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The Freedom Writers Diary Lesson Plans for Teachers

The Freedom Writers Diary Lesson Plans for Teachers
Teaching The Freedom Writers Diary The Freedom Writers Diary lesson plan contains a variety of teaching materials that cater to all learning styles. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20 Fun Activities, 180 Multiple Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay Questions, Quizzes/Homework Assignments, Tests, and more. The lessons and activities will help students gain an intimate understanding of the text, while the tests and quizzes will help you evaluate how well the students have grasped the material. Target Grade: 7th-12th (Middle School and High School) Length of Lesson Plan: Approximately 153 pages. Browse The Freedom Writers Diary Lesson Plan: Full Lesson Plan Overview Completely Customizable! The Freedom Writers Diary lesson plan is downloadable in PDF and Word. Lesson Plan Calendars The Lesson Plan Calendars provide daily suggestions about what to teach. Chapter Abstracts Character and Object Descriptions Daily Lessons Fun Classroom Activities Short Essay Questions Tests Related:  reading 2War/krig

7 Lessons for Teachers from Dumbledore One of my favorite times of the day is when I settle in with my two young daughters for read-aloud time. For several years, we have been working our way through the Harry Potter series. I had read them all before, but it has been a delight to read them again with my girls, using as many voices as possible, and seeing the incredible story through their eyes. It has also shared many secrets about teaching and living with me on this second reading, especially when it comes to Dumbledore. The way he interacts with Harry, fellow teachers, muggles, and various magical creatures has lessons for all of us -- especially teachers and parents. "You do care," said Dumbledore. Calm Acceptance: No matter what Dumbledore is faced with, he calmly accepts this reality. "I don't mean to be rude -" he [Vernon] began, in a tone that threatened rudeness in every syllable. "- yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often," Dumbledore finished the sentence gravely. Being Brave: It may be hard.

20 appar för åk4-9, öva engelska En fråga som jag ofta stöter på är appar för äldre elever. Det finns många bra pedagogiska appar till yngre elever som också skulle kunna användas till de äldre eleverna om det inte vore för den naiva layouten och hejaropen med småbarnsröster… Superbraaaa!!! För att fånga de äldre eleverna behövs en helt annan layout för att de ska tycka att det är ok, även innehållet måste spegla de äldre elevernas intressen och vardag. Jag har nu dammsugit AppStore och hittat 20 appar som jag tycker skulle kunna fungera för de lite äldre eleverna från åk4-9. Har du fler förslag får du gärna lämna en kommentar under inlägget. Här kommer de rakt upp och ner utan någon favoritordning. 1. Relaterat SVA-appar för yngre och äldre elever Jag fick en fråga om appar för SFI som fick min hjärna (och hjärta) att gå igång. I "Allmänt" SFI-appar öva svenska del1 iktsidan tipsar om12 appar för att öva engelska Mina favorit-appar just nu för att öva engelska.

6 främlingar sitter i ett kolsvart rum och pratar. När lamporna tänds blir de helt mållösa. Det är ingen hemlighet att vi människor dömer varandra utefter utseende, och det tar bara 7 sekunder för oss att bilda en fördom om någon annan. Hur en person ser ut är ofta det första vi lägger märket till, men vad händer om du träffar en person utan att kunna se den? Det är precis vad detta experiment som Coca-Cola genomförde ville ta reda på. De placerade sex främlingar runt ett bord i ett kolsvart rum och lät dem prata med varandra. Varje person fick först berätta lite om sig själv, sedan skulle de andra runt bordet gissa hur de trodde att personen såg ut. När lampan slutligen tändes hände det oundvikliga. Filmen avslutas med ett tydligt, och enligt oss, väldigt viktigt budskap som står skrivet på en läskburk. ”Etiketter är till för burkar, inte människor.” Gilla Uppskattat för fler liknande artiklar.

