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5 Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure

5 Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure
Related:  Medicinal plants & herbsHeart HealthNEED TO KNOW INFORMATIONsarathsiripala

Top 13 Herbal Treatments For Toothache Top 13 Herbal Treatments For Toothache Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free! 4K+ herbs background image © Africa Studio – (Note – this post is not medical advice nor substitute for a professional evaluation.) Toothache can really be unbearably painful. What’s more distressing is when it occurs at midnight and your dentist’s office is already closed. Pain in and around a tooth can really be distracting. Here are our top 13 herbal / natural home remedies for toothache: Cloves Eugenol, the principal molecular component of the oil derived from cloves, is a common ingredient in dental products – that ought to tell you something! Ginger The use of ginger root is probably one of the most common herbal remedies for toothaches that had been in use for decades now. Garlic One of the most common spices found in your kitchen, garlic also makes a very effective home remedy for toothaches. Limes and Lemons Onion Lavender and Chamomile

12 Herbs to Curb Heart Palpitations - NaturalON Photo credit: Although some people experience rapid heartbeats, missed heartbeats, and even irregular heartbeats, these are not signs of true heart trouble, but rather a symptom from another underlying problem such as hormone fluctuations, certain prescription drugs, anxiety or panic attacks, excessive caffeine consumption, menopause, or even an overactive thyroid gland. If you are experiencing irregular heartbeats, be certain that you check with your doctor or cardiologist first to be sure that you do not have heart disease or any other type of heart issue. Once your doctor has given you the OK, check out this list of the top 12 herbs that are known to help calm those heart palpitations that are caused by things other than heart disease or heart malfunctions. 1. Lavender Many heart palpitations are caused by anxiety or panic attacks. 2. This is a great old fashioned herb that will lower a fast pulse and control the sudden thumping of the heart. 3. Continue to Page 2

Six natural alternatives to ibuprofen - Phoenix Alternative Medicine The saying used to be, “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning,” but many people turn to ibuprofen to relieve inflammation, pain, and fever. This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), available both over the counter and by prescription, is commonly used to treat arthritis, menstrual symptoms, headache, general aches and pains, and various inflammatory conditions. Side effects of ibuprofen Although many people think of ibuprofen as being rather benign, it is associated with an increased risk of heart and circulation problems, including stroke and heart attack, as well as gastrointestinal problems, such as bleeding or perforation of the stomach or intestinal tract. These risks increase the longer you take the drug, although the length of time until it affects any one individual varies depending on their overall health, use of other medications, age, and other factors. Curcumin Boswellia: This anti-inflammatory remedy comes from the Boswellia serrata tree that grows in India.

Pineapple Enzyme and its Benefits :: Pineapple Enzyme is a member of the bromeliad family. It is extremely rare that bromeliads produce edible fruit enzymes. The pineapple enzyme is the only available edible bromeliad today. Pineapple enzyme is the most popular tropical fruit enzymes. Loaded with Vitamins and Minerals: The obvious benefits of pineapple enzymes are all the vitamins and minerals the fruit is loaded with. Strengthens Weak Bones: One of the benefits of pineapple enzymes is that it helps to build healthy bones. Good for Gums: Your gums are very important to keep healthy. Prevents Macular Degeneration: Pineapple enzymes contain a lot of beta-carotene that is good for the eyes and for your vision. Helps Arthritis: Bromelain is also considered an effective anti-inflammatory. Coughs and Colds: While many people often take extra vitamin C or drink extra orange juice when they have a cold, few consider eating pineapple. Digestion: The bromelain found in pineapples aids in digestion.

Herbal Remedies for Stomach Problems Peppermint is a good herbal remedy for many stomach issues Source When using herbal remedies for stomach problems, it's a good rule of thumb to always check with a doctor or licensed homeopathic care provider. How Herbs are Used to Relieve Stomach Problems There are various ways that people use medicinal herbs. Fresh: Herbs cut fresh can be used. Other preps for herbs used to treat stomach problems include: Essential oilsPoulticePowderSteam - i.e. inhalationCompresses - both hot and coldCreams or ointmentsMedicinal herb tincturesSyrups This is a hefty topic - there's no way to go over prep and best use for each person personally. Easy Herbal Remedies for Stomach Problems These herbal pain remedies below should be easy, even for individuals new to herbs, to understand. Diarrhea Drink an infusion of Prunella as it calms down inflamed mucous membranes. Drink an infusion of coriander seed before meals as diarrhea persists. Essential herb oils are also good. Abdominal Pain Constipation Nausea

What Is Cardioversion? Cardioversion (KAR-de-o-VER-shun) is a procedure that can restore a fast or irregular heartbeat to a normal rhythm. A fast or irregular heartbeat is called an arrhythmia (ah-RITH-me-ah). Arrhythmias can prevent your heart from pumping enough blood to your body. They also can raise your risk for stroke, heart attack, and sudden cardiac arrest. Overview To understand arrhythmias, it helps to understand how the heart works. As the signal travels, it causes your heart to contract and pump blood. A problem with any part of this process can cause an arrhythmia. Cardioversion is done two ways: using an electrical procedure or using medicines. For the electrical procedure, your heart is given low-energy shocks to trigger a normal rhythm. Using medicines to correct arrhythmias also is a form of cardioversion. This article only discusses the electrical cardioversion procedure. Cardioversion isn't the same as defibrillation (de-fib-rih-LA-shun), although they both involve shocking the heart. Outlook

