Profession - Doctor Passion - History Mission - Unity
Sons of the Sanussi. A violent and unhinged dictator has used overwhelming air power and foreign mercenaries to mow down Libyans who dare protest against his tyranny. Teachers, lawyers, and peasants have taken up arms in a rag-tag rebellion against the dictator. Egyptians vow to help their brothers and sisters in Libya but can do little due to their own difficult political situation. There are a great many similarities between the genocide perpetrated by the forces of Mussolini in his vain attempt to re-enact the Roman conquest of Libya and the actions of Gaddafi today.
Back then, the Libyan people faced seemingly insurmountable odds against victory. They were armed with ancient rifles and swords whilst the Italian army faced them down with all the resources available of a modern state, everything from tanks to fighter planes. Despite the desperate situation, Libyans continued their struggle against their oppressors with persistence. Free of Alcohol? - IBlog - Culture & Entertainment. The End: The Anniversary of the Abolition of the Caliphate.
This year on the 4th of March was the 86th Anniversary of an event so momentous that we are still feeling the after-shocks of it today. It marked a turning point in history, but one that many people are blissfully unaware of. To fully appreciate it the significance of this anniversary, we must take ourselves back to Istanbul. The year is 1924. It is sometime after midnight. A single light, coming from the library, is on in the Dolmabache palace.
There, an old man sits and reads the Qurʾān pondering over the state of his Ummah. Even though he is surrounded by such opulence as the eye can barely contain, he cuts a lonely figure. Two years ago, his cousin Muḥammad VI had been exiled to Italy (where he later starved to death) and the Ottoman Sultanate had been abolished. Finally, on the night of March 4th, they made their move. Before Fajr prayer, the Caliph was taken to the main train station at gunpoint where he and his family were put on the Orient Express bound for Switzerland. Necmettin Erbakan: Father of the Turkish Evolution. On the 27th of February 2011, an 86 year old Turkish man died in a hospital in Istanbul. However, he was no ordinary person. Necmettin Erbakan was one of the great Muslim leaders of the last century and a reviver of Islam in Turkey.
The son of an Ottoman Qadi, Necmettin was born into a turbulent and unsettled world. The Ottoman Empire that had ruled large parts of the Muslim world for five centuries had just been dismembered and the Caliphate was abolished 2 years before he was born. Within a few tumultuous years, Turkey had gone from being the last bastion of the Islamic world to a strange land where the absolute majority were Muslims but the adhān was banned in Arabic, Medrasa were closed down and all displays of faith disparaged.
The Turkey that Erbakan grew up in was one in which it was profoundly disadvantageous to be a man of faith, yet this did not dent his zeal. He founded a party by the same name to help bring about this transformation. The Revolution Within My Soul-Lessons from Tahrir. Groups of young activists marched through the streets of Cairo, Alexandria and Ismailia. They were waving placards denouncing Hosni Mubarak and calling for the overthrow of the corrupt political system that had held them in virtual enslavement. They had been building to this point for many years now and had planned long and hard for this moment.
Some of them had been arrested, some of them had been tortured and some had been killed – yet they continued to organize. Now, they were out on the streets and their goal was clear – Liberation (Tahrir) Square. I watched them utilize the internet and social media to organize a revolution and wondered how come all I had managed to do was to waste time on the same sites. Keep supporting MuslimMatters for the sake of Allah Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. It is past midnight. My Encounter With Brian Haw - the Stalwart Peace Activist. Brian Haw was an English peace campaigner and activist.
He spent the last ten years of his life camped outside the Parliament in London protesting against any perceived injustice. His one man vigil made him into a celebrity in the UK where his tenacity and determination won him widespread admiration. He died of lung cancer on the 18th of June 2011. Even nerds need fresh air every once in a while. And so it was, on a balmy Thursday evening – a couple of friends and I found ourselves eating ice cream in Central London. Excited about the prospect of doing something interesting for a change, we had left the university dorms without a clear plan. Even on this dark night, it was hard to miss Brian Haw. Normally, I would be indignant at someone making assumptions about my level of apathy, but I could not help but be impressed at the moral courage of a man who was willing to stand up for the sake of people he did not know and had no connection to, apart from their being fellow humans.
Female Tourists in Arab World: Uncovered Report - Places - Culture & Entertainment. When I first started travelling the Muslim world with my wife I decided to do my homework and read up about what it would be like to visit these countries. As I scanned the forums and websites for travel tips and useful information from people who had made the same journey in the past, I began to notice a recurring theme that alarmed me. Western women would often discuss the sexual harassment they received in Muslim countries and try to warn others on how to avoid it.
