Traductor de Google. Zurich Eco Lab: Design Observer. Ortoloco, which describes itself as "a laboratory for economic experiment", enables citizens to be involved actively in food growing as well as in the development of new distribution models. The cooperative works with "socially and ecologically oriented settlements", commercial kitchens, catering colleges and schools. The bread culture in Zurich, which dates back many hundreds of years, is especially healthy. The loaf shown above is made of wheat grown entirely within city limits.
The latest arrival to the local bread scene is a new co-operative, Brotoloco, whose members make these especially elegant ovens by hand: Seed City Swiss farmers have played a leading role in the development of organic farming ever since Dr. This institutional eco-innovation persists. Seed City (a view of the gardens is above) is a community garden initiative for local waste recycling, food production and biodiversity conservation.
Soup By Bike Wild Zurich Water Fountains E-Waste: Re-Make And Next? BogotaPopUps | Pop Up Dinners | Bogota, Colombia. Socio Creativo. About the movement - Transition Network. EMUDE. JARDIN NOMADE : EMUDE. Posted by Christophe on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 · Leave a Comment How to transform an abandoned plot into a shared neighbourhood garden? Key Innovation To inspire the creation of temporary (nomadic) local gardens on empty plots throughout Paris. Problematic background and context How to transform an abandoned plot of municipal land into a shared neighbourhood garden? The Jardin Nomade (JN) is in a quiet residential part of Paris, situated between two busy streets to the East of the Bastille.
Despite the lively shopping, café and bar activities which attract young people and tourists from all over Paris, a local spirit persists in these neighbourhoods, and is fiercely supported by local associations such as the Association du Quartier Saint Bernard (AQSB). Solution description The JN transformed an insalubrious abandoned plot into an open, healthy, shared community garden, offering a free and open space where locals of all age groups can meet and share this project. MILIEUVRIENDELIJK TUINIEREN.NL : EMUDE. Posted by Christophe on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 · Leave a Comment environmental friendly gardening Key Innovation With help of information and tips in brochures and the website, people can use less or no herbicides at all to keep their garden healthy.
The knowledge is very old, the way it is used and exchanged new: via a website and a forum. More people get access to the information. Problematic background and context People tend to use herbicides and fertilizer to try to keep the plants in their garden healthy and grow well. From an ecological point of view this can be done in a better way, using less or even no chemicals. Nowadays the needed knowledge for ecological gardening is no longer wide spread. Solution description Most gardens aren’t as environmently friendly as it seems. Timeframe The DLV-project started in 1995 and was finished in January 2005.
Development phase Diffusion: The DLV-project has been finished recently. LES JARDINS DE CERES, PALAISEAU, FRANCE : EMUDE. Posted by Christophe on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 · Leave a Comment Key Innovation “Les Jardins de Cérès” is an association, a group of people who gather as consumers, which make a local farmer produce goods under the circumstances (organic farming) they wish. Therefore the whole produce is bought in advance in order to “motivate” the farmer and garantee his economical benefits. Problematic background and context Palaiseau is a small town in the suburbs of Paris, which has becoming more and more industrialised. Lots of green areas around Palaiseau disappeared during the last few decades and enormous shopping malls and industrial areas have grown to eat into local farmers lands.
Therefore several associations were founded in order to protest against these developments. Solution description The association is inspired by “AMAP”, which have been well known for some years in the southern areas of France. Timeframe 1 year Development phase. BIOMERCATINO: THE LITTLE ORGANIC MARKET.PDF : EMUDE. Posted by Christophe on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 · Leave a Comment A street market that sells organic products and promotes a healthy and environmentally responsible lifestyle. Key Innovation The promotion, production, distribution and consumption of organic products by creating an alternative distribution channel for small local producers. Problematic background and context In 1991 the Italian Green Party lost the referendum concerning the use of pesticides in the Italian agriculture system. Biomercatino appears 12 years later as a reaction to the increasing threats related with food security and the introduction and use of genetically modified seeds, pesticides, etc.
