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Old Eyes - Hakaisha - Multifandom. They had won, but it had been a battle of attrition, as the military personnel would've put it. They had won, but oh, the cost. Not to them, personally, save for the usual spread of bruises and broken bones, but the had been reduced to crumbled buildings and a lake of fire. The air stank of burning flesh, acrid and putrid and nauseatingly sweet. “Evac! Go help evac the civilians!” Steve had shouted at them, and they'd scattered in all directions. They'd taken up rescue operations after the battle, but there hadn't been much to save. “Power levels at 22% and falling, sir,” JARVIS informed Tony. “Yeah, yeah...” “Roll call?” “Fine,” Clint and Natasha said together, busily wrapping bandages and burn dressings. “I am well,” Thor rumbled. “Great. Thor shrugged. “Yeah, me too, but I'd like to double check.”

“Sir, with power levels at 17% and damage to the thrusters, it is unadvised to attempt sustained flight.” Tony sighed, not even dignifying that with a response, and began to jog. Turkey Soldier - copperbadge, historymiss - Marvel, Winter Soldier (Comics), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types. Bucky has a firm policy: never say no to free food, especially on Thanksgiving. 1. Maria Stark Foundation Charity Brunch Bucky always gets an invite, he’s not sure why; maybe Stark just forgot he put him on the invite list one year and never took him off. Anyway, it’s a great breakfast: succulent turkey gravy in crepes, “breakfast stuffing bites” made from hashed browns and sausage and egg, mini potato pancakes. Plus he gets to watch Stark convince rich old bastards to put more money than they intended to into the hat for charity. 2.

He doesn’t eat much at the soup kitchen; after all, the food’s not for him. He usually finds some kid who looks especially like they could use a hand, and sits down with them and shares a second helping of food while they talk. But that’s not really Thanksgiving; that’s just Thursday, for the Bucky who remembers when Steve used to fake asthma attacks so Bucky could steal apples and walnuts off the fruit vendors’ carts. 3. 4. 5.

They share things, after all. Things Ain't So Lonely Anymore - arsenicarcher (Arsenic) - The Avengers (2012), Marvel Avengers Movies Universe, Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types. Dyslexia 'Verse - hoosierbitch - Marvel, Marvel (Movies), Marvel Avengers Movies Universe, The Avengers (2012. By Any Other Name - Liannabob - Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (2012. Folkin' Around verse - DemonQueen666 - Captain America (2011), Marvel (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (2012), Thor (2011), Thor (Movies. Humans Underneath - Hakaisha - Captain America (2011), Incredible Hulk (2008), Iron Man (Movies), Marvel (Movies), Marvel Avengers Movies Universe, The Avengers (2012)

Gone Too Soon - Hakaisha - Multifandom. It would be weeks before the public remembered Obadiah Stane. Compared to the news of the foremost (now former) weapons manufacturer the world over donning an iron (gold titanium, damn it) suit and saving the world, his death didn't even bear mentioning – even if he had once been closer than blood to the Iron Man himself. Tony'd sent Pepper to deal with the fallout, and sent Happy to help her; Agent Coulson was probably keeping watch while simultaneously doctoring Obie's death.

(He'd stick to the cards for that one, at least.) Then he left the hospital (trailing SHIELD's jury-rigged electromagnet that supplemented his dying arc reactor, and goddamn it if the sight of it didn't send chills down his spine) and immediately headed to his workshop. “JARVIS? “Welcome home, sir,” JARVIS said; few others could've heard the soft relief there. “Jesus,” Tony frowned at his phone, still stubbornly emitting the same dreary dial tone. “Fuck.” didn't matter, anyway. How had he missed it? “Sir? Absolution's Grace - Hakaisha - Captain America (2011), Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Marvel (Movies), Marvel Avengers Movies Universe, The Avengers (2012)

A Splintered Tomorrow - Hakaisha - Captain America (2011), Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Marvel (Movies), Marvel Avengers Movies Universe, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (2012) Snow Would Be the Easy Way Out - lowbudgetcyborg - The Avengers (2012) "We sit down in the smell of the past and rise in a light that is already leaving. " "November for Beginners," Rita Dove It had been one of those gross missions where everyone just hit the shower stalls near the medbay on the "Avengers HQ" floor of the Tower, rather than track any gunk into their own apartments. When he emerged from the shower in a t-shirt and sweatpants Tony was already out, half dressed, and sharing a kiss with Pepper. Steve could hear Bruce's and Thor's showers still running, and Thor humming some battle ballad just a little louder than the water. It had seemed a little... forward... to him at first, but after one unexpected battle that he, Clint, and Thor had fought in their civilian clothes Clint had just casually strolled into his shower and helped him wash out all the dirt and gravel that had become embedded in his skin.

