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Techniques for Changing Minds

Techniques for Changing Minds
Related:  Train the Trainerproductivity

NLP Techniques « Of course we have a huge variety of NLP techniques in the family of NLP, yet, as I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, the techniques are the least important part of how NLP really works: I’ve listed most of the NLP techniques below for reference, yet a good NLP Practitioner will have much more at their disposal than finding a manual or remembering a script parrot fashion. The way we now train our delegates is to have enough awareness and subtlety to notice minute changes in the experience of the client, then be able to capture those experiences the moment they happen, gracefully and with precision. This deliberate precision enable the practitioner to traverse the depths of a person’s unconscious mind and be able to be a tour guide to the deeper processes that are holding old patterns, habits and memories together. The purpose of the NLP techniques that we teach are to give a practitioner a back-drop to how to play with the inner world. The Swish Pattern Well Defined Outcomes Pacing & Matching

From Andragogy to Heutagogy Author: Stewart Hase and Chris Kenyon (2001) Southern Cross University Keywords: Southern Cross University, pedagogy, andragogy, heutagogy, higher education, vocational education, self-determined learning. Article style and source: Peer Reviewed. Original ultiBASE publication. Original URL: Contents Abstract In something of a landmark for education Knowles (1970) suggested an important change in the way in which educational experiences for adults should be designed. Heutagogy Education has traditionally been seen as a pedagogic relationship between the teacher and the learner. The distinction Knowles (1970) made between how adults and children learn was an important landmark in teaching and learning practices in vocational education and training, and in higher education. This revolution recognises the changed world in which we live. Beyond pedagogy and andragogy Knowles (1970, p7) defined self-directed learning as: Conclusion References

Science Space Photo of the Day | Wired Science When the lamp is shattered, The light in the dust lies dead. When the cloud is scattered, The rainbow's glory is shed. These words, which open Shelley’s poem "When the Lamp is Shattered," employ visions of nature to symbolize life in decay and rebirth. It's as if he had somehow foreseen the creation of this new Gemini Legacy image, and penned a caption for it. Polar-ring galaxies are peculiar objects. Models of how polar-ring galaxies form offer two general formation scenarios: 1) a piercing merger between two galaxies aligned roughly at right angles, or 2) when the host galaxy tidally strips material from a passing gas-rich spiral and strews it into a ring. Born of Violence Brian Svoboda of the University of Arizona, who recently studied the chemical and temperature environment of NGC 660, believes that unique morphology arises from a previous interaction with a gas-rich galaxy. Weighing the Evidence Life from Death? Probing Dark Matter Image: Gemini Observatory/AURA [high-resolution]

5 Steps to Preventing Scope Creep (and Still Keeping Your Clients Happy) - Bidsketch Any freelancer or agency that has been in business for any length of time has experienced the monster that is scope creep. It goes something like this: work with a new client starts off as well as you would expect, but over time the project seems to get bigger and bigger while your price remains the same. The client either (a) seems to think5 that the “extra”work is within the scope of the original agreement, or (b) simply doesn’t realize that he or she is asking for more than was originally agreed. Scope creep is a slippery slope and can be difficult to recover from. In this article I want to establish the five step process that I recommend to prevent scope creep from taking over your business while keeping your clients happy. What is Scope Creep? Scope creep can mean many things depending upon context so it is probably best that I start by explaining my definition. Scope creep should not be seen as a “cost of business.” Step 1: Understand the Outcome I mean this: Step 4: Price Right

NLP – PARTS INTEGRATION The super mega happy lucky jackpot version « TroyBakes NLP Therapy (NLPt) Specialist This is a complete script for how to the NLP parts integration /Visual Squash. This can be one of the most powerful Neuro Linguistic Programming patterns available. PARTS INTEGRATIONThe super mega happy lucky jackpot version Elicit part It is important to get the precise part, in the clients’ own words. Always try for personification. ”and if that image was someone you know, WHO would that look like now?” “..and if that person had a weight..what would that feel like?” Elicit OPPOSITE part “..and now I’d like the exact opposite part, the flipside of the coin, the completely opposite number, the part which that part is MOST in conflict with to come sit out on the other hand” (VAK part – as above) 3a) Elicit other parts (this has a powerful effect but I hardly ever use it, just doing the opposite part is usually enough to re-create wholness) PROBLEM PART (must always start with the problem part) CHUNK UP to highest intention 6a) Chunk any other parts to same level 11.

Rethinking Thinking - Does Bloom's Taxonomy Align with Brain Science? Dr. Spencer Kagan To cite this article: Kagan, S. Rethinking Thinking – Does Bloom's Taxonomy Align with Brain Science? Thoughtful educators know that their students' success in the 21st Century depends on thinking skills. The second, related trend is the change rate. For half a century, thinking about thinking among educators has been dominated by a hierarchical model. Bloom's Taxonomy In Bloom's Taxonomy, six types of thinking are arranged from simple to complex; the taxonomy is built on the assumption that the more complex or higher-level thinking skills are built on the simpler or lower-level thinking skills. Table 1: Bloom's Taxonomy Among many educators this hierarchal notion of thinking has led to an unquestioned acceptance of the idea that there are "high" and "low" levels of thinking: Knowledge and Comprehension are presumed to be less complex cognitively than are Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. IQ without Recall. Evaluation without Thinking.

Western Philosophy How to Write Email with Military Precision In the military, a poorly formatted email may be the difference between mission accomplished and mission failure. During my active duty service, I learned how to structure emails to maximize a mission’s chances for success. Since returning from duty, I have applied these lessons to emails that I write for my corporate job, and my missives have consequently become crisper and cleaner, eliciting quicker and higher-quality responses from colleagues and clients. Here are three of the main tips I learned on how to format your emails with military precision: 1. Subjects with keywords. ACTION – Compulsory for the recipient to take some action SIGN – Requires the signature of the recipient INFO – For informational purposes only, and there is no response or action required DECISION – Requires a decision by the recipient REQUEST – Seeks permission or approval by the recipient COORD – Coordination by or with the recipient is needed 2. 3.

NLP Techniques - Embedded Commands What are the most effective NLP techniques and patterns? In Michael’s years of delivering top quality NLP training, he has discovered many techniques and exercises from a wide range of NLP and non NLP sources. Here he shares them with you. Remember NLP is often more about the development of techniques which come from attitude and modelling, than the techniques themselves. The following books by NLP co-creator, Richard Bandler, are excellent for the latest approaches to NLP (all links open in a new window). Beating Stress Exercises We all need a certain amount of stress to keep us healthy. Belief Change This is Richard’s classic approach to Belief Change, in this case to become an excellent learner. Changing Feelings by Dissociation Changing Feelings by Dissociation is a technique to reduce or eliminate unpleasant feelings by dissociation and submodality change. Characteristics of Play Play is an aspect of NLP Training and many NLP Techniques. Collapsing Anchors Embedded Commands Fast Phobia Cure
