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Messaging-Apps: Welche Chat-App ist die (un)sicherste? Bürgerrechtler haben Messenger auf Sicherheit geprüft.

Messaging-Apps: Welche Chat-App ist die (un)sicherste?

Dienste wie WhatsApp und Skype haben demnach gravierende Schwächen. Fragwürdig ist die gute Bewertung für Apple. 6. November 2014 16:51 Uhr Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + Skype auf einem Smartphone | © Asif Hassan/AFP/Getty Images Mehr als ein Jahr nach den Enthüllungen von Edward Snowden über den Überwachungsapparat der NSA hat sich etwas getan in Sachen Datensicherheit – jedenfalls auf den ersten Blick. Auf den zweiten Blick allerdings wird deutlich: Trotz einiger positiver Entwicklungen hat sichere Kommunikation keine Priorität bei den meisten Unternehmen. Anzeige Die Kriterien der EFF betreffen zum einen die Verschlüsselung und die Authentifizierung: Sind die Inhalte (aber nicht zwangsweise die Metadaten) auf dem Verkehrsweg verschlüsselt?

Schlechte Bewertungen für Yahoo, WhatsApp und Facebook Überraschend gut wurden dagegen die Apple-Dienste Facetime und iMessage mit jeweils fünf von sieben bestandenen Kriterien bewertet. Streik: Die verlorene Solidarität. Bitkom-Chef Dieter Kempf will Informatik als Pflichtfach. Willkommen im Informationszeitalter! İranın növbəti ali dini rəhbəri kim olacaq? - BBC Azərbaycanca. За вашу и нашу свободу. 1968 – 2014 - Ходорковский.ру. "Россия может столько не прожить" Чемпион мира по шахматам и общественный деятель Гарри Каспаров, прилетевший в Норвегию на "Форум свободы в Осло", встречается там с экс-главой ЮКОСа Михаилом Ходорковским, высказывания которого о Крыме, как и высказывания российского оппозиционного лидера Алексея Навального, прокомментировал накануне в своем блоге: "Ходорковский и Навальный игнорируют первостепенную задачу оппозиции".

"Россия может столько не прожить"

The junk ‘science’ behind the marijuana legalization movement. By Joseph PerroneOctober 20 at 6:00 AM Dr.

The junk ‘science’ behind the marijuana legalization movement

Joseph Perrone is the chief science officer at the Center for Accountability in Science, a project of the nonprofit Center for Organizational Research and Education, which is supported by businesses and foundations, including those in the hospitality, agriculture, and energy industries. Puffs Smoke Shop in Ashland, Ore., is seeking a license as a medical marijuana dispensary.

(Jeff Barnard/Associated Press) Already, 23 states allow marijuana to be prescribed for medicinal use, making it easy for proponents for broader legalization, such as the Marijuana Policy Project, to brand the drug as “harmless.” Evo Morales has proved that socialism doesn’t damage economies. The socialist Evo Morales, who yesterday was re-elected to serve a third term as president of Bolivia, has long been cast as a figure of fun by the media in the global north.

Evo Morales has proved that socialism doesn’t damage economies

Much like the now deceased Hugo Chávez, Morales is often depicted as a buffoonish populist whose flamboyant denouncements of the United States belie his incompetence. And so, reports of his landslide win inevitably focused on his announcement that it was “a victory for anti-imperialism”, as though anti-US sentiment is the only thing Morales has given to Bolivia in his eight years in government. According to a report by the Centre for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) in Washington, “Bolivia has grown much faster over the last eight years than in any period over the past three and a half decades.”

When the West wanted Islam to curb Christian extremism. Russian and Ottoman forces battle in 1788 over a port on the Black Sea.

