Food - How to Make Instructables

tutorial: make a yummy natural sugar scrub | oh my! handmade goodness
With the holidays around the corner and cold, dry winter weather upon us here in eastern Canada, I wanted to share a nice sugar scrub to make a great handcrafted gift for family and friends on your gift list this year. This scrub will tame the dry, flaky skin winter brings, and makes an excellent stocking stuffer. Here’s what you need to make your own Moisturizing Sugar Scrub: Equipment: Mixing BowlKitchen ScaleSpoonTowel (7)Heavy Bottomed saucepan (5)Pipette or measuring spoons (4) Ingredients: 90 g white sugar (1)30 g brown sugar* (2) *You can substitute turbinado or demerara sugar for a coarse scrub45 g shea butter (honey can be substituted) (3)5 g liquid vegetable glycerine (optional)5 g jojoba or extra virgin olive oil (6)25 drops essential oil of your choice (some popular choices are lavender, sweet orange, and clary sage)2 Vitamin E capsules, broken and contents squeezed into recipe 1. 2/3.
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Step-by-Step: Amazing Spiced Chai Concentrate – Tasty Kitchen Blog
Warm spices, strong tea and steamed milk swirling around in my tummy make chai lattes a favorite during the winter months. It warms me from the inside out in a way that puts coffee and tea to shame. Unfortunately, the chai concentrate from certain coffee chains is too sweet. But there is something better. It never occurred to me to make my own chai. (Certainly it must be too hard.) Here are the ingredients you’ll need: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, star anise, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, orange zest, tea bags, brown sugar, honey, and vanilla. Start by bringing 4 1/2 cups water to the boil on the stove. Then you need some orange zest. The recipe says to use a piece of ginger. Once the water has come to a boil, remove the pot from the heat and add the tea bags. Then add your cinnamon sticks (we only add two—it just looks like we’re using four because we broke them in half). Then add your star anise and seven cardamom pods. Now you are left with delicious, homemade chai concentrate. Description