créer un dessin animé de a à z avec Flash sur Tuto Dans cette formation de près de 30h en vidéo, apprenez à réaliser votre premier dessin animé. Flash, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere ; cinq logiciels de référence et près de 30h de formation pour apprendre à concevoir et réaliser un dessin animé de A à Z. Cette formation est présentée par un animateur professionnel, Eric Dragon, du studio d'animation ChezMarcel. Tous les projets ainsi que les sources sont fournis avec cette formation d'exception. Voici le dessin animé que vous allez apprendre à réaliser : Digne des plus grandes écoles de graphisme et d'animation, cette formation unique, de près de 30h, vous propose de concevoir et réaliser une séquence de dessin animé tout spécialement réalisée pour l'occasion, depuis le premiers croquis (personnages et décors), jusqu'au montage final et l'intégration des effets sonores. 1/ Le storyboard - 6 min 2/ Création de l'animatique sous Flash - 5h26 3/ Créer le personnage sous Illustrator - 35 min 4/ L'animation sous Flash - 10h14
MySQL Performance real life Tips and Tricks. Part 3-rd. / MySQL Решил продолжить цикл заметок по данной тематике. В данной статье особое место хотел уделить профайлингу MySQL запросов. Описать средства, которые предоставляются MySQL для профайлинга, и что нужно делать для определения узких мест запроса. Также, после опубликования первых двух статей я получил пару отзывов и вопросов, связанных с проектированием БД / расстановкой индексов / составлением запросов. Профайлинг запросов Итак, начну со стандартных средств профайлинга запросов средствами MySQLEXPLAINSHOW STATUSPROFILING С помощью команды EXPLAIN MySQL показывает ориентировочный execution plan запроса (Описание всех возвращаемых полей командой EXPLAIN можно посмотреть по адресу — ). Также в этом абзаце хотел отметить главное — что производительность запроса зависит от количества записей, которые были проверены (исследованы) MySQL, а не от количества возвращенных запросом записей. После этого выполняем интересующий нас запрос Slow query log
CreaToon 3.0 - Simply cut-out for you! - Home page CakePHP and Nginx I still got sites running Apache, but all new projects are launched with Nginx. I don't need many of the features that Apache offers, and the speed gain of Nginx is just tremendous. Once you've experienced it, I doubt you'll want to go back. Update - May 2nd, 2013 The official CakePHP documentation now includes a good Nginx section. Update - Feb 24th, 2013 Chris Hartjes takes a similar approach in articles written way before mine, be sure to check it out! Continuing Even though there has been quite some fuzz about Nginx and I bet most of you have at least heard of it by now, I think the acceptance is still a bit low. I'd like to help that process along by providing developers a simple yet effective example. Maybe you'll play with it on your local box - and eventually decide to go production. Let me show you how easy it is to get hooked to the power of Nginx. In this article I'm demonstrating a CakePHP setup, but 1 slight modification and this applies to pretty much any PHP Framework. HtAccess
:: CATSUKA :: | Richmond Hill/Thornhill Deals of the Day You’ll be able to dance the night away after learning how to move to the beat of the music. You’ll learn so much when you take advantage of this deal - $50 for 10 group ballroom dance classes. Toronto Social Dance School is located in just off Yonge Street in Thornhill and people come from miles around to have fun, learn how to dance and get fit at the same time! Tango, Waltz, Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa, Hustle, Merengue, Swing and so many more dances are taught by certified professionals at this upscale dance school. Learning how to dance will make you feel better not just physically but your self- confidence levels will go up helping you to better manage whatever stress may come your way. If you’re not sure whether learning how to dance is quite your thing, with a deal that saves you almost $150 there is no going wrong. Come discover a new way to have fun, meet people and have a great time learning dance steps you never thought imaginable! MrPshem This is where I finally learned to dance!
About Animate It! | Animate it Stick your webcam down with a bit of Blu-tack or Sellotape so you don’t knock it over while shooting. Any webcam will do the job, ideally you want one with a manual focus. We recommend the HP HD-5210 webcam. Buy it! Setting up a scene for your character couldn't be easier. Grab a few objects from around the house and arrange them nicely to create your character’s world. Get yourself a desk top lamp, aim it at your character and lighting is done. You can make models out of absolutely anything, but Morph is a great character to start with. The more memory you have on your laptop, the faster you will be able to process your animated movies when shooting and editing them together. Aardman's Animate It!
Web & Software Dev Telecommuting and Part-Time Jobs Job Listings Posted Middleware Engineers desired for a full time position with potential for telecommuting options while providing assistance with engineering and configuration administration. Utilizing 9+ years of software engineering experience the Technical Environment Designer will work full time with options for telecommuting or remote work. Back-end development internship open to candidates with PHP and SQL. Full-time, 18 month contract position available who will be responsible for application development and support. 5-7 years experience, MS SQL, .Net, SQL, HTML, PL/SQL, Oracle Databases and Internet Protocols. Senior Presentation Layer Developer is needed to create and execute designs and handle front-end technology projects. 4+ years of hand-coding experience is required. Full-time Freelance to permanent Web/Front-End Developer is needed to code designs and produce prototypes, specifications and style guides. 5+ years of experience and web technology skills are required.