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Text Rotation with CSS

Text Rotation with CSS
Once again, after reading somebody else's article, I felt inspired to put together an alternative example. In this case: Text Rotation. Within the article I linked to, the example uses an image sprite and a sprinkle of CSS to get things positioned right. Well, maybe not so much a sprinkle. It's like the top fell off the pepper shaker and you've suddenly got a large pile of pepper on your food. It makes me want to sneeze. Thankfully, many of the popular browsers of today support the ability to rotate HTML elements. <div class="example-date"><span class="day">31</span><span class="month">July</span><span class="year">2009</span></div> Nice and clean without too many extras. The Magical CSS For Webkit and Firefox (as of 3.5), you can take advantage of the proposed transform property to handle the rotation. -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); In order to perform a transformation, the element has to be set to display:block. In action

ServiceLocator and Unity – Be Careful - Jeremiah Clark's Blog Chris Tavarez has provided a handy adapter ( UnityServiceLocator ) for using ServiceLocator to resolve types from a Unity container. You can then use ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider() to register the UnityServiceLocator as the default provider for ServiceLocator. For this example, we will be using ServiceLocator and Unity to resolve the type IFoo to Foo using a singleton lifetime. Then we will get two instances of IFoo and compare to ensure that they are the same object. Here are four different approaches to configuring ServiceLocator and Unity that I have found during my searches on the web: 1: static void Main( string [] args) 3: UnityServiceLocator locator = new UnityServiceLocator(ConfigureUnityContainer()); 4: ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => locator); 6: var a = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IFoo>(); 7: var b = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IFoo>(); 9: Console.WriteLine(a.Equals(b)); 12: private static IUnityContainer ConfigureUnityContainer() 16: return container;

25 High Quality Free Fonts for Professional Designs Sometimes, the best things in life are free – fonts are a great example of this concept. There are many typography designers and type foundries that choose to share their beautiful creations to the public. In this collection, you’ll find some of the best free and high-quality sans serif fonts for clean and professional designs that you can download on the web. 1. Nevis Download: Ten by Twenty (ZIP) 2. Download: Danmarks Medie (ZIP) 3. Download: The League of Moveable Type (ZIP) 4. Download: SMeltery (ZIP, read EULA first) 5. Download: Typophile (ZIP) 6. Download Page: MyFonts 7. Download: TrueType/OpenType Tools (ZIP) 8. Download: deviantART (ZIP) Download: (TAR) 10. Download: The Crud Factory (ZIP) 11. Download Page: MyFonts 12. Download: The League of Moveable Type (ZIP) 13. Download Page: MyFonts 14. Download: Tiro Typeworks (Windows/OSX TTF) 15. advent font Download: deviantART (ZIP) 16. Download: SMeltery (ZIP, read EULA first) 17. Download: deviantART (ZIP) 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Sexy Drop Down Menu w/ jQuery &amp; CSS | Noupe Jun 02 2009 Studies show that top navigations tend to get the most visual attention when a user first visits a site. Having organized and intuitive navigation is key — and while most drop down menus may look aesthetically pleasing, developing them to degrade gracefully is also essential. In this tutorial I would like to go over how to create a sexy drop down menu that can also degrade gracefully. View Demo of Sexy Drop Down Menu Step1. First create an unordered list for your base top navigation. <ul class="topnav"><li><a href="#">Home</a></li><li><a href="#">Tutorials</a><ul class="subnav"><li><a href="#">Sub Nav Link</a></li><li><a href="#">Sub Nav Link</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="#">Resources</a><ul class="subnav"><li><a href="#">Sub Nav Link</a></li><li><a href="#">Sub Nav Link</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="#">About Us</a></li><li><a href="#">Advertise</a></li><li><a href="#">Submit</a></li><li><a href="#">Contact Us</a></li></ul> Step2. Step3. jQuery Conclusion Homepage

.NET Junkie - Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web Forms with the Common Service Locator When working with IoC frameworks, one should always try to minimize the amount of application code that takes a dependency on that framework. In an ideal world, there would only be a single place in the application were the container is queried for dependencies. ASP.NET Web Forms however, was never designed with these concepts in mind. It therefore is tempting to directly request for dependencies in the Page classes instead of looking for a workaround. This is what a Page could look like without such a workaround: public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI. public _Default () { this .userService = ServiceLocator .Current.GetInstance<IUserService>(); } } While this doesn’t look that bad, it creates a dependency on an particular implementation and even when your calling an abstraction (as I do with the Common Service Locator in the example) you might want to prevent this, because you’ve still got a dependency and a bit of plumbing in each and every page. protected _Default () { }

Create a font from your own handwriting - Spiffy Box - Simple Rounded Corner CSS Boxes ma... Why does everyone say dependency injection in ASP.NET webforms is hard when PageHandlerFactory and IHttpHandlerFactory exist Six Fonts That Piss People Off | Design &amp; Innovation Recently, Ikea unveiled its new catalogue, and designers began complaining almost immediately. To laymen, the problem is probably almost invisible: Ikea has changed its official font from Futura--with its tony design pedigree--to Verdana. So what? Maybe all the hubbub strikes you as weird, but fonts have always inspired passions. Germans argued for literally hundreds of years over which font was more German: Antiqua, or Fraktur. Helvetica is literally everywhere, from American Apparel to American Airlines. Designers hate Comic Sans--again, a Microsoft product. Typography disputes usually boil down to looks or politics. Typographic history is filled with theft and credit grabbing, and one of the most famous examples is Times New Roman.

CSS Hacks Dealing with browser inconsistencies often makes up a majority of the work for a web designer. Sometimes there is no reasonable way to accomplish a desired layout in all major web browsers without the use of some special exception rules for certain layout engines. Hacks necessarily lead to potential complications and should be avoided whenever possible, but when the circumstances require hacks to be used, it's best to know what your options are and weigh the consequences appropriately. The purpose of this article is to describe some of the CSS hacks, also called CSS filters, with the least significant potential consequences. In-CSS hacks Up One of the drawbacks of conditional comments is that they require changes to the HTML source. Easy selectors Most in-CSS hacks deal with selector bugs. IE 6 and below * html {} IE 7 and below *:first-child+html {} * html {} IE 7 only *:first-child+html {} IE 7 and modern browsers only html>body {} Modern browsers only (not IE 7) Recent Opera versions 9 and below
