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Learn Portguese (PT)

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Falsos Cognatos (False Friends) Cognatos são palavras que possuem a mesma origem, tendo portanto, ortografias semelhantes. Com a evolução de cada idioma, algumas palavras podem apresentar significados diferentes para cada país. Essas palavras são denominadas de “falsos cognatos” ou False Friends. Os falsos cognatos – ou falsos amigos - são divididos em duas categorias: os puros e os eventuais. Os puros apresentam significados totalmente diferentes para cada idioma. Olhe os exemplos abaixo: Os falsos cognatos eventuais, por sua vez, apresentam diversos significados, sendo um deles semelhante entre os idiomas e o(s) outro(s) diferente(s).

Na tabela abaixo, a lista da esquerda relaciona algumas palavras do inglês e seus significados no português, e a da direita, palavras em português e seu correspondente(s) no inglês: * (n) = noun (adv) = adverb (v) = verb. Phrasebook with audio. Complete course. Portuguese Lessons. Sample Lessons. Introduction. Introduction This is not so much a language course in the traditional sense - it is more of a study companion, which attempts to explain the things that you need to know to be successful in learning Portuguese. I have used technical terms where I felt it was necessary or useful, but have always attempted to explain what they mean as understandably as I can, and I have worked on the assumption that you know absolutely nothing about grammar already. I have tried to make liberal use of the more common technical terms, because I think it is good not only to know what they mean, but also to become familiar with them.

That way, you at least have a fighting chance when studying other reference works. I have also tried to avoid using terms that have not already been explained – so hopefully you should be able to read this through from beginning to end and gain a progressive understanding. Vocab Files. Interlex comes with a selection of ready-to-use vocabulary files for native English speakers learning French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

The files use British or American English, depending on the option selected when the software is installed. There are 11 files containing approximately 1500 words and phrases in each language. A single sample file is also provided for each of the following languages: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish and Turkish. These files are intended primarily for demonstration purposes. The table below lists all the files supplied with Interlex. More vocabulary filesDownload Interlex. First 1000 words + audio. Quicklinks To hear the words in this book read by a native speaker, choose a page number then click on the arrow buttons. Click on the links below to go to the recommended websites for this book. Important! Read our three internet safety rules. Internet safety Children, make sure you follow these three simple rules when using the internet: Always ask an adult's permission before using the internet.Never give out personal information, such as your name, address, school or telephone number.If a website asks you to type in your name or email address, check with an adult first.

For more tips, see Internet safety for children. Adults - we recommend that children are supervised while on the internet. For more on internet safety, see Internet advice for adults. Using a tablet? Websites with interactive content and video clips may not work on your tablet, but you can view them on a computer. About this book First Thousand WordsFirst thousand words in Portuguese Help with links Problem with a link?

PDF links. The Body - Portuguese Vocabulary. Learn Portuguese (PT) Learn online. Courses. Vokabtrainer. Beginner - Tudo Bem Portuguese. Linguasnet. Readlang. Lang-8. Lingocracy. Polyglot - Free. VocabTrainer. Duolingo. Reading. Jornais Portugal - Todos Os Jornais Portugueses. Contos. Biblioteca de Livros Digitais. Livros bilíngue. Tales. Isso dava uma crônica! - Livro de Crônicas Nós, da turma do PFL 4 e 5, apresentamos o nosso livro de crônicas! Aqui você pode ler e saber mais sobre tópicos cotidianos que nos inspiraram e que talvez...

Adobe PDF document Books, Education, Portuguese From Laureana Piragine Pages: 25 Views: 43 Downloads: 0 Pub. on Apr. 11th 2014 Vivas Palavras e a Bolsa Amarela Este é o resultado final de um trabalho com escrita de histórias feito por grupo de alunos de Português como Língua Estrangeira - 6o ano. Pages: 59 Views: 64 Pub. on Apr. 5th 2014 Lendas e Contos Tradicionais 2014 turma 1 Pages: 36 Views: 108 Downloads: 1 Pub. on Apr. 2nd 2014 Lendas e Contos Tradicionais 2014 turma 6 Este é o resultado final de um trabalho com lendas feito pela turma de português como língua estrangeira. Pages: 24 Views: 59 Downloads: 3 Pub. on March 14th 2014 Lendas e Contos Tradicionais 2014 turma 8 Pages: 31 Views: 106 Downloads: 4 Pub. on March 12th 2014 Livro de Crônicas Livro de crônicas do PFL V.

