Librarian by Day | Bobbi L. Newman
Agrégation vs Curation « Celsa-Misc Le Blog
Il paraîtrait que la curation c’est LE truc hype du moment. En effet, depuis quelques mois déjà, on nous rabâche les oreilles avec ce qui semble être la “nouvelle ère de l’Internet”. Raison évoquée : Internet est un chaos géant qui ne cesse de croître exponentiellement et il est temps d’y mettre un peu d’ordre. Un petit éclaircissement de la notion s’impose . C’est un anglicisme qui vient de “curator”, ce qui signifie en français, commissaire d’exposition. Cette personne est chargée de sélectionner des œuvres relatives à un catalogue d’exposition. Voici quelques exemples d’outils permettant la curation : Pearltrees,, Storify,, ou encore Montage des FuseLabs de Microsoft. “Aggregation is not Curation – There is a big difference”, nous assurait il y a deux mois Tom Foremski. A la différence de la curation, l’agrégation consiste à collecter des informations sur un sujet, à partir de sources sélectionnées au préalable. Vous me suivez ? Rendez vous le 13 janvier !
Online Insider
Organising Chaos
Librarian in Black Blog – Sarah Houghton-Jan
all these birds with teeth: this is not about science. |
Perdu sur Quora ? Découvrez 6 conseils pour accentuer son intérêt et sa pertinence
Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Il ne suffit parfois pas de grand-chose pour qu’une nouvelle plateforme sur le web passe du rang de petit outil sympathique à véritable cador dont tout le monde parle. Cette année 2011 commence ainsi de la plus belle des manières pour Adam d’Angelo, ex-employé de Facebook, et son équipe : la plateforme sur laquelle ils travaillent est en train d’exploser ; il est presque impossible que vous n’en ayez pas entendu parler au moins une fois cette semaine : je parle bien sûr de Quora. Mais pour commencer, rappelons ce qu’est Quora. Il s’agit tout simplement d’un système de Q&A, c’est à dire un système de questions et réponses. Plusieurs internautes ces dernières semaines m’ont demandé si j’allais parler de Quora sur Cet article étant un peu long (je suis désolé, je me suis encore emballé…), n’hésitez pas à découvrir ses différents points grâce au sommaire ci-dessous (les points sont cliquables) : Quora… oui, mais pas sans pratique 708.
No Shelf Required
From the OverDrive blog: OverDrive conducted an end user survey from June 26-July 15, 2015. Administered via library websites, the survey collected input from 16,756 respondents. Their full report examines the positive effect the shift to digital content has had on the role of libraries in their communities by helping attract new readers, serve existing patrons better and reach beyond their physical walls. There is a nice infographic on the original OverDrive blog post. Click here to see the full report and survey. MADISON, Wis. “We’re excited to add the Boopsie team and software platform to our global organization because their people, technology and user-centric approach are designed to deliver a superior experience for librarians and their patrons. I am the former Editor-in-Chief of TeleRead, the Internet’s first blog devoted to ebooks. This is a listing of those tweets for the last week. (Denver, CO) September 15, 2015: Why are libraries screwed by ebooks now? Toshiba BookLive!
Information & Advice Blog
The UK economy is recovering from the deepest recession since the Second World War and this recovery has been slower than forecast. According to the latest figures from The Office for Budget Responsibility, the economy is predicted to shrink by 0.1 per cent in 2012. Chancellor George Osborne used his Autumn Statement , delivered last Wednesday, to announce a one year extension of the "era of austerity" to 2017-18. More bad news is promised in the spring as yet further cuts are set to be announced in the Spending Review, which has been brought forward to next year. This is a bleak prognosis and it would be foolish not to expect LIS professionals working in all parts of the economy to feel the chill. But first for some of the potentially good news. Schools : In line with the policy set at Spending Review 2010, spending on schools will be protected from further reductions. CILIP has an information literacy project with digital inclusion as one of its key policy components.
Literary Transgressions blog
Social Media in 2011: Six Choices You Need to Make - Alexandra Samuel
by Alexandra Samuel | 10:00 AM January 4, 2011 2011. This is the year that will shape the future of our lives online. After all, 2010 was the year we woke up and started asking the tough questions about our always-on, connected lifestyle. In the big picture, this was a reasonably quick wake-up call; we’re already examining the social web’s effect on us and most of us have only been on Facebook for 3-4 years, have carried an iPhone for 2-3 years (and a Droid for less), and have been on our BlackBerries for, at most, 8 years. Here are the 6 most important choices for you to make this year — the choices that will determine both the quality of your life online and of your relationships offline: What am I choosing to do on the Web? The pace of our online lives intensifies the need for absolutely clarity about our personal and professional goals: the Internet hurls so many tasks, distractions and genuine opportunities our way that it’s easy to get blown off course.