The Right Way to Show Movies in Class I like to think of myself as a proponent of using multimedia in the classroom to better engage students in the curriculum. I’ve amassed a large collection of movies from youtube, teachertube, itunes podcasts, and commercial DVDs that I show in frequent short bursts in the classroom with adults and children to help make my points and show visual examples of what I’m talking about. I think it’s time to clarify how to show movies effectively. 1. Showing movies in class should not be a Friday fun day activity. Okay, I don’t mind if you show them on Friday or even if students enjoy watching them. 2. 3. 4. Content. Delivery. Behavior. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Draw, choose, write or say: Fantastic formative assessments Formative assessment can be fantastic! Here are options for letting students draw, choose, write and say as a formative assessment tool. (Flickr / Devon Christopher Adams) Formative assessment can be drudgery. Or formative assessment can be fantastic. Teachers use formative assessments to get the pulse of the class, to see how students are progressing. Plenty of digital tools exist to help teachers mix things up. Need some ideas? When you’re done reading, please add your favorite formative assessment tools in a comment at the end of the post! Formative ( — Formative lets teachers ask a question (or questions) to students through the students’ devices. Paper by FiftyThree ( — Paper is a sketching app. Google Drawings ( — Google Drawings lets students add elements to a blank canvas, including text, images, shapes and lines. Kahoot! Plickers ( — Don’t have devices for every student? Related
Wayback Machine Donor challenge: A generous supporter will match your donation 3 to 1 right now. Triple your impact! Dear Wayback Supporter, We ask you only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. You may not know it, but we’re an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on. We protect reader privacy. We ask you only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We ask you only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. Lesson plans & curriculum guides: PDP guide Search the Library Catalogue, using the keyword lesson plan or teacher guide Here are some examples of resources containing ideas or materials for lesson planning: resource binders - e.g. Math makes sense 1 [print] textbooks - e.g. TeachBC - start here! Not sure if the materials you've found are copyright-cleared for educational use in the classroom? General/multidisciplinary BCTF Provincial Specialist Associations List of specialist association websites, which can be an excellent source of subject-specific teaching information and resources. Arts education Association of British Columbia Drama Educators Provincial specialist association of the BCTF BC Art Teachers Association Provincial specialist association of the BCTF BC Dance Educators' Association Provincial specialist association of the BCTF British Columbia Music Educators' Association Provincial association of the BCTF CyberMuse Art education website for teachers produced by the National Gallery of Canada. English language arts
Researchers conduct study on Assassin's Creed educational mode, Discovery Tour - Classcraft Blog A professor and other researchers at the University of Montreal have tested out Assassin’s Creed Origins’ “Discovery Tour,” an educational mode that enables players to explore the historical game world in a museum-like context. The Discovery Tour, which features 75 audio-guided interactive tours designed by historians and Egyptologists, launched with the video game Assassin’s Creed Origins last October for home consoles and PC. Professor Marc-André Éthier tried the mode with nearly 300 high school students across eight schools and 40 classes. The study compared the learning outcomes of a group following the game’s tours with those of a group learning about the subject from a teacher, who used still images from the same tours. Éthier found that students who used only the video game improved their grades from 22 percent to 41 percent while those who had the teacher’s guidance improved their grades to 55 percent.
The Sticky System – A Teacher’s Hat I used to be a teaching assistant for an Undergraduate level Computing Science class in a computer lab. After a year of teaching, I had realized my biggest challenge was to get the students away from the computers and into the present, to build a connection with them — for them to see me and listen to me, to interact with the tutorial rather than be engrossed in the many websites and distractions they had open on their screens. To address this, I used the Sticky system while teaching. What is the Sticky System? As a graduate student, in the summer of 2016, I volunteered as a helper at a Software Carpentry workshop that my friend was organizing. The 2-day workshop was aimed at graduate students who were not in the field of computing science, to show them simple ways in which they could use coding to organize and clean their data and basics of making graphs. How did I use the Sticky System in my lab sections? I gave my students the same two colored post-its — red and green. Yes.
ENFJ Personality (“The Protagonist”) Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone. Your posture can shine your heart or transmit anxiety. Your breath can radiate love or muddy the room in depression. ENFJs are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Firm Believers in the People People are drawn to strong personalities, and ENFJs radiate authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said. The interest ENFJs have in others is genuine, almost to a fault – when they believe in someone, they can become too involved in the other person’s problems, place too much trust in them. ENFJs are vulnerable to another snare as well: they have a tremendous capacity for reflecting on and analyzing their own feelings, but if they get too caught up in another person’s plight, they can develop a sort of emotional hypochondria, seeing other people’s problems in themselves, trying to fix something in themselves that isn’t wrong.
Teaching Math With Art Teaching math with art is an excellent strategy. The connection between the two is often overlooked in articles about teaching math, but the truth is that using art in math significantly improves retention of key concepts and vocabulary. Once you see the relationship between the two, you will no doubt begin to see opportunities everywhere to use art in your math classroom. Benefits All students are gifted, and teaching math with art gives artistically gifted children a chance to shine. When and How to Include Art in Math Instruction Related art projects are perfect for centers. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, either. Along with math word walls, teaching math with art is the best strategy I know for helping children understand and remember math concepts and vocabulary. The brain works in cycles and remembers beginnings and endings best. Math Stories Remember the story about the “sick” (improper) fractions? Ambulance for taking sick (improper) fractions to the hospital Geometry