Books, Culture, Portuguese Pages: 37. The Love of the Forest - World Stories. The sun rises above the Amazon rainforest and the huge, evergreen trees allow rays of light to pass between their leaves and paint the forest floor in dappled shadows. In one of the taller trees, little monkey Dora is waking up. Dora is a pretty little monkey with brown hair and a long tail. She wishes that she could sleep some more, but there is no time to lose. Today is the day of the big party. Monkeys will come from far and wide to attend the party, even from neighbouring countries such as Peru and Bolivia. Dora is very excited because this year she has been asked to help the older monkeys of the community with the organizing of the party.

Dora arrives at the meeting early and is very pleased to see her friend Tinga. The other monkeys often laugh at Tinga’s strange white hair and green eyes, but Dora does not like such jokes. Dora first met Paco at the big party the previous year. . ‘...Dora! Dora is startled and stammers her reply. Dora knows about such traps and is very scared. Ebooks. Contos de Grimm. Havia um homem cuja mulher morrera, e uma mulher cujo marido morrera; e o homem tinha uma filha, e a mulher tinha uma filha também. As meninas vieram a se conhecer, foram passear juntas e, mais tarde, chegaram à casa da mulher. Esta disse, então, à filha do homem: - Escuta, dize a teu pai que eu gostaria de me casar com ele; terás, todas as manhãs, leite para te lavares e vinho para beber; minha filha porém, terá água para se lavar e água para beber. A menina foi para casa e contou a seu pai o que a mulher havia dito. - Que devo fazer? – disse o homem. – O casamento é uma alegria e é, também, tormento.

Por fim, como não conseguisse tomar decisão alguma, descalçou sua bota e disse: - Pega esta bota, que tem um furo na sola, leva-a ao sótão, pendura-a no prego grande e despeja-lhe água dentro. Os mais belos contos de Grimm. Stories. Carochinha. Software I use. LWT. Fltr. A Handy App For Language Learning Last Version: 0.8.6 (28-Aug-2012, updated 21-Jun-2013) Abstract and Introduction FLTR helps you to do both extensive and intensive reading as part of your foreign language acquisition in an easy and pleasant way. While reading, you look up unknown words in web dictionaries (you must be online to do so) and save vocabulary terms (words and multi-word expressions) with translations, romanization (like Pinyin, Hiragana, etc., optional) and example sentence (optional). Each term has also a learning status (1/"Unknown" to 5/"Known", plus Statuses "Ignored" and "Well Known") with an associated color.

The saved words will automatically show up with all their data and status in all texts in the same language. They can be easily imported into flashcard software like Anki or Mnemosyne via the export function. FLTR is in many areas similar to the Public Domain software "Learning With Texts" (LWT). FLTR is programmed in Java 6. Motivation for this software Last Version. Mnemosyne. Teach2000. MiniTeach app. Vocatrain. Android client for Mnemosyne. Mnemododo allows cards from Mnemosyne (a spaced-repetition flash-card program) to be reviewed on an Android-powered mobile phone.

Mnemododo does not replace Mnemosyne: cards are still added, edited, and deleted using a desktop or laptop computer. Rather, cards for several days are exported using the Mnemogogo plugin and then transferred to a mobile phone where they can be reviewed on the go. When those cards have been reviewed, they are imported back into Mnemosyne, and more cards may be exported.

Mnemododo has a few limitations: Cards cannot be edited (all editing is done through Mnemosyne). But many advantages: Mnemododo requires both the Mnemosyne application and the Mnemogogo plugin. Mnemododo is open-source software (GPL2) but an official, signed, and compiled package is only available through the Android Marketplace for 3EUR. Mnemododo: USA States is a demonstration version of Mnemododo with a fixed set of cards: the 50 states of the USA. Supported devices Initial configuration. AnyMemo. Pronunciation & Audio. Beginning 15: Typical daily activities. Vanessa : ficar ou partir ? TTS. RhinoSpike. Meu Fado. Audio Portugais. Idioms. Proverbs - Wiki. Portuguese idioms. Literal translation of Portuguese popular idioms Compiled, translated and explained by Tágide Crista Last update: 01/2001 These idioms are used on a daily basis in Portugal.

