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Home / Twitter. Art Spiegelman: golden age superheroes were shaped by the rise of fascism. Back in the benighted 20th century comic books were seen as subliterate trash for kiddies and intellectually challenged adults – badly written, hastily drawn and execrably printed.

Art Spiegelman: golden age superheroes were shaped by the rise of fascism

Martin Goodman, the founder and publisher of what is now known as Marvel Comics, once told Stan Lee that there was no point in trying to make the stories literate or worry about character development: “Just give them a lot of action and don’t use too many words.” It’s a genuine marvel that this formula led to works that were so resonant and vital. The comic book format can be credited to a printing salesman, Maxwell Gaines, looking for a way to keep newspaper supplement presses rolling in 1933 by reprinting collections of popular newspaper comic strips in a half-tabloid format. As an experiment, he slapped a 10 cents sticker on a handful of the free pamphlets and saw them quickly sell out at a local newsstand. William Blake “Bill” Everett, Burgos’s comrade at Funnies, Inc, was an oddity in comics. (2) The Unseen Beauty - Sam Adoquei. (2) Pear Cider and Cigarettes.

Atelier Kitchen Print. This page in other language by Google translate It is a planography printmaking process invented in June 2011 by the French artist Émilie Aizier, alias Émilion, artist, editor, self-editor and printer DiY.

Atelier Kitchen Print

She also makes workshops in art schools. Atelier Kitchen Print is the name of Émilion’s studio. Kitchen Litho is a simplified, quick and less toxic lithography process using aluminum foil or plate but also limestone or marble as a matrix. The drawing is done by hand in general with litho crayon or simple pencils or brushes etc. More than a means of printing images, the Kitchen Litho – engraving is a means of image creation!

Here the first video revealing Kitchen Litho technique for the first time in the world in September of 2011 by the inventor Émilion. Dessins - Illustrations - Affiches - Image Republic - Image Republic. Gallery - Original Sketches. These are "Prelims" Sketches that John Berkey has done over the years.

Gallery - Original Sketches

These were rough sketches sent out to the client to approve for angle, color, content... Some of these were selected to be used as finals for John Berkey to paint from and some were never used as finals at all. These sketches were sent to the client and were handled by many people for review, so they might have pencil marks, scratches, dents and other imperfections on them. Interview : Maud Amoretti, auteure de bandes dessinées – Nina a lu. Maud Amoretti, auteure de BD J’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer Maud lorsque j’étais en alternance chez Ankama éditions.

Interview : Maud Amoretti, auteure de bandes dessinées – Nina a lu

J’avais beaucoup aimé le style et la sensibilité de sa Burlesque Girrrl. Je souhaitais vous faire découvrir son parcours, ses albums, son expérience en tant qu’auteure publiée, et ce qu’elle pense du mouvement #payetonauteur et de la reconnaissance des auteurs. Mais surtout, puisque Maud a décidé de quitter le monde de la BD, elle nous livre un témoignage très intéressant qui invite à la réflexion… Bon courage à celles.ceux qui reprennent le travail - Ronald Searle, 1974…

Delitoon. I Was Fired For Criticizing Trump - by Rob Rogers. Anne-Margot Ramstein, « Otto ou l’Île miroir », editions 2024, symétrie, palindromes, sexe… Papier Machine. I Am Not Batman  - Comic Archaeologist. Magyd Cherfi - On part. Als ich mal plötzlich in der Wüste gewesen bin - Staffelfinale. IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey.

The Comics Journal. Dominique Bertail's mail art is the best. GitHub - axismaps/colorbrewer. INCIDENTAL COMICS. Comme convenu. Comment j'ai dessiné. Grand Comics Database.

L'Homme qui Plantait des Arbres. 17. Internationaler Comic-Salon Erlangen. The Inktober Initiative - Mr Jake Parker. 31 Days 31 Drawings Every October, artists all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.

The Inktober Initiative - Mr Jake Parker

I created Inktober in 2009 as a challenge to improve my inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavor with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year. Anyone can do Inktober, just pick up a pen and start drawing. Satiriquement Lyon - Le documentaire. File:Saint Augustine Portrait.jpg — Wikimedia Commons. Odyssée 2.0. Untitled. Homepage - Pepper&Carrot. Your Face by Bill Plympton.


Maisons d'éditions. Fanzines. Listen04: GOD BLESS AMERICA (Part 3) — One Grand Gallery. PERIPHERIA - TRAILER. Montreal. John Volcan - John Volcan a ajouté une photo. Atelier Millefeuille. "Le Pays beau" de Wolinski et Michel Boschet - 1972. Edgar P. Jacobs, crayonnés/pencils "Les 3 formules du Professeur Satō" Jacques Tardi dessine.