Read 18 Short Stories From Nobel Prize-Winning Writer Alice Munro Free Online Calling her a “master of the contemporary short story,” the Swedish Academy awarded 82-year-old Alice Munro the Nobel Prize in Literature today. It is well-deserved, and hard-earned (and comes not long after she announced her retirement from fiction). After 14 story collections, Munro has reached at least a couple generations of writers with her psychologically subtle stories about ordinary men and women in Huron County, Ontario, her birthplace and home. Only the 13th woman writer to win the Nobel, Munro has previously won the Man Booker Prize in 2009, the Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction in Canada three times (1968, 1978, and 1986), and two O. Henry Awards (2006 and 2008). Of that region she loves, Munro has said: “It means something to me that no other country can—no matter how important historically that other country may be, how ‘beautiful,’ how lively and interesting. Why do I like to write short stories? "Voices" - (2013, Telegraph) “Amundsen” (2012, The New Yorker)

Australian comedian perfectly sums up why other countries think US gun laws a... At least 14 people were killed and 18 others injured when two shooters opened fire on at the Inland Regional Center, a social services provider for people with disabilities, in San Bernardino Wednesday, December 2. The shooters have been identified as Syed Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, who were in a relationship with each other. Motives are still unclear. Every shooting is its own private tragedy for the victims and their families. Australian comedian Jim Jefferies was the victim of a home invasion once. In Australia, we had the biggest massacre on Earth, and the Australian government went: "That's it! He continues with a blistering smackdown of the idea that Americans seek guns to keep their families safe: You have guns because you like guns! He doesn't see at all how a gun would have helped him when his home was broken into. By the way. Watch: America's gun problem explained in 90 seconds

Holocaust | The Mass Murder of Jews in the Second World War Under Adolf Hitler the National Socialist German Worker’s Party became very powerful in Germany from 1933 to 1945. The Nazis, as they were called, wanted to get rid of people who they thought were not as good as they were. They especially hated Jews and thought they were evil . At the beginning they made life hard for the Jews in Germany and all over Europe. Later on, they decided to kill them. This mass killing was called the Holocaust. After 1939 about 6 million Jews were killed in the countries that Hitler controlled. Hating Jews and treating them badly is called anti-Semitism. In 1935 the Nazis passed a new law . On November 9th and 10th, 1938 the Nazis destroyed all Jewish synagogues and other public places the Jews went to. The Night of Broken Glass Soon thousands of Jews were arrested and locked up in special camps . The Nazis decided that they had to solve what they called “the Jewish problem” once and for all . Those who were lucky became slaves . Words

The Landlady About this BritLit kit Billy Weaver, a young man visiting the City of Bath for the first time, is looking for accommodation. He is inexplicably drawn to a house where the landlady seems to be expecting him. The house and the landlady seem friendly and welcoming, and he looks forward to staying there. The themes drawn from this story include poisoning, embalming and taxidermy as well as a look at witches. The kit, originally written in 2003, was updated in 2007 and 2013. You can also listen to the audio included in the attachments below. How to use this BritLit kit The material is divided into three sections: Pre-reading, After reading, and Word Work. Landlady Pre-reading (pdf) examines who Billy and the landlady are and asks the students to speculate on what they might look like.

For my students – 30-day-challenge | Mias klassrum This challenge is to make you use your English more outside the classroom. For 30 days I want you to do at least one thing from the list every day. Fill in the grid you have gotten from me each day with what you have done. Use Facebook in English for at least 24 hours.Watch a movie in English with no subtitles.Watch a movie in English with English subtitles.Listen to a podcast in English, look here for examples: at least one article at News in Levels at least five text messages in English.Watch TV news in English (using the internet works fine).

Anne Frank Who Was Anne Frank? During the two years and one month Anne Frank spent hiding in a Secret Annex in Amsterdam during World War II, she kept a diary. Anne Frank's diary, which was published by her father after the war and has been read by millions of people around the world, chronicles both the tensions and difficulties of living in such a confined space for that long a duration as well as Anne's struggles with becoming a teenager. Since the publication of her diary, Anne Frank has become a symbol of the children that were murdered in the Holocaust. Dates: June 12, 1929 -- March 1945 Also Known As: Annelies Marie Frank The Move to Amsterdam Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany as the second child of Otto and Edith Frank. The Franks were a middle-class, liberal Jewish family whose ancestors had lived in Germany for centuries. The Franks quickly settled into life in Amsterdam. The Nazis Arrive in Amsterdam On May 10, 1940, Germany attacked the Netherlands. Going Into Hiding
