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How to Start #Investing in your 20s. How to Start Investing in your 20s - Dual Income No Kids. You Gotta Own Physical #Gold and #Silver – Especially When Prices Are Rigged Against You. You Gotta Own Physical Gold and Silver – Especially When Prices Are Rigged Against You. The #Gold Bull Market Is Back... Will It Last? #moneymetals. The Gold Bull Market Is Back... Will It Last? Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016Mar 09, 2016 - 05:51 PM GMT By: MoneyMetals Stefan Gleason writes: The gold bull is back.

The Gold Bull Market Is Back... Will It Last?

After trending downward for more than four years, gold prices have broken out to the upside with a gain of more than 20% off their December lows. Gold’s crossing of the 20% threshold even caused the financial media to take notice. “Gold is now in a bull market,” reported CNNMoney (March 7, 2016).