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Edcite Interactive Assignments

Edcite Interactive Assignments

Cómo crear tu propia Khan Academy Salman Khan es el fundador de la Khan Academy, una organización educativa sin ánimo de lucro. En su página web puedes encontrar gratuitamente una colección de más de 2.700 microlecciones a través de videos tutoriales hospedados en YouTube. Khan Academy, junto con MITx, Uncollege de Stanford o YouTube para Escuelas, confirman una tendencia tecnológica interesante en Educación. Los profesores, cada vez más, graban sus clases y las cuelgan en la nube para que sean accesibles a estudiantes en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Las ventajas son claras. Sin embargo, esta práctica pretende ir mucho más allá. Salma Khan propone un cambio de metodología para escuelas y universidades basándose en el éxito de sus videos online. Khan propone que el alumno aprenda la teoría de forma individual en casa con la ayuda de videos de corta duración (10 mins aprox.). Las horas de clase se utilizan ahora para hablar del material aprendido o clarificar cualquier duda. Grabación de voz

Google Translate Multilingual neural machine translation service Launched in April 2006 as a statistical machine translation service, it used United Nations and European Parliament documents and transcripts to gather linguistic data. Rather than translating languages directly, it first translates text to English and then pivots to the target language in most of the language combinations it posits in its grid,[7] with a few exceptions including Catalan–Spanish.[8] During a translation, it looks for patterns in millions of documents to help decide which words to choose and how to arrange them in the target language. History Google Translate is a web-based free-to-user translation service developed by Google in April 2006.[11] It translates multiple forms of texts and media such as words, phrases and webpages. In May 2014, Google acquired Word Lens to improve the quality of visual and voice translation.[12] It is able to scan text or a picture using the device and have it translated instantly. Functions

PARCC Prep: Getting to Know The Equation Editor – by Julie C. Lyons | Lumos Learning An important math tool that students will need to know for the PARCC test is the Equation Editor. According to PARCC developers, the equation editor: “allows students to build equations to show solutions to test questions. It consists of numbers and mathematical functions (add, subtract, multiply, divide, and others). There are three versions: one each for grades 3-5, grades 6-8, and high school, each with more functions.” (from Let’s begin by taking a look at the equation editor for Grades 3-5. At this grade level, students will be able to access the following buttons that are probably already familiar to them: • Operations • Greater than / less than • Equal sign • Dollar sign However, there are some buttons and symbols that may not be as familiar to students. • Fraction and mixed number signs • Parentheses and brackets • The “more symbols” button (to reveal even more symbols to use in responding to questions) • Trash can icon to “clear all”

Screencastify (Screen Video Recorder) Duolingo - Learn Languages for Free on the App Store Easy Funnel Maker 2.0 So, what's my investment? I have also made two versions to suit different budgets Get Your Copy Now NOTE: This Software is for Windows Operating System onlyLicensed for one computer You are also covered by my 30 day guarantee IMPORTANT NOTE: This Software is for Windows Operating System onlyLicensed for one computerStill not Convinced? Get your copy now IMPORTANT NOTE:This Software is for Windows Operating System onlyLicensed for one computer To your success! PS. Plickers iPad app | VideoScribe Skip to main content VideoScribe Anywhere The magic is mobile Watch the demoPlay video Download on the App Store Whiteboard videos are captivating, fun and memorable. Get started Begin with a blank canvas and let your imagination take over. Add content Fill your canvas with text and pictures. Make it your way Set how text and images behave. Magic happens! VideoScribe magically draws your elements, turning them into an engaging video you can share with the world. Create videos quickly and easily Create high quality videosPerfect for marketing, teaching, training and presentingMake videos from scratch or connect to VideoScribe desktopAdd and edit content with a touch of your screenNo tech skills needed - VideoScribe does all the workPreview free on device or unlock video export for only $3.99Full commercial licence to sell the output The Best app of the year! “Simply amazing and wonderful. Jmwebster101112, UK Great and Cool App "This app is so easy to use! Divacolor, Hong Kong Easy! omglaserspewpew22, UK

Plickers on the App Store Escuela de Negocio Miami, FL | Millennia Atlantic University ¡Enamórese de su experiencia universitaria! La decisión de seguir una educación superior es un hito importante que dará forma a su futuro. ¡Ya sea que usted esté buscando iniciar sus estudios de grado o la promoción de su conocimiento con un posgrado, MAU ofrece una experiencia que le va a encantar! Reciba una educación práctica y atención exclusiva a través de nuestras clases reducidas. Sea instruido por profesores con experiencia en la industria en el mundo real. Rellene el Formulario de contacto y háganos saber lo que le interesa. ¿Por qué Millennia Atlantic University? ¿Valora usted su educación tanto como valora su familia? ¿Le gustaría ser instruido por el ex Gerente de Recursos Humanos de los Miami Dolphins? Las instalaciones de vanguardia de MAU tienen todas las características de los últimos avances tecnológicos. ¡Hay ayuda financiera disponible para todos los programas de grado para aquellos que califiquen! Programa de Grado de Diplomado en Ciencias Programas de Maestría

Quizlet Maths Jump to navigation Mastering the New Primary Curriculum : Maths Turn a subject that some pupils can find challenging into one of their favourite parts of the curriculum UCL Institute of Education Course provider 8 Hours approximately For this course Live now Course status Mastering the New Primary Curriculum: Maths About this course Children need to develop more than an understanding of mathematics – they need to enjoy it too. In this short course, Ayshea Craig of London’s UCL Institute of Education will be focusing on aspects of teaching primary mathematics that research suggests are effective and that often need extra attention. Working with primary school teachers, and using real classroom footage, she explores ways to teach the National Curriculum with the aims of deeper mathematical understanding and fluency. Learning outcomes of this course On completion of this course, teachers should understand: To book this course for a number of teachers complete the online order form. Buy Now - £80+VAT

