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Game of Thrones transit maps — Michael Tyznik. Inspired by the work of Cameron Booth and his awesome Transit Maps Tumblr, I created these rail maps of Westeros and The Known World.

Game of Thrones transit maps — Michael Tyznik

Hopefully fans will notice some small touches — the closed stations along the Wall Line, for example. Prints of the maps are available starting at $40 at inPRNT: Westeros and The Known World. Analysis of A Dance with Dragons. Parody erotic fiction generated algorithmically. Jealous Hater Book Club. Jenny reads books with a reputation for having problematic content, poor writing, or ethical weirdness.

Jealous Hater Book Club

Then she tells you about what’s in them so you don’t have to spend your money or time on them. Currently Reading: Grey by E.L.