Futurlec, Electronic Components
pmdtechnologies gmbh - can you imagine
Wireless Power
A few years ago MIT created a system for transferring power wirelessly. They transmitted power over a two-meter distance, from the coil on the left to the coil on the right, where it powers a 60W light bulb. Back in 2006, this was a pretty cool thing. You can only imagine what the implications of something like this would be. Well, unlike most of us, we do not have the time or material goods like MIT has. So i have made this simple and easy to follow Instructable, so all of you good people can experience the joy of wireless power. Inductive Coupling uses magnetic fields to transfer power. In my research I found, that to transfer power in very complicated. It all starts with the transmitter. The secondary coil has a 0.02 uF capacitor. The primary coil creates a magnetic field, when another coil is placed near it, energy will be induced into it. Be in mind that i could not get a hold of a 0.02uF capacitor so i used two 0.01uF capacitors connected together.
Electronics - www.vetco.net
I2C Tutorial
Using the I2C Bus Judging from my emails, it is quite clear that the I2C bus can be very confusing for the newcomer. I have lots of examples on using the I2C bus on the website, but many of these are using high level controllers and do not show the detail of what is actually happening on the bus. This short article therefore tries to de-mystify the I2C bus, I hope it doesn't have the opposite effect! The physical I2C bus This is just two wires, called SCL and SDA. The value of the resistors is not critical. Masters and Slaves The devices on the I2C bus are either masters or slaves. The I2C Physical Protocol When the master (your controller) wishes to talk to a slave (our CMPS03 for example) it begins by issuing a start sequence on the I2C bus. Data is transferred in sequences of 8 bits. How fast? I2C Device Addressing All I2C addresses are either 7 bits or 10 bits. The placement of the 7 bit address in the upper 7 bits of the byte is a source of confusion for the newcomer. Easy isn't it?
AVR Core :: Overview :: OpenCores
Details Name: avr_core Created: Nov 5, 2002 Updated: Feb 4, 2014 SVN Updated: Oct 28, 2012 SVN: Browse Latest version: download Statistics: View Other project properties Category: Processor Language: Development status: Stable Additional info: none WishBone Compliant: No License: Description Microcontroller core compatible with one used in AT mega 103 and written in VHDL. Features • Core features: – 32 x 8 general purpose registers – Twenty three interrupt vectors – Supports up to 128 Kb of program and up to 64 Kb of data memory • Peripheral features: – Programmable UART – Two 8-bit Timer/Counters with separate prescalers and PWM – Eight external interrupt sources – Two parallel ports Status The core was tested with several ASM and C programs.
Toner transfer no-soak, high-quality, double sided PCBs at home
Warning: There are hot surfaces, chemicals and possibly ill advised actions like you would expect in many Instructables here. You will also be running tape and un-approved paper through a laser printer. There is a very real danger of messing up your printer. If you do wreck a printer please comment so we can all learn a valuable lesson. There are some good Instructables on using toner transfer, but after doing my own for a while I have some refinements on the process that I want to share. You should be able to create high-quality, well aligned double sided boards every time. If you are just dealing with a basic board for 0.1" pitch through hole components this is probably overkill. I have made excellent boards with 8 mill pads and 12 mill clearances. There are a few secrets. 1. a laser printer. 2. a hot laminator. 3. If you follow my directions to the letter you can get great results.
Liquidware : Open Source Electronics
SX PC and USB Logic Analyzer, Signal Generator, I2C, SPI, Async Protocol Decoder and Analyzer
The USBee SX Digital Test Pod combines state of the art design with easy to use PC software to give you a complete digital test bench in a small and affordable package. Connecting to your PC, the USBee SX Digital Test Pod uses the power and speed of the USB 2.0 High-Speed bus to capture and control information from your own hardware designs. The USBee SX runs the following applications: The USBee SX is a complete digital test bench in one compact and easy to use pod. Combined with the free, yet powerful, Windows® 7, Vista, XP and 2000 software the USBee SX is a deep buffer depth Logic Analyzer and Signal Generator. Included in the Logic Analyzer module is a High Speed Asynchronous Serial bus decoder, SPI Bus decoder and I2C bus decoder. USBee SX takes advantage of already existing PC resources. Included with the USBee SX is the Signal Generator software that lets you create digital waveforms using the USBee SX pod. The Signal Generator software provides the following functions:
IBM1130.org: All about the IBM 1130 Computing System
Toner Transfer Paper - Matthew Sager
Toner transfer paper is a method of making PCBs at home. You can buy special paper for making PCBs. I was wondering if it was possible to make your own toner transfer paper. It turns out you can. Making the dextrinPour a thin layer of corn starch (You can find this in your local supper market with the baking supplies) on a cookie sheet or pan. Let the powder dextrin cool then it can also be stored in powder form.I was mixing enough powered dextrin with water so I got a consistency of thin syrup. Coating the paper with dextrin I spread a thin layer of the dextrin on a piece of flat metal. Then peal the paper up and hang it up to dry. After a day or two take the paper down and flatten. Using the toner transfer paper for etching I am using one of my projects as an example. I print out a copy of the PCB that I will be etching. After it has been ran through the printer again it will look like this. Then I heat press the toner paper with the image on to the copper clad with an iron.
OLS - alternative Java client
Welcome to the project page of Logic Sniffer Java client. This page will provide some documentation and, of course, download links. Table of contents Introduction The alternative OLS-client provides a software client for the Open Bench Logic Sniffer logic analyser hardware. The Open Bench Logic Sniffer is the result of a collaboration between Gadget Factory and Dangerous Prototypes. News August 12th, 2013, OLS version 0.9.7 released. What other people say about... I had to rock some intense LAing today, and I just wanted to say that the latest version is fantastic! It keeps getting better and better! Features The alternative Java client provides the following features: Cross platform: the client runs on Mac OSX (32/64-bit), Windows (32/64 bit), Linux (32/64 bit) and Solaris (32 bit); Simple installation: no longer fiddling with the serial libraries (RXTX) in order to get the client up and running. Documentation All documentation is maintained on the wiki. Download Changelog Screenshots Development
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