VAS Lombardia, the promoter of this solution is an association which, develops projects and activities that discusses the use of biotechnology; the safeguard of local and traditional agriculture; environmental protection; pollution (water, air, soil, etc.), recycling and related topics. NATURAL FOOD – SYSTEM NEAR THE ROADS : EMUDE. Posted by Christophe on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 · Leave a Comment Every townsman can find from her/his region between the city and the countryside a farm with who to communicate and socialise. Key Innovation People living in the city can provide themselves with high-quality natural food and visit a real farm. Problematic background and context Half of Estonian ihabitants live in town.They often own summer house or have relatives in countryside. Solution description The farmers along the road are selling their farm production to wayfarers. While the roadfarers started first to ask some milk or some eggs to buy.
Now, later, the farms have found their favorite clients ( who are mainly from the city) and in time the road farers have found out their favorite farms and products too.And have spread the word, the farm to become more popular among the others, who move the same track. Revenue/costs model The custumer pays cash for the product in farm stright to farmer. SLOW FOOD IN POLAND : EMUDE. Posted by Christophe on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 · Leave a Comment Searching and choosing organic and processed food to distribute under one brand. Problematic background and context Consumer awareness of product quality is growing. The strong target group in Warsaw, with its refined world-view, attaches importance to traditional taste, and finding little time for arranging meals chooses restaurants offering regional cuisine.
It also often will buy a ready-made product that has ‘home-made’ associations. Solution description Visana is promoting the idea of Slow Food in Poland. Timeframe The undertaking taken up by Visana Consulting Group Ltd. has been going since August 2003. Development phase Diffusion: Presently, Warsaw is the basic sales market, and recently Cracow has been included as well. Revenue/costs model At the start, each of the company shareholders shouldered his own investment, which allowed for the handling of basic needs. ÖKOSAHVER (ECO-PANTRY) : EMUDE. Posted by Christophe on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 · Leave a Comment manufacturing and selling the organic agriculture products Key Innovation The idea of the movement is to support ecologically pure and healthy lifestyle, which balances human and its surroundings. Problematic background and context The organized organic farming movement in Estonia is very young.
It started with the establishment of the “Estonian Bio-dynamic Association” already in 1989 (in Soviet time), but the rapid rise began just six years ago 1999. It was due to growing state interest in developing organic farming (including area support for organic farming from year 2000). For now there are almost 800 organic farms (in 1999 the number was 89), but their marketing is rather poorly developed. Solution description Behind the idea are different people: professor from Institute of Plant Protection, director of Centre for Ecological Engineering, businessman and a leader of the alternative theatre Von Krahl. Desis Network. DESIS Food Cluster. December 2014 Politecnico di Milano, Italy 2010 – 2013 POLIMI – DESIS Lab Feeding Milan is set in a Peri-urban region, a fringe area challenged by building speculation, where urban sprawl is blurring the boundaries between city and countryside and agriculture is suffering because it is no longer profitable. Such a lack of identity and vision is highly risky in terms of land exploitation and social cohesion.
It calls for radical thinking and systemic change in the way we look at relations between peri- or rur-urban agriculture and the city. Despite Milan’s location in one of the biggest agricultural areas in Europe, the Agricultural Park South, the demand for fresh local produce in the city exceeds what is currently available. The park, a blend of living/productive settlements and fields, covers an area of 47,000 hectares and is characterized by intensive industrial farming; a very small percentage is dedicated to diversified agriculture and eco-compatibility systems. Slow Food Nations | food festival in Denver, CO. About : Sustainable Food in Urban Communities. Posted by Christophe on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 · The URBACT Thematic Network “Sustainable Food in Urban Communities” is a project involving 10 European cities that wish to grow, deliver and enjoy more sustainable food: they are looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions to develop low-carbon and resource-efficient urban food systems.
The 10 partners are: > Brussels Environment of the Brussels Capital Region (Lead Partner) (Belgium), > the Bristol City Council (United Kingdom), > City of Messina (Italy), > the Municipality of Amersfoort (Netherlands), > the City of Lyon (France), > the City of Göteborg (Sweden), > Vaslui Municipality (Romania), > Ourense City Council (Spain), > City of Oslo (Norway) and > Athens development and destination management agency sa (Greece).
View URBACT in a larger map Today, more than 50% of the world population lives in cities and by 2050, urban centres will gather more than 80%. The network will focus on: Download URBACT Flyer.