Zeitgeist: Moving Forward A feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical life ground attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a Resource-Based Economy. Following on from Zeitgeist: The Movie, Zeitgeist: Addendum, Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide, Moving Forward reinforces and clarifies the information presented in those films. It is done so in a crystal clear fashion beginning with an examination of the conditioning that shapes our behavior, moving on to the failures of the monetary/market system, it's resultant socio-economic collapse and finally, the transition into a resource based economy for the betterment of humankind.
Detox Foods | Detox smoothies Toxins-free for life Looking to increase your energy levels, to lose weight, get clearer skin, prevent premature ageing and to help preventing diseases? Then look no further! Price: $47 Price: $27 Smoothies are a great way to boost your fruits and veggies daily intake. Flat Tummy Rich in digestion supporting ingredients, this smoothie will help prevent bloating and digestive stress that can sabotage your tummy flattening efforts. 3/4 c. papaya 3/4 c. sliced peaches 1/2 pear, sliced 1 tsp fresh ginger 2 mint leaves Water to thin Skin Saver Antioxidants in berries are known to help to fight wrinkles and other skin ageing signs. 3/4 c blueberries 3/4 c pitted cherries 5 strawberries 1/4 avocado, peeled and pitted 2 tsp wheat germ (optional) 2 tsp ground flaxseed Water, to thin Peanut Butter Energy Booster This protein-rich and minerals-filled smoothie will give you long-lasting energy. Bone Lover Immune System Booster Natural Skin Tanner Antioxidant Power
”Around the World in 80 years” <前の5日分 2012-03-18 多文化共存と共通の聖典 ■[次のシステムへ移行][ベルギー][組織] 昔「私は無神論者です」というと「それでは善悪の判断はどうやってやるのか?」という質問を良く受けた.若かりし頃の話しなので、そういう人々とまともな議論ができたかどうかは忘れてしまったが、齢を重ねると次々に自分の曖昧な感覚をはっきりと他人に説明できるようになってきた. 若かりし頃はそういう質問をする宗教信者は、バカだと思っていた.人間としての常識や正義で善悪なんて判断できるじゃないの、と思っていた.しかし、その「常識や正義」というものが、世界各地、または社会の様々なグループで違うのだ、ということが解ってきた.様々な宗教、様々な信念の基に成り立った社会、それぞれの常識があり正義がある. 例えば、回教徒にとっては豚肉を口にするより死を選ぶ.だから回教徒に無理矢理豚肉を食べさせることは「拷問」になる.ヒンドゥ教徒には牛が聖獣なので、絶対に口にしない.儒教の影響を受けた社会または家族の中で育った人は、どんなに親が犯罪(社会や国の法律違反)行為をしていようとも、それを公表しない. ある意味「宗教が無くてどうやって善悪の判断をするのか?」 因に私が仕事をしている場所、ベルギーにいる難民を援助し、ベルギー社会にとけ込ませるための組織の名前は正に「共存・コンビビアル・一緒に生きる」とそのままだ.100名近い有給職員の国籍は28カ国にのぼる.少し詳しく言うと似たような名前の3つの非営利団体が協同し、一つの建物の中で活動している.3つの非営利団体というのも最近知った事で今でも私自身がどの非営利団体に属しているかは良くわかっていないほど「一つの団体」になっている.管理する部署は一つでディレクターは一人、経費節約のために3つのグループが一緒になり、とても成功している. さて、食べ物の他にあらゆる社会生活が同様に違うということを認めないと他人を認める事にはならない.要するにある一つの社会やグループ内での常識・当たり前は、別の社会やグループの中での非常識になりえることを意識し、認めなければいけない. 例えば、日本人間で常識として浸透している「日本人は時間や約束を忠実に守るが、外国では時間にルーズだ」は世界共通の認識だろうか? では、何を人類共通の聖典とするか?
Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide The Zeitgeist Movement is not a political movement. It does not recognize nations, governments, races, religions, creeds or class. Our understandings conclude that these are false, outdated distinctions which are far from positive factors for true collective human growth and potential. Their basis is in power division and stratification, not unity and equality, which is our goal. While it is important to understand that everything in life is a natural progression, we must also acknowledge the reality that the human species has the ability to drastically slow and paralyze progress, through social structures which are out of date, dogmatic, and hence out of line with nature itself. The world you see today, full of war, corruption, elitism, pollution, poverty, epidemic disease, human rights abuses, inequality and crime is the result of this paralysis. This movement is about awareness, in avocation of a fluid evolutionary progress, both personal, social, technological and spiritual.
Photos du journal The Zeitgeist Film Series Gateway | Zeitgeist: The Movie, Zeitgeist: Addendum, Zeitgeist Moving Forward Who is Peter Joseph? In late 2009, Charles Robinson was able to interview Peter Joseph, the creator of Zeitgeist: The Movie, Zeitgeist: Addendum, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, several lectures and a presentation; Founder of The Zeitgeist Movement and a friend of Jack Fresco, in his home. He described himself and his life in details in what is likely a rare interview. He was kind enough to provide him with previously unreleased media and video and in turn Charles did his best to create a documentary (albeit kinda poor in quality compared to his work!) that would help express who this person is. Peter Joseph was born in North Carolina to a middle class family. He later moved to New York to attend art school. Due to the controversial content of his films and a desire to keep his day job private, he has not released his full name to the public. Watch the full documentary now.
How to Design Solar PV System - Guide for sizing your solar phot What is solar PV system? Solar photovoltaic system or Solar power system is one of renewable energy system which uses PV modules to convert sunlight into electricity. The electricity generated can be either stored or used directly, fed back into grid line or combined with one or more other electricity generators or more renewable energy source. Major system components Solar PV system includes different components that should be selected according to your system type, site location and applications. Solar PV system sizing 1. The first step in designing a solar PV system is to find out the total power and energy consumption of all loads that need to be supplied by the solar PV system as follows: 1.1 Calculate total Watt-hours per day for each appliance used. 1.2 Calculate total Watt-hours per day needed from the PV modules. 2. Different size of PV modules will produce different amount of power. Result of the calculation is the minimum number of PV panels. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Who is Peter Joseph? A Film by Charles Robinson