Hiveworks Comics. Untitled. Cartoon Movement. Cartoon Movement The Internet's #1 publishing platform for high quality political cartoons and comics journalism Navigation.

Cartoon Movement

InHisName - SpreDet ForlagSpreDet Forlag. This project will not be published as initially planned.

InHisName - SpreDet ForlagSpreDet Forlag

The work and rights has been transferred back to the artist, Thomas Knarvik. He will publish the book with Bluitgen (Tøkk) in Denmark. The reasons behind the cancellation are explained in this article (I am working on an English version). Some info (sorry for bad English): – The book was started in spring and printed in June 2015, but cancelled before publication. An agreement about this between the publisher and the author was made in July. – Copies that were printed were shredded during summer. SpreDets reasons for cancellation include: 1) A very short production process, three months instead of the twelve+ that is usual for books, resulted in a lack of proper quality assurance.

SpreDet wishes Knarvik good luck with his book. “The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame” is the motto of InHisName, a collection of drawings critical of religion. Sandawe. Les projets ci-dessous, une fois financés, sont totalement gérés par les éditions Sandawe : suivi éditorial, fabrication, impression, promotion, diffusion, distribution, rétribution des auteurs et des édinautes, etc.


Ils sont sous © Editions Sandawe. RevueDePresse. « Ma première BD » (2/4) : L’humour « réaliste » de François Boucq. Ce n’est pas un cas isolé dans la bande dessinée franco-belge mais presque : François Boucq est l’un des rares auteurs à pratiquer le genre humoristique en utilisant un dessin réaliste.

« Ma première BD » (2/4) : L’humour « réaliste » de François Boucq

Là où la grande majorité de ses confrères font assaut de gros nez et de silhouettes caoutchouteuses, lui manie un certain classicisme sur le plan graphique afin d’accentuer l’absurde des situations qu’il met en scène. Aussi rodé parait-il, le procédé n’a pas été évident à installer.Tout commence en 1978 avec cette histoire de sept pages parue dans Pilote et scénarisée par Philippe Delan, Les Etoiles connaissent l’assassin. Un détective privé aux traits (désabusés) de Robert Mitchum enquête dans le milieu du cabaret sur le meurtre d’un artiste télépathe. Son nom est Philip Marlove : ne pas y voir d’allusion au héros de Raymond Chandler (Philip Marlowe), moult fois adapté au cinéma, ce ne serait que pur hasard.

Les premiers essais tournent au calvaire. Scenes from Inside Aleppo: How Life Has Been Transformed by Rebel Rule. A Syrian writer revisits the city he attended college in, with sketches by Molly Crabapple.

Scenes from Inside Aleppo: How Life Has Been Transformed by Rebel Rule

I first moved to Aleppo 10 years ago. At that time, the city was the world for me: the glorious past and the present, the bitter and the sweet. I attended university in mid-Aleppo’s wealthy neighborhoods. To get there, I took the bus from my apartment in the crowded Al-Myassar, one of Aleppo’s poorest slums. We rode by the ancient gates of Bab Al-Hadid and Bab Al-Nasr, through which the Silk Road once curved. Aleppo wore its heritage with pride, but beneath its beauty lurked darker contradictions. During this time, I was a student at Aleppo University. But most of Aleppo regarded the Arab Spring with indifference.

In Aleppo, the revolution gives the impression that it is a revolt of the poor. Aleppo is now a city divided, with each half shelling the other. I left Aleppo in 2012 and only returned this May. Since the war, most of the old city’s neighborhoods had become inaccessible. Cartoon from 18 July 2015 issue. Professeur Cyclope - Asia Fantasia. Mauvaise Foi Editions. BLU. Bande dessinée. Digital Painting. Creative Freedom. Painting Terry Pratchett cover in Krita. MauvaisEsprit - Revue hebdomadaire drôle. BD reportage ; BD documentaire. Catalogue d'originaux de Boll by Le Tripode. Comiclopedia - Illustrated artist compendium. Les autres gens. Jazz : The Bad Plus vu par le dessinateur Aurel. EspritBD - BD numérique et gratuite en ligne.

L'Ogre, nouvelle presse héroïque. Izneo, toute la BD numérique à lire en ligne ou à télécharger. Bd en ligne - GRANDPAPIER. AAARG ! BANDE DESSINÉE & CULTURE À LA MASSE. Présentation - La Revue Dessinée. La Revue Dessinée est un magazine trimestriel, numérique et papier, de reportages, documentaires et chroniques en bande dessinée. Tous les trois mois, ce sont 228 pages d’informations dessinées qui vous sont proposées, sur tablette ou en librairie. La Revue Dessinée, c'est quoi ? (V2)par LaRevueDessinee. Bienvenue sur notre site - Professeur Cyclope.