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"Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way."

"Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best possible way."

Tarot card meanings & divinatory definitions Study the definitions of all 78 Tarot cards from a range of sources! Click on the cards below for the full meanings of each card, Compare the meanings of the tarot cards between the main versions. The definition section has been expanded to give you probably the most comprehensive list of meanings to choose from: My definitions based upon years of reading the tarot Rider-Waite by A.E. Tarosophy Таро Ассоциация |

Tarotpedia Worldwide Quirkeries Карли Ленорман Прыжок Golden Tarot +.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+ Glad tidings, fellow travellers. +.+. Golden Tarot is a standard traditional deck, consisting of 78 cards - 22 Major Arcana and 14 in each suit of the Minor Arcana: Coins, Cups, Swords and Wands. This main intention of this site was to showcase International Gothic Art 1300-1500. The site can be used to interpret a spread you've laid with real tarot cards of your own, or you can now get a free online reading with the deck at If you think the design of the cards looks familiar, that's probably because it's based on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. To navigate this site, major sections are linked from the bottom of each page, or you can use the sitemap. The original cards can still be seen and used as wallpapers etc. Kat Black, February 2004

Meet Barbara | Practical Tarot Barbara Moore Tarot Reader and Author The tarot has been a part of my personal and professional life for nearly twenty years. I first discovered tarot in college. Right from the start, tarot intrigued me with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, history mystery, and magic. It has been my privilege to work on many fascinating tarot projects, both decks and books. In addition to book-length works, I write for Llewellyn’s Tarot Pathways and my own blog. Travel and interacting with my fellow tarot-lovers is one of my favorite things. Barbara’s Philosophy — In Her Own Words Thank you for taking the time to do the reading for me…..very insightful and has really affirmed what I thought. In many ways, my tarot readings are like weather forecasts. In other ways, my tarot readings are like magic spells. Readings are just one way that I like to use the cards. An important element of a reading with me is trust. First, you should know what you want to ask. Connect with Barbara

Tarot Town Мой Любопытный Кабинет | случайный ничто, когда фантазии берет меня 365 Days of Tarot Wise & Subtle Arts of Cartomancy The Wise and Subtle Arte of Reading Cards …as examined by a Witch who practices said Arte Reading cards to discern the future or answer questions has been a practice of witches, gypsies, and fortune tellers for several hundred years. It is true, of course, that the regular playing card pack is not so charming or erudite as her mother, the Tarot. Nonetheless, we have often found ourselves willing to trade the mother’s unvoiced, wisdom-filled glances for the child’s forthright and honest speech. The reading of playing cards has another advantage…because they are so common, most people seeing them in your desk, on your table, or in your possession will not suspect the use to which you put them. Many systems of card reading, both of regular playing cards and Tarot cards, are generally too rigid in their meanings and methods. The following method is presented in three parts. To begin, we shall present the bare bones of the method for the witch of poor memory. For the Witch of Poor Memory
