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Find shapes in clouds and draw them online / Klowdz

Find shapes in clouds and draw them online / Klowdz

Many educators find Twitter a useful tool The three educators are among a growing number in the Philadelphia region who are using Twitter, the social-networking and micro-blogging service, to enhance their teaching, often on their own time. "For me, Twitter has been a way to connect with a lot of other educators around the country and even around the world," Aungst said. "It's been a way for me to extend the conversation about education and practice in the classroom beyond my immediate circle of people in my district." Some educators use Twitter - through which users "tweet" messages limited to 140 characters - to connect their students with the outside world. Others use it to share resources and ideas with other teachers. For teachers who spend much of their days as the only adult inside classrooms, Twitter - along with other social-networking websites - can provide a unique platform for conversation. Teachers have traditionally networked through conferences. "It's like professional development at your fingertips," Leaness said.

"Ce n'est pas la technologie qui importe, mais ce qu'on en fait" Pour faciliter l'innovation, il faut décloisonner les savoirs et favoriser la collaboration entre parties marketing, technique et design, en amont du projet. C'est le principe du design thinking. Entretien avec Grégoire Gérard, fondateur et dirigeant de Neovenz, agence de conseil en design industriel et innovation. L'Atelier : Dans quelle mesure le design thinking est-il une source d’innovation pour les entreprises ? Grégoire Gérard : Les équipes dans différents domaines : design, ingénierie, marketing, ont souvent beaucoup de problèmes à communiquer lors de la mise en place d’un projet qui se veut innovant. Quels sont les enjeux de ces formes de collaborations pour la mise au point de services innovants pour les entreprises ? Le problème en France c’est que nous parlons souvent de technique et rarement d’usage. Allier design thinking et open innovation semble donc une stratégie gagnante … L’objectif des entreprises ne doit pas être de rester focalisé sur son marché.

Vintage political posters Here is a selection of old Japanese posters featuring political, social and environmental messages. Sheltered Weaklings (Takashi Kono, 1953) [+] Anti-pollution poster (Kenji Ito, 1973) Against the introduction of nuclear weapons into Japan (Kinkichi Takahashi, 1960s) Anti-war poster (Kenji Iwasaki, 1960s) [+] // Give Us Back Man (Tsunehisa Kimura, 1969) [+] Poster for exhibit in support of Vietnamese women and children (Makoto Wada, 1968) "Not what I had in mind" (Tsunehisa Kimura, 1968) Posters by Shigeo Fukuda Environmental pollution (Shigeo Fukuda, 1973) Victory (Shigeo Fukuda, 1989) [+] // [+] Remembering for the Future (Shigeo Fukuda, 1989) Human rights (Shigeo Fukuda, 1989) Hiroshima-Nagasaki 50 (Mamoru Suzuki, 1995) [+] // [+] Hiroshima Appeals (Yusaku Kamekura, 1983) [+] Peace in Jungle (Gan Hosoya, 1968) Goodbye whale (Mamoru Suzuki, 1994) No More War (Kazumasa Nagai, 1970) Human Rights - Living Together (Kazumasa Nagai, 1989) Peace (Kazumasa Nagai, 1989)

A Foreigner’s Guide to Polish Cinema / Poland InventsFilm BeforeEveryone Else In 1893 Lebiedziński, a chemist and amateur photographer, beat the Lumière brothers by two years in developing a machine called the pleograph, which could record short films. Polish inventors played an important role in the development of cinematography and television. Kazimierz Prószyński, an inventor and constructor of cinematographic cameras, was one of the pioneers of cinematography. Siegmund Lubin (born Zygmunt Lubszyński), an American Jew of Polish origins, also contributed. IndependenceAfter 123 Yearsof Occupation Krystyna Ankwicz and Mieczysław Cybulski in Cham Polish cinematography dates back to the end of World War I, when Poland regained independence following over 120 years of occupation. Polish cinematography developed dynamically during the inter-war period. JewishBusinessmenLaunch the FilmIndustry The masterminds and pioneers of Polish cinema of the period were Jewish businessmen. Hollywood’sPolish Roots Film as toolof propaganda Credits

geek.teacher » Blog Archive » Two week iPad trial: Part 1 I got a class set of iPads for two weeks. Let me be right up front when I say this: it was the single best two weeks of my entire teaching career, a banner cap to what has already shown to be my finest year as a teacher. Some of that had to do with just the very nature of switching, even if only for a day at a time, to a complete 1:1 environment with students. giving the students a mobile device for a day and telling them “this is yours for the day, take full advantage of it” has such an immense level of power beyond what I had sincerely hoped to be true. It makes me even more excited for the high school in my district, which is next year switching to a full time 1:1 environment. Another large part of it had to do with the devices themselves. It’s not just the students. So how do I look back on an amazing two weeks? I experienced so many splended moments during these two weeks that it’s becoming difficult to remember them all, but here are some of the highlights: Part 2. Part 3. Like this:

