La llista Next to Watch 2018 premia la innovació de 14 campanyes a nivell mundial - Sitges NEXT For two days, more than thirty experts address the question ‘What’s Next’? in communication and advertising Innovation invades Sitges. The 2018 Sitges Next Festival has fired the starting shot for its fourth edition. The competition, taking place today and tomorrow at El Retiro, is the stage for presentations and round table discussions focusing on the latest trends in communication in the automobile, banking, music, and tourism industries. The Festival kicked off with the opening presentation by Ed Lovelace, from Pulse Films D.A.R.Y.L, the agency in charge of the spectacular campaign Human Made Stories for Volvo. Next, it was the turn for presentations and the round table from the automobile industry, moderated by the journalist Bàrbara Arqué. Banking, another benchmark industry when it comes to innovation, was featured during the second part of the morning. The Wolf, by HP, is the campaign that closed the morning’s presentations, presented by Vanessa Ribeiro and Adam Wiese.
Stumblers Who Like APOD: 2012 March 12 - The Scale of the Universe Interactive... Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2012 March 12 The Scale of the Universe - Interactive Flash Animation Credit & Copyright: Cary & Michael Huang Explanation: What does the universe look like on small scales? On large scales? Tomorrow's picture: dust before galaxies Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD at NASA / GSFC& Michigan Tech.
Category:USNPS map symbols English: National Park Service map symbols Español: Símbolos de mapas del Servicio de Parques Nacionales Standard map symbols used by the United States National Park Service (NSP). They are available on PDF, Adobe illustrator CS2, PC and MAC TrueType Fonts, and ArcGIS formats through the NSP website: A package containing all the NSP symbols in PNG and SVG formats is available at Open Icon Library Subcategories This category has only the following subcategory.
How to Forecast Weather | Ever wondered how to forecast the weather without actually using instruments? Check the Clouds: Clouds can tell us a lot about the weather. Check the Humidity: If you’re one of those people whose hair gets all curly when it gets really humid out, you know exactly what this is about. Check the Animals: Birds only fly in the sky when they expect fair weather ahead. Look at the Rainbow (but only in the west) and look for a Red Sky: If you see one in the west, it means a major storm front is coming. Check the Air: If it smells like a compost heap, expect some rain soon. Check the Moon: Seen any red moons lately? Check the Wind: If you can tell which way the wind is blowing, you can tell if there is a storm approaching. A Few More Ideas: Make a campfire – If the smoke goes straight up, clear skies ahead. Check the grass – if it’s wet and dewy, that means it probably won’t rain.
8 Little Known, Insanely Useful Software For College « Killer Tech Tips If you’re in college, check out these eight lesser known, but still indispensable software applications for your computer. We bet these will be as useful as Dropbox and Evernote! Photo by Samantha Decker. Licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. 1. Connectify lets you share your laptop’s internet connection with others nearby. The app shows up in the system tray once you install it. 2. Panda USB Vaccine completely disables autorun on your computer. In addition to disabling autorun, the tool can also create a dummy autorun.inf file on removable drives, thereby “vaccinating†them from getting infected. 3. WordWeb is free and does one thing really, really well. WordWeb works when you’re offline and it could obviously help you improve your vocabulary. 4. If you frequently come back to your dorm room just to take back that pen drive you missed, Pen Drive Reminder is a must-have. There’s also a countdown timer that pops open a notification after the counter reaches zero seconds. 5.
Programari i recursos digitals per a la docència por andymorodo en Genially Creació de contingut Galeries i recursos programari i recursos digitals per a la docència Eines i utilitats Gestió de la docència Instruments d'avaluació Qüestionaris i formularis Amb aquesta categoria englobem totes les aplicacions que serveixen per a crear material en qualsevol format digital i multimèdia: textos, vídeos, imatges, material interactiu, etc. Presentacions Altres Material gràfic Activitats Blogs / Webs Animacions / vídeos Coneixement Mapes mentals esquemes, etc. Rúbriques, porfolis i més Hi ha moltíssims programes per a crear qüestionaris i formularis, així com programes de gestió docent que incorporen eines pròpies per a fer qüestionaris (com Moodle), així que aquí només indicarem els més populars: Incloem també alguns QuizGames: I un programa per a la creació de qüestionaris tipus test que es responen en paper però es corregeixen automàticament amb el mòbil: ZipGrade Veure també l'apartat de Presentacions interactives, ja que són CRS inserits en presentacions. Crear exercicis i activitats:
OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. Two major driving forces behind the establishment and growth of OSM have been restrictions on use or availability of map information across much of the world and the advent of inexpensive portable satellite navigation devices.[4] Created by Steve Coast in the UK in 2004, it was inspired by the success of Wikipedia[5] and the preponderance of proprietary map data in the UK and elsewhere.[6] Since then, it has grown to over 1.6 million registered users,[7] who can collect data using manual survey, GPS devices, aerial photography, and other free sources. This crowdsourced data is then made available under the Open Database License. The site is supported by the OpenStreetMap Foundation, a non-profit organization registered in England. History[edit] Steve Coast founded the project in 2004, initially focusing on mapping the United Kingdom. State of the Map[edit] Map production[edit] Contributors[edit]
50 more of Wikipedia's most interesting articles & Copybot The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia post on this blog has had heaps of interest. So I thought it was about time I posted another one. This time, the list’s a lot less war-focused. I particularly like number 42, though the Wikipedia article doesn’t make it very clear that the graffiti appeared a multitude of times in different places and the writer has never been identified. Thanks again to Ray Cadaster for all his hard work putting the lists together. Like this: Like Loading... Related The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia Deep in the bowels of the internet, I came across an exhaustive list of interesting Wikipedia articles by Ray Cadaster. In "Interesting" Bauballs: battle of the balls For as long as anyone can remember, Christmas has happened every year. In "Advertising" Oxford Circus in fancy dress for The Great Gatsby Tube and train station 'wraps' have enormous potential for creative applications, and it's great to see one actually come to life.
The Skeptic's Dictionary Biblioteca Digital d'AQU Catalunya Fitxa del document Títol: Com elaborar, tutoritzar i avaluar un Treball de Fi de Màster Autor: Maria Luisa Rodríguez Moreno (coord.), Juan Llanes Ordóñez (coord.), Marta Burguet Arfelis, Maria Rosa Buxarrais Estrada, Francisco Esteban Bara, Beatriz Jarauta Borrasca, Cruz Molina Garuz, Elisenda Pérez Muñoz, Núria Serrat Antolí, Marina Solé Català Editor: AQU Catalunya Any: 2013 Extensió: 69 pàg. Idioma: Català Número normalitzat: B-12.534-2013 Resum Molt estructurada, ordenada i graduada, redactada en un llenguatge planer, amb exemples aplicats d'avaluació —digitalitzats— i referències nacionals i internacionals, aquesta publicació és una eina didàctica original i eficaç, complementada amb la relació de competències susceptibles de ser desenvolupades en cada fase del treball.
Google Maps Mania