When the West wanted Islam to curb Christian extremism

(Wikimedia Commons) The tiresome debate over whether Islam is somehow more violent than other religions unfortunately won't go away. Recent spats between outspoken commentator Reza Aslan, TV host Bill Maher and neuroscientist Sam Harris -- who said on Maher's show that Islam was "the mother lode of bad ideas" -- have launched a thousand blog posts and vitriolic tweets. Writing last week in The Washington Post's opinion pages, Fareed Zakaria acknowledged the existence of an unpleasant level of intolerance in some Muslim-majority countries, but stressed such societal ills can't be laid at the feet of a whole religion.

"So, the strategy to reform Islam," Zakaria asks Maher, Harris and their supporters, "is to tell 1.6 billion Muslims, most of whom are pious and devout, that their religion is evil and they should stop taking it seriously? " Legalisierung von Cannabis: "Einem 23-jährigen Kiffer mit Rastalocken hört niemand zu" About Open Knowledge Foundation Labs. We're a community of civic hackers, data wranglers and ordinary citizens intrigued and excited by the possibilities of combining technology and information for good – making government more accountable, culture more accessible and science more efficient.

About Open Knowledge Foundation Labs

We focus on making things - whether that’s apps, insights or tools. We have a strong preference for open data and free / open source software. We're part of the Open Knowledge Foundation Network and operate as a collaborative community which anyone can join. Open Knowledge: Home. SkullSecurity. Social engineering (security) Social engineering, in the context of information security, refers to psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.

Social engineering (security)

A type of confidence trick for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or system access, it differs from a traditional "con" in that it is often one of many steps in a more complex fraud scheme. The term "social engineering" as an act of psychological manipulation is also associated with the social sciences, but its usage has caught on among computer and information security professionals.[1] All social engineering techniques are based on specific attributes of human decision-making known as cognitive biases.[2] These biases, sometimes called "bugs in the human hardware", are exploited in various combinations to create attack techniques, some of which are listed.

Информационный взрыв: как данные меняют технику, бизнес, науку и всё остальное. Informationsforensik: “Wir müssen uns den Wahrscheinlichkeiten zuwenden.” From information activism to data journalism and visualisations at Hacks/Hackers Berlin. Suchen - Qwant. The man who 'nearly broke the internet' Sven Olaf Kamphuis, taken from his Facebook page. Photograph: Guardian. How Technology Wrecks the Middle Class. Bill Pugliano/Getty Images Robot arms welded a vehicle on the assembly line at a General Motors plant in Lansing, Mich., in 2010. In the four years since the Great Recession officially ended, the productivity of American workers — those lucky enough to have jobs — has risen smartly.

But the United States still has two million fewer jobs than before the downturn, the unemployment rate is stuck at levels not seen since the early 1990s and the proportion of adults who are working is four percentage points off its peak in 2000. This job drought has spurred pundits to wonder whether a profound employment sickness has overtaken us. And from there, it’s only a short leap to ask whether that illness isn’t productivity itself. IDD2000 top page. 40 maps that explain the world. By Max Fisher By Max Fisher August 12, 2013 Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to.

40 maps that explain the world

So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they're no less fascinating and easily understandable. A majority are original to this blog, with others from a variety of sources. I've included a link for further reading on close to every one. КОМПЬЮТЕРНАЯ РЕВОЛЮЦИЯ В СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ПЕРСПЕКТИВЕ. r0g / agency for open culture and critical transformation. Juba.

r0g / agency for open culture and critical transformation

The world’s first Open Source City? (dispatch v.1 01.06.2012) Thursday June 21, 2012KOW Brunnenstr. 9, Berlin 19.00 – 21.00 South Sudan and Open Source Culture Friday June 22, 2012SUPERMARKT Brunnestr. 64, Berlin 10.00 – 18.00 Open Source and Post-Conflict Development Conference | Workshop. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Informationssysteme. Comparison of the Education Systems of Germany and Canada — German Institute for International Educational Research. Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Wer hat uns verraten? Metadaten! » Sprache bringt es an den Tag. As We May Think. Informatik in Bildung und Gesellschaft. Führer hipnozu. Nasional-sosializmin anatomiyası. Open source. ScienceLab. The vision The web has revolutionized many aspects of our everyday life, from media to education and business.


