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List.js - Add search, sort and flexibility to plain HTML lists with cross-browser native JavaScript by @javve

List.js - Add search, sort and flexibility to plain HTML lists with cross-browser native JavaScript by @javve

WhatFont Tool - The easiest way to inspect fonts in webpages « Chengyin Liu ← Back to Chengyin's main page What is the easiest way to find out the fonts used in a webpage? Firebug or Webkit Inspector? Hence I wrote WhatFont, with which you can easily get font information about the text you are hovering on. To embrace the new web font era, WhatFont also detects services used for serving the font. Font name? Want to know more? Want the font? Want to share your discovery? ← Drag this to your bookmark bar to install On any webpage, click your WhatFont bookmark to use the tool. Full support: Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 9+, Safari 4+, Internet Explorer 9. Limited support: Internet Explorer 8. ↑Install the extension from Chrome Web Store. On any webpage, click WhatFont button to use the tool. Since Safari 12, extension are installed through Mac App Store. >After downloading, launche the WhatFont app, and enable WhatFont extension in Safari. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Email Twitter @chengyinliu The tool should auto-update itself.

stripe.js - Vimperator Stripe.js is our foundational JavaScript library for securely sending sensitive information to Stripe directly from the customer’s browser. Including Stripe.js However you’re using Stripe.js, you always begin by including the library and setting your API key. To get started, include this script on your pages—it should always be loaded directly from To best leverage Stripe’s advanced fraud functionality, include this script on every page on your site, not just the checkout page. Stripe(publishableKey[, options]) Use Stripe(publishableKey[, options]) to create an instance of the Stripe object. var stripe = Stripe('pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh'); const stripe = Stripe('pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh'); We've placed a random API key in the code. When you’re ready to accept live payments, replace the test key with your live key in production. This function accepts an optional options object. Stripe options The Stripe object stripe.elements([options]) Elements options

CodeKit — THE Mac App For Web Developers Why does [5,6,8,7][1,2] = 8 in Javascript - Stack Overflow - Vimperator Mobile Emulators and Simulators - The ultimate guide to mobile developers | Mobile Web Programming The most useful tools for mobile web are emulators and simulators. In Chapter 4 of Programming the Mobile Web I’ve made an extensive description and installation guideline for creating a desktop mobile testing environment. And in Chapter 13, I’ve also reviewed other solutions for mobile testing, including four device remote lab solutions. I’ve mixed all this information to create this ultimate guide to 37 download resources for hundreds of emulators and simulators. This list includes content from Programming the Mobile Web book with frequent updated information & links. Installation and Usage Guide In Chapter 3 there is an installation and usage guide for mobile web emulators, including how to open local files, keyboard shorcuts and proxy configuration. Emulators and Simulators Generally speaking, an emulator is a piece of software that translates compiled code from an original architecture to the platform where it is running, such as the great MAME. Do you know any other emulator?

jquery - Get query string values in JavaScript - Stack Overflow - Vimperator Fireworks Wireframing Kit Enhancing Web Apps with AmplifyJS There seems to be a new crop of special-purpose JavaScript libraries every week. Gone, it seems, are the days of using only one library per project. Today I’ll introduce you to a very cool component library, AmplifyJS, that offers just a few very specialized components. Devs, Meet AmplifyJS According to the website: AmplifyJS is a set of components designed to solve common web application problems. Sounds prestigious, but what’s actually in this library? AmplifyJS has three main pieces: An AJAX APIA PubSub Event SystemA Client-side Storage API Join me now for a tour of the incredible AmplifyJS library! We don’t really need to concern ourselves with styling and layout issues today so I’m going to use the Twitter Bootstrap library. Step 1: Setting it Up So, make yourself a project directory. jQuery: Amplify’s AJAX component uses jQuery’s AJAX feature underneath it’s API, at least by default. Then, start off our index.html file like this: All right, we’re ready to go! amplify.publish And TABLE?

Bootstrap, from Twitter Need reasons to love Bootstrap? Look no further. By nerds, for nerds. Built at Twitter by @mdo and @fat, Bootstrap utilizes LESS CSS, is compiled via Node, and is managed through GitHub to help nerds do awesome stuff on the web. Made for everyone. Bootstrap was made to not only look and behave great in the latest desktop browsers (as well as IE7!) A Quick Look Into The Math Of Animations With JavaScript - Smashing Coding - Vimperator The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5? Is there a better way of writing v = (v == 0 ? 1 : 0); - Stack Overflow - Vimperator Adobe Presenter The Adobe USA site has been optimized for users within the United States. If you live outside the U.S., we recommend that you visit your local site for the most relevant information, including pricing, promotions, and local events. United States Canada - English Your country selection will be remembered for future visits. Le site web américain d'Adobe a été optimisé pour les utilisateurs résidant aux États-Unis. Canada - Français Le pays choisi sera enregistré pour vos prochaines visites. View complete list of countries ›

20 JavaScript Frameworks Worth Checking Out The number of web applications being created and used has grown rapidly since the new millenium. And importantly, so has the sheer complexity of them -- specially on the front end. No more static pages, no sir! You have a ton of sections each interacting with each other and the server and yes, it's as complicated as it sounds and just as hard to pull off. Today, I'd like to talk about a few choice JavaScript frameworks that aim to simplify front-end application development. If you think jQuery is the answer, you lose a cookie and get an F grade! Creating responsive, fluid, and maintainable interfaces for web apps isn't as easy as one would imagine -- there is data to be sent back to the server and the results parsed, data stores to be updated, views to be re-rendered and so much else that needs to be done in the background. Sure, a few of these may be a little old but their code bases have lots of lessons to teach. Related links: Introduction to Sammy.js Github Repo Google Code