At first I dismissed their views as the ranting of Islamophobic tourists who had preconceived notions that all Muslim men were rude and uncouth. But a little more research and discussion with Muslim sisters revealed that there was some basis to these views. I was deeply upset that such behavior sometimes took place and had become so closely associated with some Muslim men.
Here we are trying to argue about how Islam liberates women by valuing them for their piety and intellect, not their looks. But, Respecting Women is… Book Review: The Character Assassination of Malcolm X. Since I was a young boy growing up, the story of Malcolm X captivated me. Before I hit my 13th birthday, I had already read his autobiography, watched the Spike Lee movie and sat through countless hours of his recorded speeches with my African-American teachers – many of whom had reverted to Islam after meeting or learning about him. The fascination continued through college and Medical School, where a group of friends and I gave presentations on the life of Malcolm X at Universities across the UK. Therefore, as you can imagine, I eagerly awaited the latest biography by Professor Manning Marable called “Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention.” He had based his book on a decade worth of research and set out to reveal the man behind the legend.
However, the emotion that I experienced whilst reading the book was not one of discovery or insight, but of profound disappointment bordering on disgust. Donuts Or Dignity? - IBlog - Culture & Entertainment. 5 Historic Events During Ramadan that Rocked the World. Ramadan 2012 Posts We all know that Ramadan is the month of fasting, abstinence and reflection. However, what we may not know is that Ramadan also just happens to be a month of awesome history defining events that shaped the world we live in today. Here are my top 5 events that occurred in the month of Ramadan: 5. Battle of Guadalete Ramadan, the 92nd year of Hijrah (711 C.E.) a slave of the Umayyad governor of Africa and his Berber troops faced off against the Visigoth king of Spain.
Having landed shortly before on a large rock at the bottom of Spain (that to this day is names after him), Tariq literally burned the boats that brought him and his comrades from the Maghreb. Thus began 800 years of Muslim rule in Andalusia that was the apogee of Umayyad civilization, laid the basis of the European enlightenment and proved that Muslims, Christians and Jews could live in harmony – well, at least until the Inquisition came along. 4.
But did you know that he also had impeccable timing? 3. 2. 1. 3 Ramadan Traditions at Risk of Extinction. Ramadan2012 Posts Over the course of the last 1400 years, Muslims have developed various traditions for the month of Ramaḍān. With the march of technology, some of these traditions are at risk of going extinct without us even realizing it. Here are just a few: 3. Giving the adhān at Ifṭār time Ibn Umar narrated that the Prophet said, “The muezzin will receive forgiveness to the extent the voice of his adhān reaches; every living and non-living thing that hears his voice will supplicate for his forgiveness.” Now, having just read that ḥadīth, the logical thing to do is to make sure that you're the one giving the adhān at every single opportunity. Here in the UK, many Muslim families sit down to ifṭār with the radio or TV set to a Muslim station and await the adhān. 2.
Hard as it is to believe, alarm clocks are a relatively new invention. The Muslims would wake up and have their suḥūr and offer some to the beggar if they were able to. Ummmm – where's the snooze button on this guy? 1. Mabrook! 4 Ways that London 2012 Made Muslims Feel Welcome. Every time you look at the news, you can't help but be hit by at least one Islamophobic story. Well, at least that is the way I felt for a long time. Whether it was a scare over how halal food was infiltrating British supermarkets or indignation over how Muslims were all inherently bent on the violent destruction of Western civilization – I despaired of ever seeing Muslims being treated with a modicum of decency and respect. Then came the London Olympics and I was pleasantly surprised to find an altogether different picture. 4. Visibly Muslim Volunteers Out of the different organisations that were involved in volunteering for the games, there were many who hired people who looked visibly Muslim. 3.
It was a topic of much fascination in the British media that the Olympics would coincide with Ramadan. 2. Muslims are used to being persecuted or at the very least being harassed for undertaking work inviting others to Islam. 1. 3 New Ramadan Traditions that Should be Ditched. Ramadan 2012 Posts Every age has its own specific Ramadan traditions. In times gone by, this would include laying a sheet of food outside the veranda of the house so that passing travelers and poor people would be tempted to come in and break their fast with better food than would be available to them at the time. In other areas they would put out special lamps in the streets to light the way for those on their way to the mosque. However, not all traditions are good and these days we have our fair share of horrible traditions that need to be ditched. 3. Hospitality tents Here in the Western world we may not be so aware of these hospitality tents, but in parts of the Muslim world they have become part of the Ramadan scenery.