Lorem Pixum — Images de placement gratuites en Creative Commons A Rainbow of Colors - The artwork of Joshua Petker | culturazzi Joshua Petker was born in Los Angeles, CA in 1979 and received a BA in Western History from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. While pursuing a degree in History he maintained a growing interest in the arts that developed out of a fascination with graffiti which Petker started creating at the age of 15. After studying abroad in 2001 at the Lorenzo de'Medici Institute of Florence, Joshua decided to pursue a career as a fine artist upon completion of his studies back in the U.S.A. Van Gogh, Neal Cassady, Cy Twombly, Mark Rothko, J.M.W. Turner, and Andy Warhol are some of the artist’s inspirations. Petker's paintings have been showcased internationally and are included in a number of private collections throughout the world.

WHISKEY.COM.GR // WEB / HOSTING / INTERNET SOLUTIONS KEY We are glad to inform you that WHISKEY has a fair share of creative and well equipped minds. Our guys and girls will always be available to listen and deeply investigate your thoughts and questions about specific problems or concerns. Creativity. Adaptability. Building the Backchannel: How to Use Twitter in Large Classrooms Part I When I first started flipping my classroom, I hated it. I was baffled, because I remember hearing about flipped learning and immediately thinking, “This is brilliant! I want to do this!” Flipping was supposed to reinvigorate me. I didn’t enjoy … Continue reading Technology has changed not only how students learn, but how teachers learn. Web 2.0 technology — the free digital tools that empower all users to create and share — has changed the way the world operates. What better way to kick off Advocacy Month than with the National School Boards Association’s annual conference in New Orleans? Student-centered learning — in which students are independent learners who take charge of their own education — has become something of a holy grail among educators. Developing a successful mobile learning program requires more than simply weighing the pros and cons of mobile devices. Girls want to change the world. There is a reason we each choose the profession we do.

Sleek Coming Soon Page Design Hello Photoshop Plus fans, in todays tutorial I’ll be showing you how to create a cool coming soon web page design. The designs features a dark feel with a cool count down timer. Lets get started… What We’ll Be Creating Preparation Create a new document (Ctrl + N) 1200 x 600 pixels with a white #ffffff background. Adding The Styling To The Ellipse Label your new layer “Half Circle” then add the following layer styles. You should have something like this. Creating The Custom Pattern In the preview image you will notice there is a lot of small dots within the ellipse area, this is the pattern we’ll be making. Once you’ve replicate the image above go to “Edit > Define Pattern”, save your pattern then head back over to your original canvas. Quick Tip: To load a selection around an element click the little thumbnail inside of your desired layer whilst holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard. Now fill (G) the loaded selection with your pattern. You should now have something like this. Conclusion

Wall Decals inspired by Mother Nature - Wall Decals have been creating quite the buzz lately and more and more people are using them to decorate and transform everything from living rooms, kids rooms and nurseries, even bathrooms and glass. The designs are fun and installation is a breeze. However, as you are searching for your perfect design it is important to note that not all wall decals are created equal. Here are a few things to consider when purchasing wall decals online Size of Wall Decal: this seems like an obvious one but be sure to review the dimensions of your product with the picture shown. The New York Times’ R&D Lab has built a tool that explores the life stories take in the social space Some of the most exciting work taking place in The New York Times building is being done on the 28th floor, in the paper’s Research and Development Lab. The group serves essentially as a skunkworks project for a news institution that stands to benefit, financially and otherwise, from creative thinking; as Michael Zimbalist, the Times’ vice president of R&D, puts it, the team is “investigating the ideas at the edges of today and thinking about how they’re going to impact business decisions tomorrow.” (For more on the group’s doings, check out the series of videos that we shot there a couple of years ago.) Much of the R&D Lab’s work, up to now, has been focused on platforms: tablets, TVs, screens, clouds. But the group is also thinking beyond gadgetry to two big ideas that are also a preoccupation of the news industry as a whole: the social sharing of news on the one hand, and the real-time processing of data on the other. And it can assess the link-level impact of individual users.