Pepper smiled at him. Steve smiled back at her and tried to make it genuine. "So! " "In swimsuits, please," Pepper interjected. "Fine, swimsuits. The Healing Properties of Felt-Tip Pens - Echo - The Avengers (2012) There was the briefest moment, the tiniest spark of something which could have been pain in Steve's knuckles. It traveled, short and sharp and immeasurably short lived, up the tendons in his forearm and bicep, fading from existence in his shoulder. As always, the thud of the punching bag echoed far louder and longer than that momentary, blessed burst of physical sensation. It was supposed to hurt. He was supposed to feel it hurting. After everything that had happened, why couldn't he make it hurt?

Steve punched the bag again, harder, and again, heavier, paying little heed to style or technique. The soft sound of someone clearing their throat brought him back to himself. The towel had the Stark Industries logo on it. Of course it did. Steve wiped his face and neck, then turned, carefully folding the towel and placing it on a nearby bench. "Doctor Banner. "No, you really don't. Steve looked away. Steve blinked, unfamiliar with the terminology.

Steve nodded slowly. "I am though. "So... Ah. There is nothing like a dame - Anonymous - Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (2012) Beginning of Wisdom - Jaune_Chat - The Avengers (2012), Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe. Principles of Fluid Dynamics - hannasus - Multifandom. Chapter Text “Fluids are composed of molecules that collide with one another and solid objects.

The continuum assumption, however, considers fluids to be continuous, rather than discrete. Consequently, properties such as density, pressure, temperature, and velocity are taken to be well-defined at infinitesimally small points, and are assumed to vary continuously from one point to another.” Once upon a time there were a bunch of strangers with some freaky superpowers who came together to save the world from an alien invasion. After they were finished saving the world they all went out for shawarma together.

And then they went their separate ways. The end. Or not. There’s no such thing as the Avengers. It doesn’t matter that the news won’t fucking shut up about them. SHIELD’s official position is that the Avengers never existed in the first place and they sure as hell don’t exist now. “You’re both fired,” Fury said. Clint stared at him. Natasha pressed her lips together and didn’t say anything. There’s a small town in my mind - pigeonstatueconundrum - Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, The Avengers - All Fandoms, Marvel Avengers Movies Universe. Chapter Text Phillip Coulson is a man of few words, and one of those is not sentiment.

There are three lies in that sentence, can you spot them? 1974 “Don’t touch me”, he spat out, Cold angry words to act as weapons when he could defend himself no other way. The man was unperturbed, his expression still inexplicably calm. His hand continued to reach out to examine the boy’s shin. “I said get away,” the boy wildly twisted away, an animalistic cry escaped his mouth a mixture of pain and fear. The man just laughed, “And I don’t want some ignorant little kid who no one wanted bleeding in my yard.” Phil looked up at the man and could only nod; he was too tired for anything else. Phil thought they were belabouring the point by making him sit in from of the window. Petrology, Phil thought, ignoring the pain from his left shin, the study of the composition, origin, structure and formation of rocks. His partner ignored this tirade in favour of looking back at Phil. “What’s your name kid?” Avengers assemble. Ficlet: In Which Steve Rogers Has a Sweet Tooth.

Sifer's Valomilk Candy - Candy Favorites. Valomilk Candy Cups were first created in 1931 when a candy maker added too much vanilla to a marshmallow batch. Instead of hardening when it cooled, the marshmallow remained smooth and flowing and this from a simple accident, a great candy bar was born! Think of these as a "Gourmet" version of Mallo Cups. The candy maker poured it into milk chocolate cups (about 2" round) to contain it, and a creamy, sweet sensation was created. Valomilks still adhere to the original recipe and slogan: "When it runs down your chin, you know it's a Valomilk! " Please note that Valomilk's are extremely heat sensitive and we recommend at least three (3) ice pack per case when shipping into warm weather areas and, if possible, Expedited Shipping! offers the internet's largest candy selection and we would love customers to share childhood memories and thoughts about sweets from their past.

Price: $42.33 Rating: %s based on %s review(s): 1930's Candy I have loved Valomilks for years! Texts From Last Tony - baconnegg - Multifandom. Please Don't Spoil the Movie by Adding Your Own Soundtrack - laughingacademy - The Avengers (2012. Okay, remember I told you that during Memorial Day weekend, the AMC theater on Forty-second Street was going to be showing Pixar movies all day? Fortunately, it's far enough west that it wasn't damaged in the alien attack, so that Sunday, I’m there for the afternoon screening of Wall-E. It’s not sold out, but there’s a good-sized audience. Lots of kids, of course, including this one adorable little girl dressed up as Boo from Monsters, Inc., but also a lot of grown-ups who are obviously not playing chaperone but are just there to see the cartoons, which is why I don’t pay any particular attention to these two dark-haired guys sitting a couple rows back, except to wonder where I’ve seen them before because they both look familiar.

Anyway, the movie starts, and like five minutes in, this idiot two seats to my right starts texting. Now I am not expecting perfect movie-watching etiquette on this occasion, because, you know, little kids, but this was an alleged adult. For about ten minutes.