Originally, Ramadan tents were meant to be set up by the rich so that poor Muslims could break their fast a little more lavishly than what they were used to. 2. 1. Lesson from history? 5 Examples of Supreme Muslim Tolerance. As we see the images of burning embassies and burnt flags unfolding across the Muslim world, it is easy for non-Muslims (and some Muslims too) to jump to the conclusion that there is an inherent lack of tolerance amongst “religious” Muslims.
A lot of this is down to the hypocrisy of trying to judge others by standards that are completely your own. Generally speaking, just because the West tolerates blasphemy on a grand scale, this does not mean that people who condemn blasphemy are necessarily intolerant. Some of it is down to pure Islamophobia, in which Muslims are seen as irrational, violent, and pathological zealots. A fair proportion of this is rooted in a deep-seated ignorance of the supremely tolerant history and nature of Islam. Here are just a few examples of exceptional Muslim tolerance: 5. Here's a quick game you can play… What happened to the Muslims of any land in which Non-Muslims ruled them? In Communist Russia they were forcibly marched into the gulags of Siberia. 4. 3. 2. 1. 5 things Muslims can learn from Christmas. There will usually be two types of reactions to the title of this article. The first will be along the lines of, “Finally.
Someone who agrees that there's nothing wrong with celebrating Christmas and having a tree, turkey, Christmas cards etc…” The second will be along the lines of “Astaghfirullāh. How can Muslims learn anything from a non-Muslim holiday?” This article certainly does NOT condone the ever-increasing practice of imitating non-Muslims in the celebration of their holidays. However, I do believe that there are lessons that we can draw from the way that non-Muslims celebrate their holiday. So, what are these lessons? 1. In a capitalist society, everyone's worth is judged by their bank balance. 2.
I remember watching a news report about how many non-Muslims set themselves back financially to buy the best presents they can for their entire family. Who said, “Give gifts to one another and you will love one another.” 3. Who doesn't know the story of Christmas? 4. 5. 5 Benefits of Volunteering. Volunteering is a beneficial and productive form of sadaqa , or helping give to those in need. Not only are you benefitting others, you are earning reward, and – a fact that is often overlooked – learning how to become more productive in your everyday life. Here are 5 ways that volunteering encourages those who are involved to become more productive Muslims: 1.
Causes you to be organised “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) walked briskly, literally leaning forward as if going downhill” [Abu Dawud] . Like the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) , the serious volunteer is someone who has little time to waste. 2. . “ Verily, by Allah, we think that every believer blames himself. It is only when you open the doors to constructive criticism, that you are able to make changes that allow you to be the best volunteer you can possibly be and make changes that benefit others. 3.
There’s nothing like friendly competition to encourage people. 4. 5. About the Author: 4 Reasons Why Muslims Shouldn’t Celebrate New Year’s. Every year, a large number of Muslims get into the festive spirit and celebrate New Year's day. Whether it's Facebook status updates, Twitter messages or even holding New Years eve parties – many Muslims (especially, but not exclusively in the West) go the whole 9 yards when it comes to ringing in the New Year. But is this a harmless innovation or the first step on a slippery slope? I believe that it is the latter. Here are 4 reasons why Muslims should NOT celebrate New Years: 4. As Muslims, we have our own calendar that has been in constant use for 1400 years. The Gregorian calendar (so called because it was developed by Pope Gregory) decided on the 1st of January as the New Year to celebrate the circumcision of Jesus. 3. Any celebration by Muslims needs to be put into context of the local and global situation of the Ummah.
Salahuddin Ayyubi was once asked why he hardly ever smiled even though this was a sunnah of the Prophet (SAW.) 2. Let's be honest. 1. 5 beneficial ways Muslims can spend the holidays. Sanussi Spirit: History Speaks About Libya - History - Culture & Entertainment. Twitter Battles: 3 lessons for Muslim Tweeters from the Boston bombings. Charity Week Revolution Spreads Across the UK - Muslims 4 Humanity - Family. UK Muslim Students Raise Record-Breaking Amount for Orphans! - Muslims 4 Humanity - Family. 5 Amazing Stories from Charity Week 2012. Charity Week 2010: Muslim Students in the UK Show the Power of Unity. UK Muslim Students Shine at Charity Week - Muslim Making a Difference - Family. 9 Things You Didn't Know About The Prophet's Mosque. Ten Things You Didn’t Know About The Kaaba. The Change We Need... - IBlog - Culture & Entertainment.