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Talks from inspiring teachers

Talks from inspiring teachers

Search Engines for Serious Writers June 20th, 2010 Finding the information you need as a writer shouldn’t be a chore. Luckily, there are plenty of search engines out there that are designed to help you at any stage of the process, from coming up with great ideas to finding a publisher to get your work into print. Both writers still in college and those on their way to professional success will appreciate this list of useful search applications that are great from making writing a little easier and more efficient.

Iskolák, ahol jó gyereknek lenni – Alternatív sulik többszörös túljelentkezéssel Azok a szülők, akiknek a gyermeke idén kezdi az általános iskolát, ilyenkor már napi szinten foglalkoznak az iskolaválasztással, amely több hónapos elfoglaltság. Sokan lista alapján járják az intézményeket, folyamatosan nyílt napokra látogatnak, tanító nénikkel egyeztetnek. Viszont érdemes odafigyelni a dátumokra, mert nem mindenhova áprilisban kell jelentkezni! Az AKG új általános iskolájába, amely 1-5 évfolyamokat indít, például január 15-e a határidő. Szóval, figyeljünk, le ne késsük! Nagy a túljelentkezés, szájhagyomány útján terjednek a kitűnő eredményeik, máshogy tanítanak, és máshogy tanul itt a gyerek.

The Biggest Stumbling Blocks When You Start Mind Mapping Some people start mind mapping and they’re changed forever. They can’t stop raving about it. Then there’s another group of people, which you might be in. It’s the group that tries out mind mapping, but finds there’s something not quite working for them. If I’m describing you, read on. Ha van belső késztetés, élvezetes lesz az olvasás – Keresztfalviné Ilyés Renáta a Mandinernek 2018. november 4. 12:48 Szabad-e lerövidíteni az iskolai kötelezőket? Hogy lehet segíteni az olvasási nehézséggel küszködő diákoknak?

Graphic Organizer Worksheets Advertisement. is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages.Click here to learn more. (Already a member? Click here.) Excellent Tools, Apps, and Tips to Create Educational Book Trailers November 12, 2014 There are several ways to use technology to engage students and enhance their literacy skills and one of them is through creating video book trailers. Yes, they are similar to movie trailers we see now on YouTube but they are different in scope. A video book trailer is a concise review of a book created with the help of a variety of digital tools that include : images, text, clips, voiceovers, recordings, and music. Why include book trailers in your instruction? Creating book trailers is a comprehensive learning task in which students get to experiment with different literacies.Book trailers is a good way to get reluctant readers to readBook trailers are good for those readers who find it hard to visualize what they readBook trailers are a good alternative for the traditional book reportsTips on how to create Book Trailers Here are two sources I would recommend for learning about some important tips to keep in mind when working on book trailers:

32 Innovative (Free!) Online Educational Tools to Try in 2015 Want to be a better student? There are literally thousands of apps for that. Not to mention a wide array of other online learning tools. They’re not all changing education — but a few innovative ones are. Over 100 ideas for using Twitter in the Classroom This handful of resources provide about 100 different ideas for, and examples of, using Twitter in the classroom. It’s been almost 8 months since I published the post, “6 Examples of Using Twitter in the Classroom”, about uses of the popular micro-blogging tool in the instructional setting. This post generated a lot of traffic, and continues to attract hundreds of viewers every week.

8 Steps to Great Digital Storytelling – From Samantha on Edudemic Stories bring us together, encourage us to understand and empathize, and help us to communicate. Long before paper and books were common and affordable, information passed from generation to generation through this oral tradition of storytelling. Consider Digital Storytelling as the 21st Century version of the age-old art of storytelling with a twist: digital tools now make it possible for anyone to create a story and share it with the world.

Experimenting with English (Part 2) – Activities for learners to do outside the classroom [26 and counting!] In my blog post Experimenting with English: scaffolding learner autonomy, I discussed how I approached helping my learners to use English outside the classroom, drawing on learner autonomy theory and methodology (e.g. Benson, 2011; Oxford, 2003; Smith 2003). Central to that project, alongside the very important element of discussion, was a handout I created for my learners. Here is a screenshot of a sample page, taken from the listening section: Sample page from my Experimenting with English activities handout, listening section. Over 1000 Free eLearning Resources Free eLearning Resources for eLearning Professionals One of the challenges that I had when I begun my eLearning career was to find useful and effective eLearning resources for eLearning course design and development. I am fun of Free eLearning Resources and of course Free Educational Technology Tools. At the following list you will find over 1000 free eLearning resources that I highly encourage you to share with professionals interested in the eLearning field! Free eLearning Storyboard Templates for eLearning ProfessionalsSeveral eLearning professionals expressed a great interest for Free eLearning Storyboard Templates.

Associazione Il Nostro Pianeta Il Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue La classica tripartizione dei livelli di L2 (principiante/intermedio/avanzato) è stata sostituita da alcuni anni dai risultati di un immenso lavoro elaborato in seno al Consiglio d’Europa, il cosiddetto Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue (QCER), conosciuto anche come Framework. Il QCER ha suddiviso il percorso dell’apprendimento linguistico in sei livelli, descritti in modo rigoroso e oggettivo, tenendo conto delle quattro abilità (ascoltare, leggere, parlare, scrivere) e di molti altri parametri. Questi livelli misurano la competenza linguistica in senso ampio (non solo la padronanza della morfosintassi e del lessico) e sono validi in riferimento a qualunque lingua straniera.

Foreign Language Teaching Methods About the Site Foreign Language Teaching Methods focuses on 12 different aspects of language teaching, each taught by a different expert instructor. The site contains video footage from an actual methods course held at the University of Texas at Austin. This flexible resource is designed to be used by foreign language teachers as a component of a classroom methods course or as a stand-alone course for independent learners. “While I was taking this course, I was already changing what I was doing and I can already see the difference. ” - Verónica, beginning language teacher (Spanish) Anna Laghigna's Learning Diary Teaching English as a foreign language, I have used technology so far especially to improve speaking skills (pronunciation, fluency and oracy) through Digital Storytelling, Flipped Classroom or Webquests. Unfortunately, I have not been able to carry out any PBL in full so far, firstly because we have little technology at school; secondly because there are few teachers in my school who would be willing to consider a multidisciplinary approach; thirdly, because you will need a lot of permissions in Italian schools to do so, including the approval by your principal. So, let's hope for the future. If the main objectives of our learning stories should focus on the creation rather than the mere consumption of knowledge, the range of possible activities is huge: from videos, storyboards, comic strips, animations to presentations, e-books, timelines, infographics, blogs, wikis, etc. For example, they created imaginary interviews with their favourite celebrities. Was it realistic?
