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Charte des sites sans pub « BlogAntiPub L’arrivée de nouveaux médias engendre l’augmentation de l’envahissement publicitaire. Que ce soit dans la presse, la télévision, la radio, les affiches mais aussi les habits, les carrosseries de voiture, les stylos des enfants, le front d’une mère de famille… La publicité tend à nous uniformiser et nous atomiser en nous faisant croire que nous sommes unique dans un monde hostile. La publicité est l’avant garde de l’idéologie libérale. Nous, nous sommes certains d’être unique et nous voulons vivre ensemble. Les sites, et aujourd’hui les blogs, permettent enfin une prise de parole multiple, individuelle ou collective, débridée ou convenue, bordélique ou structurée… Ils permettent de s’affranchir de la pensée normée par les médias traditionnels dirigés par leurs régies publicitaires. Aujourd’hui des outils simples permettent de mettre de la pub sur n’importe quel site. Il s’agit de : Vous pouvez : télécharger le logo-lien sur votre site en copiant-collant le code ci-dessous :

SMS Component (Articles) A simple and free SMS gateway component based on the information provided in This component aims to be as easy as the Email component but for text messages. SMS ComponentVersion 1.0Author: Nick Baker (nick [at] webtechnick [dot] com)Website: Browse, Download, or Checkout the Component.Browse: Download: SVN: svn co Code: Page 2: SMS Component Code I suggest reading the README.txt file included within the component. This component is in beta and only tested with Sprint, AT&T, and VerizonWireless as those are the only carriers I have access to. INSTALL: 1) Move the sms.php into your /app/controllers/components/ directory 2) Add Sms to the component list in the controller you want to use it in Example: Controller Class: Example: <? <? <? <? Thanks, Nick

Think Tanker’s Data ToolBox I’m in Prague at the Policy Research, Technology and Advocacy Event @ the Hub, run by Open Society Foundations Think Tank Fund. It’s a fascinating event with some of Europe’s best Think Tank minds; I had the pleasure of helping them work through tools that can help them to troubleshoot some of the issues they face in their day to day work. There are many excellent curated lists of tools useful for policy research, analysis and visualisation, which seem to be the most interesting topics here. Here’s just a few: See the School of Data – Favourite Resources for some of our favourites in Getting, Cleaning, Analysing, Presenting & Sharing Data. * The On Think Tanks blog has a great list of visualisation resources * Digital Methods Toolkit from the Digital Methods Initiative. Let’s look at the specific problems the group raised and what tools we know to help with them! Getting Data: “What’s the best tool for conducting an online survey?” Getting Data: “My government doesn’t give me data!”

Startup2Startup Speech12 - Public Relations - Bell Telephone Systems GOC - May 1930 Page, A. W. (1930, May). Public Relations. Speech presented at the Bell Telephone System’s General Operating Conference. Summary Page discusses the need to improve the company’s reputation and conduct research on the company’s advertising and public relations’ programs. The Bell System is encouraged to improve its reputation by differentiating itself from perceptions maintained about big businesses in general. Key Topics: ReputationCompany Philosophy – Dallas SpeechCustomer Service – customer serviceRegulations – Industry/GovernmentPublic OpinionResearchPublic Relations Page Principles: Manage for tomorrowConduct public relations as if the whole company depends on it General Operating Conference May 1930 In going around the country last fall, I heard of a discussion that one of our public relations people had with an installer. That point of view is one of the things that we have to work on. Mr. We have, I think, a good reputation as far as the service goes. Let me point out another thing.

NC300 « PC Smart PC Smart NC300 Bila Anda ingin mengirit lagi bisa gunakan PC Smart yang Type NC300. Kenapa Anda memilih PC Smart NC300 untuk penggunaan client yang tidak begitu banyak ? Karena type ini sangat simpel 1 Card bisa 3 User dan harga nya jauh lebih murah dengan type NC230 atau NC130. PC Station / PC Smart type NC300 adalah alternative ekonomis untuk jaringan yang tidak memerlukan hingga lebih dari 7 client / User. Client akan terhubung ke card PCI yang ada dalam 1 paket pembelian, tanpa menggunakan HUB/Switch/Router juga tanpa power supply di client. ·Windows XP Home, XP Pro Sp1 Sp2, Windows 2000 HT* = Hyper Threading Tidak semua Mainboard/Mobo Support Type NC300Gunakan Motherboard yang “CHIPSET VIA”Max PCServer Recuirement : Core2duo with Via chipset Motherboard TOPOLOGY PC Smart NC300 Gambar 5.1 Port yang ada pada PC Smart NC300 Gambar 5.2 Gambar Packaging PC Smart NC300 PC Smart Products Guarantee Like this: Like Loading...

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