Revision World. Theteacher99. GCSE Bitesize - ICT. Kubbu - Make Educational Games, Online Activities and Quizzes. Teach ICT - Tons of Free Teaching Materials and ICT Revision. Pass-ICT.com. ReviseICT.co.uk. Applied ICT GCSE Online. Advanced ICT Topics in a Nutshell. ICT Skills Builder.
ICT Skills Builder and ICT Skills Builder Essentials are digital learning resources that will help you to deliver ICT courses and to support your students while they are working on controlled assessment and coursework tasks.
Our resources cover the key concepts that your students need to understand if they are to make effective use of ICT. Also included are step-by-step skills builder instructions to develop and refresh your students ICT skills. ICT Skills Builder and ICT Skills Builder Essentials cover a wide range of application programs including the Microsoft Office 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 plus OpenOffice suites.