Translating is a hard task. Idioms. Useful. Keyboard (PT) LearnGlue. Example sentences. Sample sentences. Grammar. Portuguese Online Homepage. Conjugate. Konjugation. Grammar. Contractions. Posted on 06. Jun, 2013 by Adir in Grammar, Learning Hello, there! Today’s post was suggested by a reader and it covers one aspect of learning Portuguese that has students somewhat confused: the contractions. Contractions come mostly with prepositions and articles so here they are! 01. Em + o = no em + a = na em + os = nos em + as = nas Minha mochila está no quarto. – My backback is in the bedroom. In some cases contractions are facultative, you can either use them or not. Em + um = num em + uma = numa em + uns = nuns em + umas = numas Ele mora num apartamento. – He lives in an apartment. 02.

De + o = do de + a = da de + os = dos de + as = das Este carro é do meu cunhado. – This car is my brother-in-law’s. Facultative contractions using de de + um = dum de + uma = duma de + uns = duns de + umas = dumas de + este = deste de + esta = desta de + estes = destes de + estas = destas de + esse = desse de + essa = dessa de + esses = desses de + essas = dessas 03. Por + o = pelo por + a = pela 04. 05. Conjugação. Indicativo eu heitu hásele hánós havemos/hemosvós haveis/heiseles hão eu tenho havidotu tens havidoele tem havidonós temos havidovós tendes havidoeles têm havido eu haviatu haviasele havianós havíamosvós havíeiseles haviam eu tinha havidotu tinhas havidoele tinha havidonós tínhamos havidovós tínheis havidoeles tinham havido eu houveratu houverasele houveranós houvéramosvós houvéreiseles houveram eu houvetu houvesteele houvenós houvemosvós houvesteseles houveram eu tivera havidotu tiveras havidoele tivera havidonós tivéramos havidovós tivéreis havidoeles tiveram havido eu havereitu haverásele haveránós haveremosvós havereiseles haverão eu terei havidotu terás havidoele terá havidonós teremos havidovós tereis havidoeles terão havido Condicional eu haveriatu haveriasele haverianós haveríamosvós haveríeiseles haveriam eu teria havidotu terias havidoele teria havidonós teríamos havidovós teríeis havidoeles teriam havido Conjuntivo / Subjuntivo Infinitivo pessoal Imperativo. Online Verb Conjugation Trainer - Learn Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, French, English. Portuguese Personal Infinitive. It's so easy to use and it will make a huge difference in the way you express yourself in Portuguese! Boas! Portuguese Personal Infinitive is one of those grammatical structures that you must have at hand and use when you speak or write in Portuguese, and it's so easy... As far as I know, Portuguese is the only Latin-based language using it, but the good news is, there is an equivalent in English for that. Let me explain: Portuguese Personal Infinitive is no more than the infinitive itself (and I mean the actual verb name like Falar, Comer, Ser, Abrir, etc).

So, the way you do it is like this: 1. 2. What I mean by that is... Let's put it this way: The Portuguese Personal Infinitive is used: A) With expressions like: É necessário... Examples: É ncessário eu ir ao supermercado hoje. É bom tu ires ao supermercado hoje. É importante o senhor ir rapidamente ao médico. É difícil irmos ao cinema hoje. É possivel eles irem ao cinema hoje. Did you understand? Ao... So, supose you have a verb (any verb). Or. Portuguese Verbs - Regular verbs. Play. Brincar. O Leme. Sítio dos Miúdos. Various. Escola Virtual. ASSIMIL. I have finished one of the most helpful books that I have read so far in my entire life, “Assimil: Le Nouveau Francais Sans Peine”. If you are already a veteran of the language learning field; the most probable thing is that you’re already aware of this method, but if you’re a new comer in this discipline, this is the right place for you and probably this is the right method for you.

The Assimil Series: Available in a lot of languages The Assimil Series is one of the greatest self-learning books that you could encounter, mainly because of its unique method that consists in an overall exposition of the language you’re learning in short lessons which feature either short dialogues, short stories, jokes, or interesting text about the language or about the country in which that language is spoken. I know that the books are expensive and everything, but… you know… cuf, cuf… you could get them…cuf, cuf…around, cuf, cuf, cuf.

So, almost every lesson of the book looks pretty much like this: Blog. Portuguese.