29 Incredibly Useful Websites You Wish You Knew Earlier There are so many wonderful websites around, and it is difficult to know each and every one of them. The below list provides some of those websites that I find particularly helpful, even though they are not as famous or as prevalent as some of the big names out there. 1. BugMeNot Are you bugged constantly to sign up for websites, even though you do not wish to share your email? 2. This nifty little website tracks whether the emails sent by you were opened and read by the receiver. If you are on a constant lookout of free full length movies, then Zero Dollar movies provides a collection of over 15,000 movies in multiple languages that are available to watch for free on Youtube. 4. Livestream allows you to watch and broadcast events live to viewers on any platform. scr.im converts your email address into a short custom URLs, that can be shared on public websites. 6. TinEye is a Reverse Image search tool which is as accurate as Google’s Reverse Image search tool. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
IDECyL | Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de Castilla y León | Junta de Castilla y León uk.businessinsider The Insider Picks team writes about stuff we think you'll like. Business Insider has affiliate partnerships, so we may get a share of the revenue from your purchase. Sean Gallup/Getty Some of us (myself included), need a cup of coffee every morning to kick-start our day. Below I've rounded up most of the variations of at-home coffee makers you're likely to find and attempted to explain how they work and who they're best suited for. A Coffee Cone Drip Amazon What is is: The cone drip is a method of brewing that will involve some effort and concentration on the part of the brewer, but the reward is well worth it. With a cone drip, home baristas have a bit of control over the flavor and strength of their coffee, depending on the speed of your pour. Who it's for: The budding barista hoping to keep the process simple. Tanors Ceramic Coffee Dripper, $10.99, available at Amazon. An Electric Drip Brewer (Standard Coffee Maker) Cuisinart 12-Cup Programmable Thermal Brewer, $82.99, available at Amazon.
Cartografía | IniSIG En esta página hago una recopilación de diferentes agencias cartográficas tanto privadas como públicas, así como de diferentes instituciones internacionales que ponen sus recursos al servicio del usuario. Cabe destacar que el grueso del trabajo viene de la magnífica recopilación de la página web RTWilson. Me he tomado la libertad de traducirla y modificarla para ajustarla un poco a las necesidades y de añadir enlaces.También quisiera destacar las aportaciones de la comunidad a través sobre todo de los grupos de linkedin y correo electrónico y que han aportado su granito de arena a esta recopilación. Espero que sea de utilidad y si encontráis alguna imprecisión o enlace roto, por favor comentadlo y lo repararé tan pronto como me sea posible. Gracias por vuestra visita. España: CNIG: El Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica tiene a disposición de los usuarios una amplia gama de cartografía disponible en internet para descargar. Arriba América: General Límites Administrativos Uso del suelo
Happy Hour Virus | Courtesy of TDA_Boulder Biblioteca Virtual de Defensa > Resultados Biblioteca Virtual del Ministerio de defensa Últimas búsquedas expedientes ovni Está en: › Resultados Búsqueda efectuada: Cualquier campo: expedientes ovni Ordenar por: Título Autor Fecha Relevancia <img src="../.. <label id="label_accionSeleccion" for="accionSeleccion">Registros: </label><span class="valor"><select name="accionSeleccion" id="accionSeleccion"><option value="todos" >Todos</option><option value="soloseleccionados" >Marcados</option></select></span> Seleccionados: 0 Lengua Español (80) Materia Sección General (80) Periodo 1968 (16) 1969 (7) 1975 (5) 1979 (4) 1980 (4) 1978 (3) 1993 (3) 1965 (2) 1967 (2) 1968 - 1976 (2) [+] Más Nube de materias 21 al 40 de 80
Spurious Correlations Flame Painter Free | online paint program Flame Painter is a unique paint program, it belongs to my 'I am an Artist' experimental project. I think with tools which inspires you, everyone can be an artist. You can try it here, change different brush settings and paint your own flame paintings. When you change the background from black to white, the palette changes from additive to subtractive and the feeling of the painting is very different. It's not easy to explain all brush parameters, so I leave this for your experimentation. Check out new Rebelle - the real watercolor and acrylic paint program, Amberlight - abstract art tool based on particles, or Fluidance motion effect program. You can try more experiments here. NEW: This is a new Flash version of Flame Painter Free, we removed the old Java version, because it is not anymore supported correctly by most of the browsers. Tools: FADE - fade in/out [ on | off ] GRADIENT - color gradient [ on | off ] COLOR - brush color SATURATION - brush saturation OPACITY - brush opacity
The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2014 Editor’s note: 2015’s list of the best, most interesting websites has arrived! The video above is a sampling from that list. Welcome to the most awesome blog post you’re going to see all year. Yep, it’s the third installment in the super-popular annual series in which I document the sites I think you’ll want to spend a lot of time on in the coming year (below you’ll find a few highlights from recent years in case you missed out). I have one major rule: a site can only appear on this list once, so there are never any duplicates. There’s more to this article!