Rosemary - an excellent aid to digestion. Rosemary is a fragrant shrub well known for its distinctive aroma. There are several varieties that can be identified by its evergreen needle-like leaves with spikes of pale blue or lilac flowers which bloom from spring to summer. The plant is a symbol of love and fidelity and in medieval times was used at weddings. According to legend, if a man does not like the smell of the herb, he will be a lousy lover! Key Medicinal Uses Internally – Rosemary aids digestion and has been utilized for stomach problems such as dyspepsia, appetite stimulant, stomach cramps, bloating and constipation. Externally – Rosemary oil or infusion in bath water can be rubbed onto sore and aching muscles and is good for sciatica pain and inflammation. Other Uses – The herb is thought to stimulate hair follicles and circulation to the scalp and when an infusion of Hair Tonic made from the leaves is applied to the head, it will condition the hair, tone the scalp and strengthen the hair. Herbs to Combine/Supplement

After Reading This You Will Never Throw Your Banana Or Orange Peels Away Again Did you know the peels of some fruits hold some of the most powerful nutrients in the world? There are many uses, both medicinal and practical, for orange and banana peels that aren't known by many. So, next time you think about throwing away one of these peels, you may want to remember this information. Orange Peels It's always a good idea to minimize pesticide levels by choosing organic oranges. An Orange's peel and apple's skin are similar because most of the nutrients are in the skin of these fruits. Medicinal Properties of Orange Peels As per Ayurveda, orange peel is tikta (bitter) and it improves digestion and can speed up your metabolism. Due to its pacifying properties, orange peel powder helps dissolve phlegm in respiratory systems, alleviate coughs, and asthma. Most of the beneficiary aspects of orange peels come from their essential oils, which have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that orange peel can dissolve cholesterol and triglyceride. Warts

Cardamom Benefits & Information Cardamom is well known as a spice used in Indian cooking, and is one of the primary constituents of Garam Masala. What many people don’t realize is that cardamom is also medicinal, and helps relieve digestive problems induced by garlic and onion, making it more than merely an aromatic addition to the stomach-challenging cuisine it accompanies. Cardamom is considered one of the most valuable spices in the world due to its rich aroma and therapeutic properties. Origins Many varieties of cardamom exist, but there are two genera which include cardamom plants. Both Ellataria and Amomum are part if the Ginger family (Zingiberaceae). Cultivation Cardamom is farmed in only a few places in the world, including Sri Lanka, China, Laos, Nepal, Vietnam, pockets of India, and Guatemala. As a member of the ginger family, cardamom grows perennially and produces vast, fleshy root structures known as rhizomes. Health benefits Cardamom has been used to relieve the following medical problems: Bad Breath

7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World We all want to live a long life, but did you know eating these simple foods has been proven scientifically to prevent and in some cases reverse the #1 cause of death in the modern world? Statistically, atherosclerosis (the progressive clogging of the arteries) is the #1 killer on the planet. A complex process, involving autoimmunity, infection, dietary incompatibilities, and many known and unknown factors, it is entirely preventable, and in some cases reversible – despite conventional medical opinion. Here is the peer-reviewed, published research proving the fact. B Vitamins Yes, something as simple as adding a source of B-complex to your regimen can prevent the juggernaut of heart disease from taking your life prematurely. Garlic As we have documented extensively at, garlic can save your life. Pomegranate Fermented Cabbage L-Arginine This amino acid is capable of preventing arterial thickening – up to 24% reduction! Sesame Seed

California Poppy Seed As Effective As Prescription Pain Killers - Living with chronic pain can be a daily struggle. On top of the physical discomfort, there is the endless cycle of medication. Prescription pain medications can also become addictive, posing additional health risks when taken in excessive doses for extended periods of time. California poppy seed is a natural alternative to pain medication that is non-addictive while producing the same life-changing results. On the March 22 episode of "Dr. Oz," Dr. Where It Comes From The California poppy is the official state flower of California, but it can also be found in Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. California poppies are also referred to as "golden poppies" due to their golden orange in color and are legal to pick. Other Benefits of California Poppy Seed While California poppy seed acts as a pain reliever, it also has other health benefits: Improves sleep: Many people use California Poppy Seed as a natural sleep inducer.

Best Budget DSLR Video Shoulder Rig DSLR videos rigs come in all shapes and sizes and these days there are endless options available. But there is only one rig that is cheap, customizable and durable enough to last over 3 years without trouble. I’ve had the Cowboy Studio support rig for over 3 years and it works as well as it did the day I got it. I love a lot of things about this rig. It’s Cheap - $30 isn’t bad for a rig that lasts 3+ years (don’t know when mine will die). Rig Parts Lists View old video and post here. medicinal herbs: CATSFOOT - Antennaria dioica Latin name: Antennaria dioica Synonyms: Gnaphalium dioicum Family: Compositae Medicinal use of Catsfoot: Catsfoot has been little used in herbal medicine though it was once used in mixtures for the treatment of bronchitis and bilious conditions. The whole plant is antitussive, astringent, cholagogue, discutient, diuretic and emollient. Description of the plant: Habitat of the herb: Mountain grassland, heaths, dry pastures and woodland edges, usually on calcareous soils. Other uses of Catsfoot: A good ground cover plant for sunny positions. Propagation of the herb: Seed - sow spring in cold frame and only just cover the seed. Cultivation of Catsfoot: Known hazards of Antennaria dioica: None known Plant information taken from the Plants For A Future.
