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Monitoring the Planned Poisoning of Humanity

Monitoring the Planned Poisoning of Humanity
Related:  Geoengineering

Home Bill Gates, Monsanto, Chemtrails & Vaccines – The Critical Tie Points Published July 2, 2013, filed under ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, WORLD By: TLB TLB Note: The video contained in this article has many eye opening points and facts concerning Monsanto, GMO’s, Vaccines, Chemtrails, Bill Gates and their connections. Many of us who are aware know or suspect there is a connection (the big picture) but lack the tie points. This video provides some vital tie points and the possible motive! The activity of aluminum appears to play a vital role in disrupting the maturation of the immune system in infants and children. Chemtrails saturate the ground with aluminum, fact. Fluoride facilitates the movement of soft metals across the blood/brain barrier to infiltrate our brain tissue. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was a known associate and attorney for Monsanto. How does all this and more tie together … See original YouTube video here:

Les brevets se rattachant aux Chemtrails Ceux qui sont responsables des épandages aériens peuvent bien nier ce qu'ils veulent, mais ils se trahissent en voulant protéger leurs investissements. Les archives du service gouvernemental américain des brevets sont là pour en témoigner : le cerveau humain est capable de bien tristes réalisations. Voici quelques unes des inventions ayant une connexion avec les chemtrails. Et le plus incriminant des brevets dans l'affaire des chemtrails: Ce dernier brevet prouve non seulement l'existence d'appareils pour répandre des substances dans l'atmosphère, mais démontre également le désir de cacher l'opération en concevant un système d'éjection de produits se répandant dans l'axe exact de la condensation des moteurs, rendant ainsi volontairement plus difficile l'identification des épandages. Un survol des inventions se rattachant, par exemple, au contrôle climatique, aux modifications du comportement, ou à d'autres objectifs de "contrôle", donne tout son sens à la citation d'Albert Einstein:

Monsanto’s Roundup Found in 75% of Air and Rain Samples A new U.S. Geological Survey has concluded that pesticides can be found in, well, just about anything. Roundup herbicide, Monsanto’s flagship weed killer, was present in 75 percent of air and rainfall test samples, according to the study, which focused on Mississippi’s highly fertile Delta agricultural region. GreenMedInfo reports new research, soon to be published by Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry journal, discovered the traces over a 12-year span from 1995-2007. In recent years, Roundup was found to be even more toxic than it was when first approved for agricultural use, though that discovery has not led to any changes in regulation of the pesticide. To deal with the immunity issue, Monsanto’s solution has been to spray more and stronger pesticides to eliminate the problem. The health effects of Roundup are also hard to ignore as research has linked exposure to the pesticide to Parkinson’s disease and various cancers.

L'actualité autour des Chemtrails ! NASA Expert Warns of Rogue Geoengineers and Chemtrail Consequences Aaron DykesActivist Post NASA Expert Clears the Air: Chemtrails are Real, Geoengineering May Be Inevitable, Mad Science in Control of Weather Could Blackmail Earth Droughts, famine, chemtrails and the global game of risk: geoengineering is real, and inevitable part of the future, when science tries to orchestrate nature in the name of taming climate change, while experts argue over who will make the rules in the global governance of weather modification and geoengineering. Could a rogue billionaire tinker with the delicate balance of our Earth? Everything is possible, warns Riley Duren, Chief Systems Engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs. Watch the full NASA JPL presentation (Geoengineering at 32m): Geoengineering and Climate Change –February 14, 2013 at 8:54pm on NASA JPL Live (USTREAM) NASA Admits To Chemtrails As They Propose Spraying Stratospheric Aerosols Into Earths Atmosphere Truthstream Media – ‪Chemtrails? Scientists: “Exclusive Club” To Assume Command Of Global Geoengineering - Live Flight Tracker!-Mozilla Firefox Death from Above: the New Manhattan Project Chemtrail Fleet By Peter A. Kirby Today's chemtrail spraying operations necessarily require a massive fleet of specialized jumbo jet airliners operating covertly. The volume and frequency of chemtrail reports from all over the world, the author's own observations and the massive task of controlling Earth's weather in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project suggest that these planes number over 1000. These planes must necessarily be of a certain breed. Not only does the New Manhattan Project require over 1000 dedicated airplanes, the project requires that these airplanes operate covertly. As we are interested in exposing chemtrails, we are interested in the origins, development and current state of this large, covert, high-tech jumbo jet air force routinely contaminating our environment and damaging our health. The Flying Tigers Many of us have heard of or seen the 1942 war epic starring John Wayne called Flying Tigers. Mr. William Pawley is a very intriguing character. Civil Air Transport Evergreen U.S. Monsanto's airborne pesticide drones coming soon: FAA approves unmanned, poison-spraying helicopters - (NaturalNews) The federal government has granted its approval for a new unmanned pesticide drone that reports indicate will soon start dumping chemical herbicides and other crop-related substances from the sky. The helicopters, designed by Yamaha Corp. U.S.A., have an empty weight of only 141 pounds, according to a Federal Aviation Administration document,[PDF] and they don't require a human pilot. Multinational corporations like Monsanto can just load them up with Roundup and send them on their way. "Yamaha unmanned helicopters are designed for a wide range of industrial and research applications," reads an official brochure for the new technology,[PDF] which lists "precision agriculture," "spraying" and "seeding" as potential uses. "Your eye in the sky offers cost effective, accurate and efficient spraying with zero soil compaction," it adds. Here you can see the "RMAX" unmanned helicopter in action as it shoots chemicals down on crops: "I certainly understand their cautious approach.

association ACSEIPICA Chemtrails, Smart Dust, Transhumanism, and the Great Global Warming Lie - Expanded Chemtrails are artificially created by military aircrafts of the U.S. Air force in an operation codenamed: Operation Clover Leaf. “Contrails are naturally formed at high altitudes (30,000+ feet) when hot, humid air from a jet's exhaust, which is water vapor that is momentarily crystallized by contact with cold air. Contrails quickly evaporate lasting only a minute or so, as the ice crystals melt.” -- ContrailsVs Chemtrails – A Video comparison ‘Secret Agent Man’ Secret Agent Man is a pilot in the U.S. The interview with Secret Agent Man begins at the 43-minute mark, where you will hear about 20 minutes or so of information about Chemtrails. Chemtrail Pilots Speak Out! What in the World Are They Spraying? What are in Chemtrails? David Keith stated that they want to dump 10 to 20 megatons of aluminum into our atmosphere and said that it would have no human health impacts. Chemtrails are having a tremendous effect on the PH levels in the soil. Deagel - Link

Chemtrail Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Une thèse controversée veut voir dans certaines traînées aériennes, comme celles-ci aux États-Unis, la présence de produits chimiques (chemtrail) qui seraient dispersés volontairement dans le ciel pour des raisons malveillantes ou non. La théorie des chemtrails [kemtrels] avance que certaines traînées blanches créées par le passage des avions en vol sont composées de produits chimiques délibérément répandus en haute-altitude par diverses agences gouvernementales pour des raisons dissimulées au grand public. Cette théorie est rejetée par la communauté scientifique[1] qui considère qu'il s'agit de simples traînées de condensation. Le nom lui-même est un néologisme construit par la contraction de l'anglais « chemical trail », soit « traînée de produits chimiques », sur le modèle de, et par opposition à, « contrail », contraction de « condensation trail ». Origines[modifier | modifier le code] Il existerait aussi [6] :
