Robert's Rules of Order Simplified - Home. Introduction to Robert's Rules of Order. What Is Parliamentary Procedure?
It is a set of rules for conduct at meetings, that allows everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion. Why is Parliamentary Procedure Important? Because it's a time tested method of conducting business at meetings and public gatherings. It can be adapted to fit the needs of any organization. Today, Robert's Rules of Order newly revised is the basic handbook of operation for most clubs, organizations and other groups.
Organizations using parliamentary procedure usually follow a fixed order of business. The method used by members to express themselves is in the form of moving motions. There are four Basic Types of Motions: Main Motions: The purpose of a main motion is to introduce items to the membership for their consideration. How are Motions Presented? Voting on a Motion: The method of vote on any motion depends on the situation and the by-laws of policy of your organization. Parlipro Parliamentary Procedure Online. The Official Robert's Rules of Order Web Site. Robert's Rules of Order Online - Parliamentary Procedure and Parliamentarians. Four Simple Rules of Parliamentary Procedure. Four Simple Rules of Parliamentary Procedure By A.
Gregory Wonderwheel, M.A., J.D. Many people are intimidated by the words "parliamentary procedure" and by Robert's Rules of Order, both by the book's imposing number of pages and its complex cross referenced rules. Human beings are very complex too, but that doesn't prevent them from being our friends. Similarly, parliamentary rules should be the member's friend, and all the complexity of the rules should be made friendly by an understanding of their common sense relationships to each other. The purpose of parliamentary rules of order are to help people make group decisions after a full, fair, and free discussion. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. All the rules of parliamentary procedure relate directly to one or more of these four simple rules.
Contact: Gregory Wonderwheel, 50 Santa Rosa Avenue, Suite 303 Santa Rosa, California 95404. Introduction to Robert's Rules of Order. Regras de Ordem de Robert Atualizadas. Bem vindos.
Esta área é dedicada à tradução das três obras do autor Henry Martyn Robert sobre o assunto das regras parlamentares para o uso em assembleias não-legislativas. Estas três obras são, a saber, Regras de Ordem de Robert Atualizadas, lançada em 1915, Prática Parlamentar, lançada em 1921 e Lei Parlamentar, lançada em 1923. Um pouco mais adiante explicaremos cada uma destas obras. O que são as "Regras de Ordem"? A melhor coisa a fazer é deixar que o autor ele mesmo explique.