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Programming Sucks

Programming Sucks
Every friend I have with a job that involves picking up something heavier than a laptop more than twice a week eventually finds a way to slip something like this into conversation: "Bro, you don't work hard. I just worked a 4700-hour week digging a tunnel under Mordor with a screwdriver." They have a point. Mordor sucks, and it's certainly more physically taxing to dig a tunnel than poke at a keyboard unless you're an ant. All programming teams are constructed by and of crazy people Imagine joining an engineering team. Would you drive across this bridge? All code is bad Every programmer occasionally, when nobody's home, turns off the lights, pours a glass of scotch, puts on some light German electronica, and opens up a file on their computer. This file is Good Code. Every programmer starts out writing some perfect little snowflake like this. There will always be darkness I spent a few years growing up with a closet in my bedroom. This is what it is to learn programming. Funny, right? Ook.

Fabien Sanglard's website: Deep magic explained. | Learn Coding and Web Development the Fun Way How to link with the correct C Run-Time (CRT) library This article was previously published under Q140584 There are six types of reusable libraries: Static Single Threaded Library (Debug/Release)Static Multithreaded Library (Debug/Release)Dynamic Link Library (DLL)(Debug/Release)Note Each library has a debug version and a release version. The DLL is multithread-safe and a single-thread version of the CRT library is not provided for DLLs. If the reusable library or any user of the library is using multiple threads, then the library needs to be a multithread-safe library type. Note Debug libraries and compiler switches /MLd, /MTd, and /MDd are only available in Visual C++ versions 4.0 and later. The following table shows which compiler switch should be used for building each of the six types of reusable libraries (all DLL types are multithread-safe). You can view an object module to determine which switch was used when it was built by using this command: dumpbin /all <object>.obj Look in the section titled RAW DATA #1. Sample code

The Codist: Lessons From A Lifetime Of Being A Programmer Published: 09/06/2014 Over my 3 decades of being a programmer, I have learned a few things. Here are a few goodies. I bet I can make more. Customers only know what they want after they see it. I learned this in my first job. Given enough time all security will fail. Security in today's world is incredibly challenging to get right. Given that your security will fail the outcome depends on whether you planned for that situation ahead of time. If you assume an attacker will breach your defenses eventually you need to plan for what will happen then. Good security is not an expense but a strategic asset; bad security is an expensive kick in the assets. All throughout my career I've heard people complain about how complicated or expensive it is to do security right, yet when it fails you can wind up losing billions of dollars more. It's hard to make something complex that looks simple but it's easy to make something complex look even more complex. Quality is best measured at the customer.

IDA: About What is IDA all about? IDA is a Windows, Linux or Mac OS X hosted multi-processor disassembler and debugger that offers so many features it is hard to describe them all. Just grab an evaluation version if you want a test drive. An executive summary is provided for the non-technical user. Getting IDA IDA is available for many platforms, and can be licensed under different terms. Support & Community We have placed a sensible amount of support links and documentation online that can be valuable both to new, and advanced users. Additionally, our user board is a valuable source of hints and tips for the IDA Disassembler. Technical Documentation Intro to the IDA Debugger. Screenshots Ask HS: What will programming and architecture look like in 2020? This topic has been ripped directly from Lambda the Ultimate's What will programming look like in 2020? post. They are having a lively discussion and if you are interested in flexing your holiday thought muscles we might have a good discussion too. Eight years is a difficult prediction horizon. It's too short to simply project out current trends and it's too long to discount potential technological breakthroughs coming to market. Some of my lousy predictions: Programmers Will Form Guilds Around New Gamified Training HubsThe Web Will Become More Closed Before it Becomes More OpenNot Everyone Will Become a ProgrammerFocus Will Shift to Creating Bigger People Instead of Chasing Big Ideas Programmers Will Form Guilds Around New Gamified Training Hubs I was reading a book called The Merchant of Prato, the fascinating story of a rich merchant during the Renaissance, drawn directly from his own voluminous records and letters. Much was different as well. Will this happen?

Forking Workflow The array of possible workflows can make it hard to know where to begin when implementing Git in the workplace. This page provides a starting point by surveying the most common Git workflows for enterprise teams. As you read through, remember that these workflows are designed to be guidelines rather than concrete rules. We want to show you what’s possible, so you can mix and match aspects from different workflows to suit your individual needs. Centralized Workflow Transitioning to a distributed version control system may seem like a daunting task, but you don’t have to change your existing workflow to take advantage of Git. However, using Git to power your development workflow presents a few advantages over SVN. Second, it gives you access to Git’s robust branching and merging model. How It Works Like Subversion, the Centralized Workflow uses a central repository to serve as the single point-of-entry for all changes to the project. Developers start by cloning the central repository.

On programmer's block, motivation and stress Hello there. I don't post much and probably nobody knows who I am or where I come from, but I would like to hear people's thoughts on something. So I have this little thing, a space X4 strategy experiment, like a cross between Master of Orion and Aurora . The first days of development always go really well. Creating a procedural universe, with its planets, orbits, atmospheric generation, mineral composition... So I'm there, I have a working solar system map, a procedural galaxy, and planets with different atmospheric properties and mineral compositions, spinning happily around their different sized stars. Next up I guess it would be working on colonies, population, industry and economy. I would like to hear your thoughts on this phenomenon, specially if you have experienced it yourself. Just to be clear, I haven't even thought about releasing it. EDIT: I forgot to mention something.
