myles McNutt to coin the term “sexposition" –- using sex as a backdrop for exposition about back story or character motives -- and earned a spoof on "Saturday Night Live" for its gratuitous nudity. The Huffington Post thought it was time to look at the show's breadth of sex scenes to figure out if "Game of Thrones" is the non-stop T & A ... and P fest it's made out to be. After going through the entire series looking for every instance of sex and nudity, The Huffington Post discovered that in 20 hours of material, there is just a little over 15 minutes of, literal and figurative, naughty bits. Watch the full compilation below to see what all the fuss is about. UPDATE: Check out the "Game of Thrones" Season 3 sex scenes and nudity compilation here. Video produced by Oliver Noble

Doc pour docs - Site mutualiste et indépendant, réalisé à domicile par des professeurs documentalistes, pour les professeurs documentalistes.
