What Teachers Need to Know about Critical Thinking Vs Creative Thinking
December 7, 2014 When it comes to differentiating critical thinking from creative thinking, things get a little bit blurry as there is no consensus as to what really defines these processes. This lack of consensus is particularly reflected in the various meanings creative thinking takes in different disciplines.For instance, in business and corporate world, creative thinking is synonymous with entrepreneurship, in mathematics it stands for problem solving, and in education it carries connotations of innovation. While there is no agreed upon definition for these two types of thinking, a comprehensive body of literature confirms the fact that creative and critical thinking are not identical. They involve, more or less, different cognitive processes and have different strategies (see this page for references). Here is how Beyer (1987) compares the two processes: Also, check out this table to learn about some of the differences between creative and critical thinking. Creative Thinkers
25 Critical Thinking Strategies For The Modern Learner
Critical thinking is the engine of learning. Within this complex process or so many other relevant themes that contribute to learning: creativity, analysis, evaluation, innovation, application, and scores of other verbs from various learning taxonomies. So the following infographic from Mentoring Minds is immediately relevant to all educators, and students as well. It’s a bit of a mash of Habits of Mind, various 21st century learning frameworks, and the aforementioned learning taxonomies, promoting collaboration, problem-solving, and real-world connections (standard “critical thinking fare” with Habits of Mind-sounding phrases such as “Open-Mindedness”). At the bottom, it pushes a bit further, however, offering 25 critical thinking strategies to help support progressive learning.
Fem strategier för läsning av faktatexter
Vad har jag lärt mig av att läsa boken ”Att läsa faktatexter” (Gear 2015)? Jo, fem nya lässtrategier som är anpassade just till läsning av faktatexter. Här vill jag påstå att Gears bok fyller ett behov. Bilden nedan, förståelsestrategier för faktatexter, är bilden som hela boken bygger på. De fem strategierna är: Zooma inStälla frågor och göra inferenserAvgöra vad som är viktigtGöra kopplingarTransformera Varje strategi gås igenom i ett eget kapitel i boken tillsammans med konkreta lektionsförslag. Textstrukturerna finns inlagda i ett formulär med rubriker som t.ex.: Vad är det? FKTB är en uppgift som behövs. Känner du dig säker på skillnaden mellan en inferens och en förutsägelse? […] processen är liknande genom att man fyller i vad man ännu inte vet, men när man har läst färdigt besannas förutsägelsen eller också gör den inte det. I slutet av boken presenteras en bedömningsmatris för läsning av faktatexter. Sammanfattningsvis genomsyras boken av att läsande handlar om tänkande.
13 Essential 21st Century Skills for Todays Students
Educators and workforce experts alike often warn that our children need improved 21st century skills. Without these skills, they will not be able to successfully participate in the global economy. They won’t be adequately prepared for college and work. But what, exactly, are 21st century skills? It depends on who you ask. More than Computers & Technology Hanover Research recently analyzed six major educational frameworks designed to improve the development of 21st century skills. While each framework has slightly different list of critical 21st century skills, all agree on four critical areas for development: Collaboration and teamwork Creativity and imagination Critical thinking Problem solving “It is easy to see how these skills could be valuable to a new high school graduate and to employers, as well as how these skills can easily interact with one another,” according to the Hanover Research report. Other Critical Skills for Success Deeper Dives
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What are 21st century skills?
The 21st century skills are a set of abilities that students need to develop in order to succeed in the information age. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills lists three types: Learning Skills Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Collaborating Communicating Life Skills Flexibility Initiative Social Skills Productivity Leadership New Skills for New Jobs These skills have always been important for students, though they are particularly important in our information-based economy. To hold information-age jobs, though, students also need to think deeply about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate clearly in many media, learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with a flood of information. Demand in the Workplace These are not just anecdotal observations.
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21st Century Skills Definition
The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed—by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers, and others—to be critically important to success in today’s world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces. Generally speaking, 21st century skills can be applied in all academic subject areas, and in all educational, career, and civic settings throughout a student’s life. It should be noted that the “21st century skills” concept encompasses a wide-ranging and amorphous body of knowledge and skills that is not easy to define and that has not been officially codified or categorized. While the specific skills deemed to be “21st century skills” may be defined, categorized, and determined differently from person to person, place to place, or school to school, the term does reflect a general—if somewhat loose and shifting—consensus. Reform Debate