But even though the web was invented by scientists, we still have not yet seen it change scientific practice to nearly the same extent. In scientific research, we’re dealing with special circumstances, trying to innovate upon hundreds of years of entrenched norms and practices, broken incentive structures and gaps in training that are dramatically slowing down the system, keeping us from making the steps forward needed to better society. The aim of the Science Lab is to foster an ongoing dialogue between the open web community and researchers to tackle this challenge.

Together they'll share ideas, tools and best practices for using next-generation web solutions to solve real problems in science, and explore ways to make research faster, more agile and collaborative. Focus areas. Warum das Schulsystem in Finnland so gut ist. In Finnlands Schulsystem läuft vieles anders. Der Kooperationsgedanke bestimmt das Geschehen - nicht Leistungsdruck und Konkurrenz. What Is Open ICT4D? - Open ICT for Development. Open ICT4D is the use of new ICTs to engage in “open” processes to achieve development gains.

More specifically, open ICT4D is a way of organizing social activities for development benefits that favour: Universal over restricted access to communication tools and information. For example, access to the telecommunications infrastructure through a mobile phone, or access to an online content such as MIT’s Open CourseWare (OCW) or government information.Universal over restricted participation in informal and formal groups/institutions. For example, the use of SMS to mobilize political protests, or new e-government implementations that provide increased transparency and new accountability arrangements.Collaborative over centralized production of information, cultural content, and physical goods. For example, collaborative production of school textbooks, co-creation of government services, mesh networks.

So you want to compare educational systems from different countries? Where to start? Comparing educational systems is quite popular, but a very difficult task as the contexts can be very different. Tests as PIRLS, TIMMS or PISA do a good job trying to bypass this burden, but still the impact of the context remains. There are some good resources for getting to know the different educational systems and countries. Finnische Schulen: Jedes einzelne Kind zählt. Neun Jahre lang lernen alle Schüler zusammen: Das finnische Schulsystem ist nicht vom Himmel gefallen, sondern das Resultat einer bewussten und gewollten politischen Entscheidung. Opetushallitus - Etusivu. Bildungssystem in Finnland. The NSA Files: PRISM & Boundless Information. Schlaflosigkeit: Jonathan Crary über schlaflose Gesellschaft. Warum ich die USA häufiger kritisiere als beispielsweise Russland und weshalb das trotzdem kein Antiamerikanismus ist. These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America.

S.P.O.N. Gregor Diez: Migranten und die Deutsche Einheit. It's socialism for the rich and capitalism for the rest of us in Britain. Eins zu eins - Wenn der Kandidat Kanzler wäre : Sendung vom 03.09.2014. Video "Dokumentarfilm im Ersten: Wem gehört die Stadt?" Umfragen von Angela Merkels Regierung. AfD erstattet Anzeige gegen Yasmin Fahimi. Программа_1.pdf. Weder Krieg noch Frieden im Südkaukasus. How the World Really Works. Funk. Outline of political science. Political science. S Blog. Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft. The NSA Files: PRISM & Boundless Information. Шамиль Басаев был прав (точка зрения) Full-Page Ad Inspired By Turkish Protests Is One Of Indiegogo's Fastest Campaigns Ever. Российским научным журналам запрещено выставлять статьи в интернете. Только падение цен на нефть может дать толчок мировой экономике. Кто оплатил грузинскую мечту: первое интервью Иванишвили после ухода из политики.

Ein Land mit vielen Gesichtern vom 29.12.2013: Aserbaidschan als Gaslieferant Europas. Putin, Obama, Merkel: Die Akteure in der Krim-Krise. Бакинская нефть: более 118 млрд. долларов за 10 лет. Azərbaycanın saxta tarixçiliyi.