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Tecnologie nella didattica Stella Perrone Tecnologie nella didatticaa cura di Stella Perrone Utilizzo consapevole della RETE ARTICOLO:Maleducazione digitale WEB 2.0 a scuolaa cura di E. Pantò Navigare senza rischiS. LINK di SICUREZZA in rete Safe Internet DayCastigliano ARTICOLO: Strategie di ricercaa cura di Corrado Petrucco STRUMENTI di RICERCAin INTERNETa cura di Cinzia Bocchi Cercare in Internetsegnalazione di G. ARTICOLO: Le vecchie regole non valgono più ARTICOLO: Pubblicare un linknon viola il copyright ARTICOLO: il copyright sul social network ARTICOLO: Musica classica e diritti di autorea cura di Simone Aliprandi Il Copyright su INTERNETa cura di Barbara e Nestore GUIDA introduttiva a Epubeditora cura di Fabio Mercanti Verso gli e-booka scuolaa cura di P. Rgionare di e-booka cura di Marco Guastavigna FLIP SNACKcome creare libri sfogliabili Creare un e-bookcon Google slide ARTICOLO: Webquestper apprendimento cooperativo ARTICOLO: WebquestStrumento didattico da scoprire ARTICOLO: Webquestnella collaborazione a distanza Programmo anch'io

Easy scheduling | Doodle Strumenti tecnologici nella didattica Laura Cimetta STRUMENTI TECNOLOGICIA SERVIZIO DELL'APPRENDIMENTOa cura di Laura Cimetta Altri esempi da Maestro Roberto W.Shakespeare by Laghigna Video Tutorial A.Laghigna Esempio G.Corsaro Esami 3 media MY PINTEREST: cyberteacher LMS piattaforme gestione apprendimento Repository di materiali utili Mio esempio: the Making of Malala Patrizia Vayola: Mussolini Dichiarazione di Guerra VideoStorytelling di A.Laghigna APPLICAZIONI per prof e studenti Mio esempio: la disposizione dei banchi nella Fipped Classroom Attività didattica in inglese con i Voki Esempio: the Great Gatsby creato da miei studenti Esempio: Dorian Gray creato da mio studente

How-to: Create PDF forms with OpenOffice | Dennis Blog - Just another blog. Hi everybody, under these month I’ve been managing a lot of burocracy due to my Erasmus period which will start in August in Tampere, Finland. Among all the forms I had to fill in, I recieved a PDF file from Finland which actually was a form. I hadn’t seen such files before! WhyBut why should you need to create such a form? HowTo create a PDF Form you will need OpenOffice. There is not a big difference between OpenOffice and Microsoft Office for what concerns the GUI (Graphical User Interface). Open now OpenOffice Writer. To insert Form controls and fields go on View -> Toolbars -> Form Controls .This will show you a toolbar with plenty of useful form stuff such as Labels, Text Boxes, Check Boxes, etc… In this toolbar you will also find another useful button, More Controls which allows you to insert even more controls. Inserting form controls in your page should not be a problem. Once you have created your form it’s time to create the PDF file. There you are! That’s it. Like this:

tecnologie didattiche TFA - PAS a cura di Patrizia Vayola rappresentazioni grafiche TECNOLOGIE DIDATTICHE PAS - CORSO H Università di Torino, dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione a cura di Patrizia Vayola I prodotti dei corsistidei corsi PAS PRODOTTI CORSISTI TFA -CORSO L 043-050 Prof. MATERIALI = D. SINTESI D. MATERIALI = P. MATERIALI = UTILIZZARE GOOGLE APPS FOR EDUCATION (video esplicativo) ESEMPI = J. C. G. ESEMPI VARI di R. TUTORIAL CON ESEMPIO su Leopardi di A. ESEMPIO COMMENTATO su Pascal di G. ESEMPIO = IL DISCORSO DI MUSSOLINIDEL 10 GIUGNO 1943 di Patrizia Vayola ESEMPIO = VITA DI DANTE (lavoro di gruppo III D) a cura di P. ESEMPIO - ALLORA di G. uso sensato degli hardware

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 7 Fabulous iPad Apps to Create Short Animated Lessons for Your Flipped Classroom Today, however, I am sharing with you a set of some wonderful apps that you can use to create short video lessons and tutorials to share with your students. You can also use them to : Easily explain a range of topics from math to chemistry to music theory to basket weaving.Attach a personal message to any travel photos you want to shareDiagram offensive and defensive strategies for sportsGrade student work with commentary explaining the reasoning behind their performanceImplement a “flipped classroom” Showcase your tutorials online and share your knowledge with your students, friends, family, or the world! I have meticulously handpicked the apps mentioned below and only included what I personally see as the best available out there. 1- Educreations This is my favourite of them all. 2- ShowMe ShowMe is similar to Educreations in that it also allows you to turn your iPad into a recordable iPad. 3- DoodleCast Pro 4- Explain Everything 5- Board Cam Pro 7- Knowmia

54 Flipped Classroom Tools For Teachers And Students - 54 Flipped Classroom Tools For Teachers And Students by TeachThought Staff The flipped classroom has continued to enjoy momentum years after its introduction, speaking to its flexible nature, and to the need for a real change in thinking in how we think of time and space in education. Technology has been, more than anything else, the catalyst for the flipped movement. Further, teachers have taken advantage of not just video channels but a collective video literacy to realize the potential of flipping the classroom. Below is a list 54 flipped classrooms tools for teachers and students–both equally important because in a flipped classroom, both teachers and students are consistently interacting with technology, often independently and asynchronously. 54 Flipped Classroom Tools For Teachers And Students

step by step by lab2 Gianino on Prezi
