Usually, people think of having a Covid-19 diagnostic test when they notice Covid-19 symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, tiredness, and a lack of smell. As a Covid-19 infected person, you love to have an RT PCR test in Noida or your locality. You love this test, as you know it is more accurate than other tests for diagnosing Coronavirus infection. Here, have a look at two popular Covid-19 diagnostic tests:
Also known as a molecular test, this test discloses the genetic material found in the virus with the use of a laboratory technique. The technique is RT-PCR or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. For this test, a skilled professional collects a fluid sample with the insertion of a long nasal swab into your nostril from your nose back.
In some cases, healthcare professionals insert a long swab and take fluid from the back of your throat. You may be asked to spit your saliva on a tube or jar. After collecting your fluid sample from your nose, throat, or mouth, the skilled lab technician conducts an analysis of it and produces a report within 1-3 working days. If a test sample is sent to other places for analysis, report producing time might be longer. The test reports are highly accurate if done well in accordance with the set norms & standards.
Antigen Test
This diagnostic test for Covid-19 reveals the present of particular proteins in the virus. With the use of a long nasal swab, some antigen tests are capable of producing results in a few minutes while others may take a longer time. A positive antigen test is accurate when healthcare professionals follow the set norms & standards. However, it has lower accuracy in comparison with an RT-PCR test.
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