Recording quicktime with sound in sync - advanced. I am in the middle of making a sort of interactive photo/video booth, the end outcome is short video clips recorded to disk that have sound embedded in the video clips.
Sound is played from script in ofw. I briefly touched on this subject before, although my intentions were misunderstood. So I'm back on this topic now and have been testing out zachs memory-movie-maker 1) As you add more frames to the video, of course the memory increases and the framerate drops. The flattened movie starts off ok and then speeds up towards the end. I've tried ofSetFrameRate with little effect.
Do you think creating a file and adding to that file, rather than a movie object in memory, would solve this problem, or are we always going to get slowdown when trying to create a movie? Any thoughts on quicktime movie creation much appreciated. I'm currently looking through the quicktime sample-programs19. A Scientific Guide to Posting Tweets, Facebook Posts, Emails and Blog Posts At the Best Time We're pretty keen on optimal timing for social media here at Buffer, and I figured it was high time I collected all the information we have about online communication into one place.
I've collected research and stats on Twitter, Facebook, email and blogging to help you find the best time to communicate with others in each format. The tricky thing I've come across is that since the web is still so new, a lot of the research available to us is conflicting. We really need more time and more studies to get definitive answers about what works best, and the fact that our audience members are constantly changing their own activity patterns makes it even harder to work out for sure. Looking at the latest social media stats seems to only confirm that.
So my suggestion would be to use this guide as just that--a guide to help you work out what to test for your own audience, so that you can see what actually works best in your specific case. Let's get into the stats then! >Character diamond generator. 21 Advanced Online Marketing Tactics to Massively Increase New Customers. How Supercell uses YouTube to engage players. The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutras community.
The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. I was browsing popular youtube videos one day. Guess what I found? Supercell’s Clash of Clan’s extremely fun 3D animated videos have amassed a huge following. Each video had at least a few million views. Supercell has done a fantastic job with marketing away from their native platforms. Let’s randomly pick a video from Supercell’s Youtube account: the official magic commercial with 17 million views. If we go down the list of videos created by Supercell, all have some form of comedic element that’s tied to a special scene or character in the game.
Setup My guess is, they probably have 5 people working on the making video commercials. Metrics. Ecrire un documentaire. Comment coucher sur papier un parti pris de mise en scène, comment anticiper le contenu d’interviews qui n’ont pas encore été enregistrées, exprimer son propre point de vue sur des images qui n’ont pas encore été tournées ?
Contrairement à ce qu’on pourrait penser, un documentaire ne se tourne pas « sur le vif », la plupart du temps, il prend naissance sous forme de scénario. Si un réalisateur peut, dans l’absolu, griffonner quelques notes avant de se lancer dans le tournage, il n’en aura pas moins besoin de fonds. A moins de s’auto financer, il lui faut trouver dans un premier temps un producteur, puis un diffuseur. Pour convaincre un décideur de l’intérêt et la viabilité du projet, l’auteur du futur documentaire va devoir rédiger un dossier comprenant synopsis, note d’intention et… scénario: voir qu’est-ce qu’un scénario?
Tutorials - Make Games SA. Presskit() - spend time making games, not press. Game Building Resources. The best FREE resources of game building for teachers and children: Building games for teaching Teach with Portal – Today, innovative educators are finding ways to incorporate Portal™ and Portal 2 into their classrooms—helping teach physics and critical-thinking skills.
It’s eye-opening to see how video games can be used in amazing and unexpected ways to help educate our next generation. You’ll find the beginnings of an engaging set of lesson plans, created by teachers, using the Portal 2 Puzzle Maker. Teachers sign up for the Education Beta and get access to Portal 2 and the Portal 2 Puzzle Maker and a teacher-created collection of puzzles for as many students as they’d like – for free. Machinima (from Knowclue’s wiki) – Film making in virtual worlds can have many roles in education from digital story telling and making documentaries by students in the K-12 classroom to creative expression in the Arts to training farmers about climate change in developing nations.
Pixel Art Tutorials. Oceans Dream.