Zone Sensible. When We Dream We Dream of Interactive Street Art. Smart Cities et Art Cities: 2 piliers du développement durable de la ville. Comment réconcilier mobilité, plaisir et culture au coeur d’une ville, tout en aménageant habilement les éléments réels, inamovibles et les éléments virtuels, facteurs de globalisation?
Ville et Culture sont deux histoires humaines intimement liées de longue date, dont les dernières décennies ont été le spectacle d’une vague d’uniformisation des centres urbains et de réorganisation du rôle des villes entre elles. Interactive Street Architecture : montreal street art. Iceberg by Atomic3 is a new and interactive form of street art in Montreal, Quebec.
It is a light and sound installation placed at the heart of the city that is activated through movement. The design is like an iceberg journey for its visitors, starting from the Place des Festivals to the Place des Arts esplanade. It is representative of icebergs' four life stages. Iceberg skeletons feature the distinct shapes, sizes and soundscapes these separate life stages entail, such as the water dripping effect associated with the melting stages of the iceberg. Essentially influenced from and situated to function as a giant organ, this ornate architectural design welcomes urbanites to listen, watch and play with the massive instrument. 5 Cool Examples Of Interactive Street Art. Much like everything else, street art is evolving.
Sure, you can paint a mural or stencil two policeman holding hands, but you can also embed a flash drive into a wall for people to hook their computers up and share data with. By utilizing technology artists are now able to make their work interactive, with either people or the environments that surround them. These new interactive pieces create a more complex relationship with the work and are effectively similar to what you’d see in a gallery (some of them have made it into a gallery), but are out there on the streets, keeping it real. As technology becomes cheaper, we can probably expect to see a lot more of this “smart” street art dazzling you as you pass it on the street and do a double-take. Whether it comes from a guerilla approach or from a commissioned work, we welcome it. Dead Drops Aram Bartholl takes peer to peer file sharing onto the streets. Generative Graffiti Tetris in a Plaza QRadio QR codes.
@stewart23rd. Sidewalk Psychiatry. 2006New York, NY Street art that encourages self-evaluation in transit by posing introspective questions on the pavements of New York City with stencils and temporary spray chalk.
Public therapy, free of charge. “Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness; I have walked myself into my best thoughts.” – Søren Kierkegaard. I Wish This Was. 2010New Orleans, LA Interactive public art project that invites residents to share their hopes for vacant buildings.
Chang placed boxes of free stickers in businesses around the city and posted thousands of stickers on vacant buildings across New Orleans, so anyone walking by could fill one out. The stickers are vinyl and can be easily removed without damaging property. Responses ranged from the functional to the poetic: I wish this was… a butcher shop, a community garden, a bike rack, a place to sit and talk, an affordable farmer’s market, a taco stand, a donut/flower shop, full of nymphomaniacs with PhDs, a source of tasty healthy food I could afford, my art gallery, your dream, Heaven.
Before I Die. What matters most to you Interactive public art project that invites people to share their personal aspirations in public.
After losing someone she loved and falling into depression, Chang created this experiment on an abandoned house in her neighborhood to create an anonymous place to help restore perspective and share intimately with her neighbors. Confessions. 2012 Las Vegas, NV Interactive gallery installation in The Cosmopolitan that invites people to anonymously share their confessions and see the confessions of the people around them in the heart of the Las Vegas strip.
Amidst casinos, restaurants and bars, Chang invited passersby to write confessions on wooden plaques in the privacy of confession booths. Chang arranged the anonymous plaques on the gallery walls like a Shinto shrine prayer wall, painted select responses on 4’x4’ canvases, and orchestrated the space with an original score by Oliver Blank.
Candy Chang. 20 Clever Examples of Interactive Street Art. Fighting boredom isn’t an easy task, but a dose of creative street art can alleviate the symptoms!
Inspired by Modern Met’s 10 Interactive Street Art Works That Rocked, we decided to add a couple of our own picks to the list. La Nuit blanche colorée par le street art. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Emmanuelle Lequeux Cette année, la Nuit blanche durera des semaines, voire des mois… La planète aurait-elle vacillé sur son axe ?
Pas à notre connaissance. « Mapping », « reverse graffiti » : les mots du street art. La Fondation EDF, à Paris, présente une exposition sur les nouvelles technologies appliquées au Street Art.
Ouverture pour la Nuit blanche. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Emmanuelle Jardonnet. Street art et Web en étroite connexion. «Tag Clouds», à Rennes. L’artiste Mathieu Tremblin joue de l’analogie entre tags physiques et virtuels. © Mathieu tremblin. L’artiste urbain parisien Invader est sans doute l’un des premiers à avoir extrait un élément de jeu vidéo pour le disséminer dans l’espace public. Smart Cities et Art Cities: 2 piliers du développement durable de la ville.
Top 5 Trends in Digital Out of Home. We tend to spend a lot of time outside and on-the-go, getting from one place to the next. It’s no surprise, then, that the average global consumer is exposed to various Digital Out of Home Media for 14 minutes per week, and investments in the space are expected to grow 14.2% year-over-year between 2011 - 2017.
New York City’s Fulton Center in Lower Manhattan has recently reopened, accommodating up to 300,000 daily riders and boasting more than 50 digital screens available for marketers. The largest and most expensive digital billboard debuted in Times Square this past November, with just as many pedestrians expected to pass though the area daily. The overlapping powers of digital, mobile, outdoor, and Out of Home content seem to be stepping up. Digital Out of Home (or “DOOH” as the channel is commonly referred) encompasses a variety of screen shapes, sizes, and levels of interactivity. As we collectively say “hello” to 2015, the Taskforce shares its thoughts on the Top 5 Trends in DOOH. Le mobile est un tsunami qui bouleverse les business models.
Demain, les écrans numériques permettront aux voyageurs de recevoir du contenu, des services, des coupons promotionnels durant leur parcours dans le métro ou dans les gares. A condition qu'ils aient donné leur feu vert ! Retour vers le futur avec Valérie Decamp, vice-présidente de Media Transport, la première régie publicitaire européenne des transports en commun. Chiffres clés Média Transports - Première régie européenne des transports en commun - Filiale du groupe Medias & Régies Europe (M.R.E.) appartenant à Publicis - Partenaire des trois plus gros opérateurs de transports RATP, SNCF et RFF - 428 salariés - 125 000 faces publicitaires - Plus de 200 millions de CA en 2014 - Une audience potentielle de plus de 20 millions de voyageurs par jour Valérie Decamp - Vice-présidente de MEDIA TRANSPORTS Bio express Agée de 46 ans, Valérie Decamp a effectué la plus grande partie de sa carrière dans le monde des médias.
Son twitter : @valeriedecamp. Les 2èmes Assises de l'Affichage Digital et Interactif- Eventbrite. Quantité non valide. Veuillez saisir une quantité de 1 ou plus. La quantité choisie excède la quantité disponible. Veuillez saisir votre nom. Street art en mode 2.0 à la Fondation EDF : les derniers jours. Qu’est ce que le low bro ? Le water light graffiti ? 6 opérations de flyers originales. Alors qu'une étude montre que 70 % des flyers distribués par les marques sont jetés sans avoir été lus, les entreprises doivent redoubler d'imagination dans leurs façons de concevoir ce qui reste un des vecteurs de communication les plus utilisés par le monde du marketing direct.